Virtual University of Pakistan
Evaluation Sheet for Internship Report
Fall 2010
MKTI619: Internship Report (Marketing) Credit Hours: 3
Company Name: ______
Evaluation Criteria / ResultWritten Work Status
(Internship Report) / Needs improvement
Presentation & Viva Voce
Final Result
Name of Student: Muhammad Ghazanfar iqbal
Student’s ID: mc090401452
Supervisor: ______
Internship Report (Muhammad Ghazanfar iqbal)VU ID mc090401452 / 1
Similarity Index
Similarity by Source
14% match (Internet from 1/22/10)
6% match (student papers from 08/25/10)
Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2010-08-25
6% match (Internet from 2/24/11)
4% match (student papers from 02/19/10)
Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2010-02-19
3% match (student papers from 02/25/11)
Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2011-02-25
3% match (student papers from 07/19/11)
Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2011-07-19
3% match (student papers from 02/03/11)
Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2011-02-03
2% match (Internet from 6/9/11)
2% match (student papers from 02/12/10)
Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2010-02-12
2% match (publications)
"NBP AWARDED TOP BANK IN PAKISTAN.", Pakistan & Gulf Economist, July 18 2010 Issue
2% match (student papers from 08/11/10)
Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2010-08-11
2% match (Internet from 1/8/11)
2% match (student papers from 02/13/10)
Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2010-02-13
2% match (student papers from 08/09/10)
Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2010-08-09
There should not be any copied material in your report. You can take help from different sources but describe in your own words.
You may use different websites and other reference for consultation, but the internship report should be written in your own words. Copying the exact phrases and sentences from various websites and papers falls under the category of plagiarism.
The Plagiarism is strictly prohibited as Virtual University has “ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY” for such act and the student alleged for it shall be strictly dealt if any evidence of plagiarism is found in his/her written work at any instance i.e. copied and non-referenced work/material taken from any secondary source (websites, journals, books, articles, other students etc.)
Since this is your first attempt, a lenient action has been taken against you by rejecting your internship report and giving you a warning of avoiding such practice in future. You should consider it as your Last Warning and do remember if you continue this practice in future your case will be forwarded to the higher authorities of the University and a very strict action will be taken against you.
Internship Report
National Bank of Pakistan
Submitted by:Muhammad Ghazanfar iqbal
id: mc090401452
Session 2009 - 2011
Submitted To:
Virtual University of Pakistan
Instructor MKT619
Submitted date:
13-July 2011
Letter under takeninternship certificate
Dedication to
my loving parent
who always encourage me in every step of my life
In the name of
the most kind and most merciful.
First of all I am grateful Thanks to ALLAH Almighty, who bestowed me with health, abilities and guidance to complete the project in a successful manner, and respect for our beloved Prophet “ Peace Be Upon Him ” who made us recognize our creator. Without the support of these I m unable to perfume the task.
I am also thankful to employees of National Bank Layyah who provided me a friendly and knowledgeable environment through which I learned a lot.
Executive Summary
I done my internship in National Bank of Pakistan Layyah Branch District Layyah and to know how I will work in financial institutions and among various types of people have different attitude. The objective of this Internship report contains Banking Structure, Branch Structure, marketing analysis, Sales analysis, aggressive analysis, SWOT analysis and bank tariffs theoretical concepts with practical experience working in National Bank of Pakistan. There are many possible improvements, which we can make positive changes in the system.
The staff of National Bank of Pakistan Layyah has taught me the basics of different departments in this way. In this period I faced a lot of difficulties during the span of learning but I got full attention because of supportive staff, and they really made me learn a lot. During the internship I kept on consulting my internship advisor every week. At the end of internship the manager gave me the internship letter and evaluated my overall performance of an evaluation form prescribed by the university.
