Technical Provisions - Section 27
Revised Standard Specifications
The 2001 edition of the Department’sStandard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (Standard Specifications) are hereby revised as indicated in Table 27-1. A section with revision status of “Replace” in Table 27-1 is to be replaced in its entirety with the corresponding section contained herein.A section in Table 27-1 with revision status of “New” is to be added to the Standard Specifications using the corresponding section contained herein. Sections not listed in Table 27-1 are unchanged from the 2001 edition.
Table 27-1Revised Department Standard SpecificationsSection / Revision Status / Section Title
106.12 / Replace / Buy America
211 / Replace / Erosion Control
212 / Replace / Landscape and Aesthetics
213 / Replace / Irrigation Systems
496 / New / Polymer Concrete
497 / New / Thin Bonded Multilayer Overlay
501 / Replace / Portland Cement Concrete
502 / Replace / Concrete Structures
503 / Replace / Prestressed Concrete and Precast Members
504 / Replace / Lightweight Concrete for Structures
505 / Replace / Reinforcing Steel
506 / Replace / Steel Structures
508 / Replace / Driven Piles
509 / Replace / Drilled Shaft Foundations
601 / Replace / Pipe Culverts - General
603 / Replace / Reinforced Concrete Pipe
606 / Replace / Structural Plate Culverts
614 / Replace / Painting
640 / Replace / Retaining Walls
642 / New / Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls
643 / New / Ground Anchors
644 / New / Soil Nail Retaining Walls
646 / Replace / Dampproofing, Waterproofing, Sealing, and Membranes
660 / Replace / Pneumatically Placed Concrete Mortar
710 / Replace / Structural Steel
712 / Replace / Miscellaneous Metal
713 / Replace / Reinforcement
714 / Replace / Paint
715 / Replace / Galvanizing
725 / New / Elastomeric Bearing Pads
726 / Replace / Roadside Materials
27.2Revised Standard Specifications
The language in the following sections is hereby incorporated into the Standard Specifications.
Technical Provisions - Section 27
Revisions to the Standard Specifications
106.12 Buy America. In accordance with Title 23 CFR 635.410, permanently incorporated steel and/or iron materials on Federal-Aid projects shall be domestically produced regardless of the percentage they comprise in a manufactured product or form they take.
Minimal use of foreign steel materials will be permitted provided the cost of said materials does not exceed 1/10 of 1% of the total contract cost or $2,500.00, whichever is greater. The combined cost of foreign steel and/or iron materials will be the value of the materials as they are delivered to the contract, documented by invoice or bill of sale to the contractor. Submit for review a request to use foreign materials, prior to their use. Do not incorporate any foreign steel materials into the project without approval.
To qualify as domestic steel, all manufacturing processes, including manufacture, fabrication, grinding, drilling, welding, finishing, coating, and assembly of product containing steel and/or iron materials, must have been performed in the United States. To further define the coverage, a domestic product is a manufactured steel and/or iron materials construction material that was produced in one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or in the territories or possessions of the United States. Raw materials used in the steel and/or production may be imported. Raw materials are materials such as iron ore, limestone, waste products, etc. which are used in the manufacturing process to produce the steel and/or irons materials products. Waste products include scrap; i.e., steel no longer useful in its present form from old automobiles, machinery, pipe, railroad rail, steel trimmings from mills or product manufacturing, and the like. Extracting, crushing, and handling the raw materials which are customary to prepare them for transporting are exempt from Buy America. The use of foreign steel or iron billets is not acceptable under Buy America.
Provide a Certificate of Materials Origin, using NDOT form 020-095, certifying materials comply with the Buy America requirements as specified above. Submit the certification prior to installation of the material. Unless a Certificate of Materials Origin has been provided, the materials will be considered of foreign origin.
Technical Provisions - Section 27
Revisions to the Standard Specifications
211.01.01General.This work consists of preparing slopes, placing and incorporating topsoil, soil testing, weed treatment with herbicides, seeding, hydro-seeding, soil amending, inoculating, mulching, applying tackifier, placing erosion control fabric, and applying soil stabilizer on graded and disturbed areas.
