St. Mary Pastoral Council Minutes, January 30, 2017

Present: Deacon Tom Franklin, Renee Doster, Virginia Krueger, Matt Jordan, Sean Hilbert,

Tom Turek, Fr. Bill, Marita Martin, Shelley Wheaton, Mary Lou Hahn Setta,

Scott Staelgraeve, Anne A. Green, Rose Soriano, Kathie Day

Prayer- The Pastoral Council Prayer led by Scott

Formation- Scott gave us a copy of the “Catholic Bishops’ statement on, Catholic Church Teaching On Vulnerable Migrant Populations”, to read. We said a prayer to Mary.

Special Presentation- Rose Soriano made a presentation about the use of more biodegradable products at Church events. She brought sample plates for the council to see. They were sturdy and yet they are much more eco friendly than Styrofoam. The price for the compartmental trays used by the Knights of Columbus in the new material would be slightly higher however much better for our environment. Farther Bill will present the idea at the next Knights meeting.

Old Business:

  1. Ministry/Logo Update- Virginia said that 45-50 returned surveys concerning the new logo. Virginia visited each parish ministry to get input on the logo. Marybeth is revisiting the logo using the input from all church ministries.
  2. Goal setting updates
  1. Increase use of My Parish App- 75 currently use the App. Mary Lou said that all you have to do is use your smart phone to take a picture of the banner in the church vestibule. Scott suggested that a card could be put in the pews so that all could easily take a picture right in church.
  2. The new stewardship prayer will be introduced at the State of the Parish meeting.

New Business:

  1. Alpha Update- Scott said that there have been many positive comments about the pilot Alpha Program. Shelley said that it is casual but they still get things done. She really likes the videos. Scott would like the Parish Council to get together after the pilot to talk about implementing the Alpha Program in the parish. Kathy asked what would happen after the parish Alpha Program. Mary Lou said that after 11 weeks each small group would discuss a mission. The Alpha program explores the basic tenants of the Catholic faith. A Beta Program could be a possible follow up.
  2. Prayer and intercession in Diocese of Lansing – Kathie Day gave a clear description of her prayer group that has a core of 4 members. They meet each Thursday in church. She also highlighted prayer seminars they have attended. Their pray begins with praise of God not a laundry list of needs. They feel a presence of the Holy Spirit guiding them. Their daily prayer life has been strengthened. Kathie ended with a short description of the Ten Commandments of Intercession.
  3. State of the Parish – February 11 and 12, Scott asked that we email him instances of great generosity.
  4. Lenten program- Scott gave each of us a copy of, “Blessed are They,” – A Lenten Journey to preview before the parish receives copies.
  5. Other- Father Bill said that the Capital Campaign is on its way. It will last five years. The parish will get 40% back. Scott asked that we let father know that we, as Parish Council members, have given a donation.

Tom Turek asked for an update on the choir. Kathie Day stated that there is one choir. The choir sings twice a month and the Schola sings once a month.


  1. Religious Education- Marita said that the first Reconciliation went very well and asked for prayers for all sacrament programs. She asked if the Station of the Cross books could be left in the pews so that families could say the stations at any time during lent. Father said that this could happen.
  2. Youth Ministry- Mary Lou said that all are preparing for Confirmation on February 15. Gretta Robbins went to the March for Life. Sunday nights are going well.
  3. K of C- Preparing for the fish fries

Upcoming Events

Blessing of Throats- February 4 & 5

State of Parish Address-February 11 & 12

Clean Comedy Show- February 12

Closing Prayer

Next meeting: February 27, 2017