Rules, Procedures and Policies for Mentor High School Cheerleaders


  1. Arrive on time and begin warming up with squad immediately.
  2. If needed, see the trainer as soon as school is over and report to practice immediately after treatment.
  3. Appropriate dress is required to participate:
  4. Shorts (DO NOT ROLL) or sweatpants
  5. T-Shirts or sweatshirts (NO TANK TOPS)
  6. Tennis Shoes
  7. Socks
  8. Hair pulled back
  9. Jewelry is prohibited. Body art must be covered.
  10. Any braces, wraps, etc. needed for current/previous injuries.
  11. Bottle of water
  12. If a specific practice uniform is established it will be mandatory.
  13. Follow the warm up routine listed below: Captains will lead:
  14. 5 minute light joge. Leg lifts
  15. Stretchf. Strength training
  16. Push-upsg. Jump drills (with coaches instruction)
  17. Sit-upsh. Tumbling (with coaches instruction)
  18. Soda, gum and foodare prohibited.
  19. Cell phones are prohibited.
  20. Keep chatter to a minimum.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in additional conditioning time with coach. If conditioning time is denied by cheerleader, a one game/competition suspension will ensue.


  2. Cheerleaders must be present at least half a day at school to participate in a same day/next day activity.
  3. Arrive at the time designated by coach.
  4. Cheerleaders must report to game with all pieces and parts of uniform (this includes water bottles). See uniform sheet for questions.
  5. Cheerleaders will warm-up no later than 20 minutes prior to the first pre-game or competition activity. Follow warm up procedure above.
  6. Hair and make-up is to be done PRIOR to arriving at games and events.
  7. Do not acknowledge or participate in any inappropriate behavior or cheering in the stands and by others. You are a representative of this school and are expected to act accordingly.
  8. Do not talk with fans, friends, students, parents, etc. during games.Conversation between squad members during games should be brief and pertain to chants and cheers.
  9. Do not engage in any type of public display of affection.
  10. Water breaks at games may be taken during:
  11. Time-outs
  12. Quarters
  13. Halves
  14. The following actions and items are prohibited:
  15. Eating during a practice or activity/drinking soda/chewing gum
  16. Wearing jewelry or finger nail polish or visibly showing body art.
  17. Wearing any non-issued uniform items
  18. Captains will call cheers at games.
  19. Spiriting, jumps and tumbling are expected after ALL successful plays at games.
  20. Know what is happening at games (familiarize yourself with the rules of the game).
  21. Buddy system
  22. Cheerleaders must ask COACH for permission to leave cheering area
  23. Cheerleaders must ALWAYS be escorted by at least one “buddy”
  24. Know the routine and cheers that will be performed.
  25. Do not laugh and draw attention to yourself if you make a mistake.
  26. Smile, be energetic, and spirited
  27. NEVER SIT OR STAND UNENGAGED for any extended period of time.
  28. Practice at home
  29. Competitive cheerleaders are required to attend all competitions unless excused in advance by the coach or a physician.
  30. No cheerleader regardless of age is permitted to drive themselves to any out of district event or competition. Drivers must be their parents or there must be a preapproved car pool situation agreed upon in writing by the parents of both parties involved prior to the game, event or competition.The coach must be made aware of all carpooling situations in writing prior to the activity.


  1. Cheerleaders will wear THE SAME uniform during school day and at games/competitions (no substitutions or deletions).
  2. Uniform is to be kept clean at all times (including shoes)
  3. Fees will be issued for any items needing repair.
  4. Uniforms will be returned by date issued by coach. After one week, fees will apply.
  5. Uniforms ARE NOT to be leant to any non-cheerleader (including any items associated with Mentor Cheerleading).
  6. Cheerleaders will wear their hair in the same style for all events to be decided by either captain or coach.

Any additions/deletions must be approved by coach.

Absence Policy:

  1. A doctor’s note is the only acceptable excuse for missing a practice, game, competition, or any other mandatory event.
  2. Any cheerleader that exceeds three absences (illness and injury included) to any practice, game, event, competition, or any other mandatory event, will have their position on the squad reevaluated and may result in dismissal from further participation.
  3. Members of the competitive team may only miss up to three practices (including illness and injury) and must attend every competition unless excused by a physician's note. Anyone who misses more than three practices or one competition for any reason may be dismissed from the team.

Disciplinary Actions:

Failure to comply with The MentorHigh School Cheerleading Rules, Procedures, and Policies may result in a number of consequences deemed appropriate by coach, which includes the following but is not limited to:

  1. Additional conditioning time at practice
  2. Individual meeting with coach
  3. Removal from part or all of game, event or competition
  4. Dismissal from squad
  5. Coachability points deducted from the following year’s tryout score.

I have read and understand the rules, policies, procedures, and consequence system which will apply to all MentorHigh School Cheerleaders. I understand that failure to comply with the rules and policies set forth may result in dismissal from cheer squad. In addition, cheerleaders may be involved in challenging athletic activities throughout the season. They will be responsible for acting in a safe manner in abiding by all rules and regulations. School authorities will exercise reasonable caution to avoid injury. If an injury should occur, I understand that the coach, school, school district, school authorities, athletic director, and clinic instructors assume no financial obligation.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______