Professional Pharmacy Student Alliance

Reimbursement Policy 8/26/04

Being a professional organization, PPSA helps cover the expenses of pharmacy trips for its active members. The purpose of this document is to outline the general requirements for students to get reimbursed for professional meetings during the school year of August 2004 to May 2005. The following outlines the basic policies on reimbursement:

1)  Reimbursement is the amount of money that PPSA can give its active members to offset the cost of a convention. For example, PPSA may be able to give students $200 reimbursement for a trip that costs $300 and 100% reimbursement is still $200 because that is what the organization can afford and in this example 50% reimbursement would be $100.

2)  Reimbursement is given to students after a convention is over. It takes time to process requests for withdrawals from our ASISU account so students will have to cover the expenses of a trip initially and then they may be eligible for reimbursement after they turn in the appropriate receipts from the trip.

3)  For this year the PPSA Executive Committee has determined that reimbursement for our big convention, APhA 2005 in Orlando, Florida, will have two categories of reimbursement:

  1. 100% of eligible reimbursement
  2. Attend ~7/10 of the club meetings (2nd and 4th Thursday of each month)
  3. Attend the Midyear Regional Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT November 7th-10th or another PPSA related convention
  4. Help out with the Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser
  5. Participate in two other eligible events
  6. 70% of eligible reimbursement
  7. Attend ~5/10 of the club meetings (2nd and 4th Thursday of each month)
  8. Attend the Midyear Regional Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT November 7th-10th or another PPSA related convetion
  9. Help out with the Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser
  10. Participate in one other eligible event

4)  In addition to meeting certain requirements prior to a convention, students will also be expected to attend a specified amount of the events at the meeting to get reimbursement.

5)  The PPSA Executive Committee understands that active members may contribute to the organization in other ways that what is listed above (ie Chairperson, etc) and for this reason the Executive Committee reserves the right to reimburse individuals in the amount they see fit after the students has explained in writing why they deserve a higher amount of reimbursement that what would be calculated above.

6)  Any discrepancies between what you expect for reimbursement and what you are reimbursed for a conference need to be brought before the executive committee within 30 days after returning from a conference.

7)  Finally, it is early in the year and the Executive Committee has done its best to determine what students need to do to get reimbursed although, the requirements may be modified slightly throughout the year.

The guidelines above are produced so that there is an objective way to determine how much reimbursement a student deserves. The conventions are still meant to be fun and a learning experience at the same time. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please let a member of the Executive Committee know.