Coordinate erosion control work with the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
Coordinate erosion control work with NPDES Phase 2 permit requirements.
Per NPDES Phase 2 permit requirements, 70% of pre-disturbance native plant cover shall be achieved before the Notice of Termination (NOT) can be issued. If adequate coverage is not achieved, reapply all components of erosion control treatment.
Unless the project site is irrigated, perform seeding and hydro-seeding from September 15 to February 15 for any year.
Apply erosion control work within 60 days of finish grading unless this date falls outside of September 15 to February 15. Apply temporary erosion control treatments per specifications andthe Department’s Best Management Practice Manual within 30 days of finish grading to all areas not treated between September 15 and February 15.
Upon completion of installation and approved inspections, provide a certification letter from a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) that the project has been installed in accordance with the approved plans and Department approved changes.
Submit a Weed Management Plan indicating schedule and methodology for management of noxious and invasive weeds throughout project.
211.02.01 General.Material shall conform to the following Section:
Roadside Materials ...... Section 726
The rates of application of seed, inoculants, mulch, tackifier, and soil stabilizer will be specified in the contract documents.
211.03.01Topsoil (Salvage). Remove existing topsoil to a depth of 150 mm (6 in.) or as shown or specified.Screen the material according to Subsection 726.03.02.Stockpile this material in approved areas.
Do not stockpile topsoil more than 1.8 m (6 feet) in height and do not compact stockpiles.Stabilize stockpiles of topsoil that are in place for less than 1 month with water or dust palliative. Dust palliative shall not inhibit vegetative growth.For topsoil stockpiles in place more than 1 month apply an erosion control treatment to the stockpile consisting of a slurry with seed, soil inoculant, mulch, tackifier, water and amendments as specified.Maintain stockpiles using Best Management Practices in accordance with NDOT’s Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual.
If areas for topsoil stockpiles are limited and require stockpiling at heights greater than 1.8 m (6 feet) in height, apply an erosion control treatment as specified above.
Transport topsoil material to designated areas and apply the screened material uniformly. If needed, moisten with water as directed to increase the bond between the topsoil and subsoil. The topsoil finished surface shall conform to the finished grade contours depicted on the grading plans.
211.03.02 Preparation. Cultivate & roughen slope with rippers, discs or other approved equipment, on the direction with the contours where possible, to the depth shown in the contract documents and uniformly spread topsoil, if required, to a minimum thickness of 75 mm (3 in.).
Do not perform cultivation until all other equipment is through working in the area.
Operate equipment such that furrows are produced perpendicular to the natural flow of water.
For all staging areas and disturbed sites, loosen all compacted soils to a depth of 100 to 150 mm (4 to 6 in.) with rippers, discs, or other approved equipment prior to seeding or hydro-seeding.
211.03.03Placement of Topsoil.Transport approved topsoil directly from the source to final position. Evenly & uniformly spread topsoil to the depth shown on the plans. Do not bulk end dump the topsoil.
Do not place topsoil when the ground or topsoil is frozen, excessively wet, or not in an acceptable condition to facilitate uniform spreading.
Repair all damage occurring to existing roadbeds, shoulders, walks, curbs, or other existing adjacent structures or areas due to hauling and placing the topsoil.
211.03.04Compaction. Compact topsoil unless otherwise specified or approved. Compact by sheepsfoot roller, cleated crawler tractor, or similar approved equipment, which will produce 1,000 to 2,000 kPa (150 to 300 psi) ground pressure to produce final compaction of topsoil that is approximately 70 to 80 percent of the relative compaction.Design and construct equipment to produce a uniform rough textured surface consisting of small undulations that trap surface runoff and break up surface flow continuity, ready for seeding and mulching, and which will bond the topsoil to the underlying material. Operate compaction equipment parallel to the natural flow of water on the slopes or perpendicular to the contour of the slopes, unless otherwise approved. Convey the roller or approved equipment up and down the slopes by approved means. Finish grade of the topsoil to be 25 mm (1 in.) below the top of all curbs, catch basins, and other structures.
To condition the topsoil for compaction, furnish a suitable amount of water and apply by approved methods. Moisten topsoil with water to bind topsoil together.
