Newsletter - December 2010

As we approach the end of the first term of this academic year, we use this newsletter as an opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the many people who play such an integral part in the life of St. Dallan’s.

Thank You

Christmas Holidays

School closes on

Wednesday 22 December

2010 at 12.00 noon for Christmas holidays and re-opens for all pupils on Thursday 6 January


Christmas Play

Due to the very severe weather conditions leading to pupils being absent, there were times in December when we felt that the possibility of having our annual Nativity Play was fading.

However, as always, we pulled out all the stops and thanks to everyone, we were able to run with three performances during the school day.

The P3 production of ‘A Special Night’was excellent and sincere thanks to everyone who made it possible.

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

This year we collected 167 shoeboxes and £344.30. Thank you for your generous response to this appeal.


School Choir

Congratulations to our P5, P6 and P7 school choir who sang so well at the Newry Business Charity Lunch and switching on of the Christmas Lights in Warrenpoint. They also sang at the Parish Carol Service on Sunday 12 December. As well as their lovely singing, many people commented on their excellent behaviour. We are very proud of them.

Friends of St Dallan’s

Fundraising Committee

Our newly formed Fundraising Committee raised £1,300 at the Quiz Night in Warrenpoint Golf Club in November. A two further donations £500 and £700 were also added. This enables us to pay for our school website using these very generous funds which we wouldn’t have had without the hard work of the fundraising committee and generous parents.

The committee were also responsible for the ‘Guess the number of sweets in the jar’.

The winner of this competition was:

Aoibhin Morgan, P4.


Special Announcements:

Head Boy:

Ruairi McCormack

Head Girl:

Kate Daly


Thomas O’Hare

Katrina McGrath

Conor McGlone

Sophie O’Hare

Aaron Laverty

Ellen McManus

Newry Business Christmas Charity Event

Santa Fun Run

Our special thanks to

Mr Rice who represented St Dallan’s in the Santa Fun Run in Newry, as part of the Newry Business Christmas Charity Event. Thanks also to Miss Rafferty who directed our choir who sang in the Canal Court Hotel as part of this event.

After School Activities

Our pupils have really enjoyed our After School Activities.

They have had the opportunity to take part in:

  • Volley Ball
  • Mini Circuits
  • Netball
  • Gaelic Games Coaching
  • Literacy and Numeracy Clubs
  • Dance to be Fit
  • Choir

School Closures

Mid Term Break

School Closed:

Monday 14 February

Tuesday 15 February

Wednesday 16 February

St Patrick’s Day

School Closed:

Thursday 17 March

& Friday 18 March

Easter Holidays

School Closed:

Thursday 21 April 2011

at 12.00 noon

School re-opens:

Wednesday 4 May 2011


First Confession

Many thanks to the teachers who prepared the P4 pupils for First Confession with the support of our new school Chaplain, Fr Brendan Kearns. A special thanks to our P4 parents who attended the meeting and the sacrament of First Confession in November. The children were very reverend and prayerful throughout the ceremony.


Saturday 2 April 2011

11.00 am

Mary Queen of Peace
First Holy Communion

Saturday 7 May 2011

12.00 noon

Mary Queen of Peace



We acknowledge the death of our staff member

Pauline Horridge, who was a classroom assistant in our school. We extend our prayers to Brian and their children.

We also acknowledge the death of Heather Annett’s mother who passed away last week. Heather is a member of our office staff. We extend our prayers to Heather and her family.



The attendance of our pupils is generally excellent. However, a

small minority of pupils are absent from school without a reason being offered by their parent/guardian.

Extended School Provision

Many parents have expressed their great appreciation for the facility which allows pupils to be dropped off at school at 8.30am and for the further facility which enables KS1 pupils to wait in the Garden Room from 2.15 - 3.00 pm for an older sibling. We are very pleased to be able to provide this for parents and will continue to do so over the next two terms.

Dogs in the Playground

If you are a dog owner, please do not take your dog into the school playground. Many of our pupils are frightened of dogs and the possibility of dogs fouling in the school presents a serious health/safety risk to our pupils and others accessing the school environment. Please note the new signage.

School Meals

Just a reminder that school meals should be paid for in advance, preferably on Monday for the week or month ahead.

Thank you to all parents/guardians who pay in advance.

Guidance from the Department of Education states that school meals may not be given to pupils who have not already paid for their meal.

Winter Weather

My sincere thanks to all our parents who were patient with us as we worked so hard to keep our school open during these very severe winter weather conditions. We managed to keep our school closures to 2 days only. We are very aware of our duty of care to our parents and pupils and were determined, within the guidance of Health and Safety, to make every effort to stay open. Please God the worst of the weather has passed and we look forward to a brighter New Year.

~ Our Open Day ~

is onThursday

6 January 2011

at 7.00 pm


~ Final Message ~

Thank you for your continued support and


May I wish everyone a peaceful and

happy Christmas

and New Year.

Mrs P Quinn

and Staff