211.03.05 Soil Testing.After final grading and topsoil placement operations have been completed and at least 60 days prior to seeding/hydro-seeding, provide soil tests and possible soil amendment recommendations. Provide 3 soil test analyses for every 10 acres of seeded/hydro-seeded areas in approved locations.Obtain soil tests from a qualified pre approved soil testing lab. Soil samples shall be taken from the surface to 150 mm (6 in.) below the surface. Perform soil tests for mineral soil amendment recommendations for plantings and provide results for review.Soil tests shall include soil texture, pH, nitrogen, total nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, ortho p, magnesium, calcium, sodium hazard, salinity hazard, boron hazard, cation exchange and mineral fertilization and amendment recommendation.Soil test recommendations shall be for native revegetation seeding and planting, not agricultural plantings. The Department will evaluate the soil amendment type and rates recommended in the soil tests herein for possible modification.Once soil amendment evaluation has been completed, incorporate additives or amendments at the new rates specified.Soil amendments may not be needed depending on final soil analysis results.
211.03.06Weed Treatment.Maintain the entire area within the project limits free of weeds and debris. Do not allow any noxious weeds, Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), Russian Thistle or Tumbleweed (Salsola sp.),or Tall Whitetop (Lepidium sp.) to flower or set seed within the project area. Remove weeds by hand or treat with herbicides approved for use on the QPL and apply according to manufacturer’s directions.The only vegetation to remain shall be seeded or planted material and existing native vegetation identified to remain.
211.03.07 Seeding, Soil Amending, Inoculating. Give a minimum of 48 hours notification in advance of any seeding or hydro-seeding operations for approval of the seeding areas. After approval, seeding, soil amending, and inoculating of the approved areas may begin.
Prepare the seeding area by tilling the soil to a minimum depth of 150 mm (6 in.). Operate equipment such that furrows are produced perpendicular to the natural flow of water. Remove and dispose of all rocks larger than 150 mm (6 in.) in smallest dimension from the surface of slopes to be seeded.
Materials for seeding and hydro-seeding shall be batched on site under the observation of the Department or designated representative.
Do not seed during windy weather or when the ground is frozen. Uniformly spread seed, soil amendments, and inoculants at the rate and mix specified. Sow seed by one of the following methods:
1.An approved type hydro-seeder which utilizes water as the carrying agent (hydraulic) and maintains a continuous agitator action that will keep seed, soil amendments, and inoculants mixed in uniform distribution until pumped from the tank.Maintain pump pressure to maintain a continuous, non-fluctuating stream of solution.
2.An approved blower with an adjustable disseminating device capable of maintaining a constant, measured rate of material discharge that will ensure an even distribution of seed, soil amendments, and inoculants.
3.Helicopters properly equipped for aerial seeding and fertilizing. Equip helicopters with two hoppers or seed compartments each capable of containing a minimum of 50 kg (100 lb) of seed, soil amendments, and inoculants. Use power-driven, readily adjustable disseminating mechanisms capable of maintaining a constant, measured rate of distribution of seed, soil amendments, or inoculants.
4.Approved power-drawn drills with double-disc front delivery openers and depth bands for positive depth control. Set depth control at a depth of 19 mm (3/4 in.) for consistent furrow bottom placement. An approved deep furrow drill may be used where it is determined the seedbed is firm and there is little danger of soil blowing. An approved spreader may be used for fertilizer placement. Calibrate drills and spreaders before use.
Seed areas inaccessible to above methods of application by approved hand broadcasting methods. Uniformly distribute the material at the rates specified.
Provide qualified personnel experienced in all phases of the seeding, soil amending, inoculating, equipment, and methods as herein specified.
211.03.08 Applying Mulch. Within 24 hours after each area is planted, straw mulch shall be applied, crimped, and tacked. Uniformly apply mulch by means of an approved type mulch spreader at the minimum rate of 2 tons per acre. The spreader shall produce a uniform distribution of the straw, without cutting or breaking it into short stalks. Except for shoulder build-up areas, and unless otherwise specified, straw mulch shall be applied to all seeded areas.
Crimp mulch by anchoring it into the soil with a heavy disc, sheeps-foot roller or similar approved equipment.Discs shall be flat and serrated, with at least 6mm (1/4 in.) thickness having dull edges, and spaced no more than 225 mm (9 in.) apart. Straw mulch shall be anchored to a depth of at least 50 mm (2 in.) and shall not be covered with an excessive amount of soil.Anchoring operations shall be across the slopes where practical, with no more than two passes of the anchoring equipment. Immediately following the crimping operation, the crimped area shall be tacked.
Tack straw mulch using a slurry consisting of a minimum of 150 pounds of tacking agent, 500 pounds of thermally refined wood fiber mulch, and 300 gallons of water per acre.
Apply thermally-refined wood fiber, tackifier, and water with approved hydraulic equipment. Use equipment with a built in agitation system with an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend and homogeneously mix a slurry of the specified portions of fiber, tackifier, and water. Equip distribution and discharge lines with a set of hydraulic discharge spray nozzles which will provide a uniform distribution of the slurry.
211.03.09 Hydro-seedingPrepare the hydro-seeding area by tilling the soil to a minimum depth of 150 mm (6 in.). Operate equipment such that furrows are produced perpendicular to the natural flow of water. Remove and dispose of all rocks larger than 150 mm (6 in.) in smallest dimension from the surface of slopes to be hydro-seeded.
Apply the slurry (seed, soil amendments, and inoculants and a portion of the mulch and tackifier) in one application by approved hydraulic equipment per specifications.Use enough water to ensure even distribution.Use equipment of the type specified in paragraph (b) of Subsection 211.03.06. Immediately after hydro-seeding, uniformly apply the remainder of the mulch in a single application which uses water as the carrying agent.Mix the slurries in a tank equipped with an agitator so a uniform suspension is achieved and apply within 1 hour of mixing.
Apply soil inoculant within 1 hour of entering the tank.Transport, apply, and store inoculant in areas with a temperature of less than 89.6 °F and keep temperatures above freezing.
Hydraulic applications shall not be applied in windy conditions.Windy conditions are defined as a sustained wind of 13 mph or more, or conditions that may cause material to disperse or apply inaccurately.Supply certified instruments or data from certified instruments for verification of wind velocity, if directed.
Do not disturb surface areas after hydro-seeding is complete. Repair hydro-seeded areas that are disturbed or damaged by re-application of hydro-seeding.
It is anticipated that 20% of the hydro-seeded area shall require an additional application.Areas requiring re-application will be determined. Apply the additional application within one year of the initial application.
211.03.10 Applying Tackifier.When tackifier is specified, spray tackifier onto the mulch to anchor it in place. Apply the tackifier the same day the mulch is applied. The tackifier shall contain a color additive which will assist the applicator in the uniform application of the product. Remove, reseed, and remulch any mulch disturbed or displaced following application.
211.03.11 Erosion Control Fabric. Place erosion control fabric parallel to the flow of water. Place immediately following final grading, if no seeding is required, or the placing of seed, soil amendments and inoculants. Overlap fabric a minimum of 150 mm (6 in.) with the up-grade section on top. Bury the up-slope end of each strip of fabric in a 150 mm (6 in.) key trench with the soil firmly tamped against it. Any other edge exposed to more than normal flow of water or strong prevailing winds may be required to be buried in a similar manner. Place key trenches between the ends of strips by placing a tight fold of the fabric at least 150 mm (6 in.) vertically into the soil. Tamp and staple the fabric at the check slots the same as up-slope ends. Space check slots so that one check slot or one end occurs within each 15 m (50 ft) of slope.
Bury edges of fabric around the edges of catch basins and other structures as herein described. Spread fabric evenly and smoothly and in contact with the soil at all points.
Fasten fabric by approved wire staples, pins, spikes, or wooden stakes driven vertically and flush with the soil. Fasten fabric at intervals not more than 1 m (3 ft) apart in 3 rows for each strip of fabric.Place one row along each edge and one row alternately spaced in the middle. Fasten all ends of the fabric and check slots at 150 mm (6 in.) intervals across their width.