Table of context1 / Introduction / 2
2 / Letter under taking / 3
3 / internship certificate / 4
4 / Dedication / 5
5 / Aknowledgment / 6
6 / Exective Summary / 7
7 / Table of context / 8
8 / Overview of National Bank
· Introduction
· Brief History
· Nature of the organization
· Product line
· Product portfolio
· Brand Strategies
· List of main clients
· List of main competitors / · 10
· 10
· 11
· 13
· 23
· 25
· 25
· 25 / 10
9 / Organizational Structure
· National Bank Chart
· Hierarchy chart
· Number of employees
· Introduction of all Departments
· Comments / · 27
· 28
· 29
· 30
· 37 / 27
10 / Plain of internship program
· Introduction of National Bank Layyah
· Starting and ending date
· Name of Department were I got training / · 39
· 40
· 40
11 / Training program
· Activities of all department / · 42
12 / Structure of Marketing Department
· Department Hierarchy
· Number of Marketing Department employees
· Marketing operation / · 52
· 52
· 53
13 / Function of Marketing Department
· Segmentation strategy
· Target marketing strategy
· Product Planning, Development and Management
· Positioning
· Pricing Strategy / · 55
· 56
· 57
· 58
· 59
14 / Structure of Sale department
· Sale department Hierarchy
· Number of Sales department Employees
· Sale operation / · 60
· 60
· 61
17 / Critical Analysis / · 62
18 / SWOT Analysis / · 65
19 / Conclusion / · 73
20 / Recommendations for improvement / · 75
Refrence / · 79
Overview of the National Bank of Pakistan
Definition of Bank:
“Bank is a financial institution that is collects money form lender and gives to creditors and get the profit. It accepts deposits from individuals, firms and companies at a lower rate of interest and gives at higher rate of interest and gives at higher rte of interest to those who need them”
According to J.W Gilbert
“A banker is dealer in capital or more properly, a dealer in money. He is intermediate party between the borrower and the lender. He borrows of one and lends to another”
By Banning, we mean the business of dealing in credits and by ‘bank’ we include every person, firm or company having a place of business where credits are opened y deposits of collection of money or currency. Subjects to be paid or remitted on cheques or order, money is advanced or loaned on stocks, bonds bullion, bills of exchange, promissory notes are received for discount or sale.
Evolution of banking in Pakistan:
In 1947 there are very hard days for the whole banking sectors in Pakistan; the country today possesses a full range of banking and financial institutions to cope with various need of the economy.
In 1947 There 3496 offices of Indian scheduled banks our which as many as 487 were situated in territories now constituting Pakistan. The ‘Reserve bank of India was the central baking authority in India. It was decided on partition of countries that in the interest of smooth transition it should continue to function in newly emerging state in 1948 at Pakistan, until 30th Sep.
In early due to uncertainty and unsuitability the banking sector suffer heavy losses. This resulted in a negative effect on banking service in Pakistan. Due to collapse of the new state by pushing a deliberate policy of withdrawals the Indian bank offices closed quickly. The number of scheduled banks thus declined form 487 branches before independence to only 195 branches in 1948 until 30th June.
Banking Start in Pakistan
In 1948 the banking situation is very tense and then committee was immediately setup to formulate a scheme of central banking legislation of Pakistan. Many specialist were come and gives opinion that in view of the acute shortage of trained staff, idea of establishing a central bank and best that could be attempted was the setting up of a currency board until such times as sufficient staff could be organize to operate a central bank.
There was come one question since independence of Pakistan that whether the institution should be only a currency board or a full control central bank had exercised the mind of the Pakistan government. Every time is was realized that the shortage of trained personal to run the central bank would present serious difficulty in view of the tangible advantages that a central bank enjoyed over currency board. Now this time government has come to ultimately decided to take the important step of setting up a full fledged central baking authority. The problem was the banking authority in the country had been totally disrupted and there was an urgent need for their rehabilitation. Then banking sector pass the hardly Time as Act, an order was drafted, known as the state bank of Pakistan order, which was transmit by the government of Pakistan on 12th May 1948. And first time in Pakistan a central bank come name “The State Bank of Pakistan” was declared open on 1 July 1948 by the father of the nation.
The State Bank of Pakistan First tasks faced the replacement of Reserve bank of India notes which was circulated. The State Bank issued in October 1948 in the denominations of Rs. 5 to 100.
Nature of Bank
The state bank recommended the setting up a new banking institution to serve both as an agent to the state bank as well as the spearhead of it credit polices. Then the ‘National Bank of Pakistan’ was setup under an ordinance in November 1949.
“National Bank of Pakistan” is a service oriented financial institution. He is working for its customers besides making profit for the organization. This financial institution required the customers both retail and corporate banking facilities. It also commences the govt. transactions like govt. accounts, govt. drafts and payments services of the bank thus can be categorized as under.
· Basic banking like borrowing and lending of money
· Discounting of ‘Bills of Exchange’ and ‘foreign exchange.
· Buying and selling bullion and foreign Exchange
· Collecting Negotiable instruments on behalf of the customers.
· Generating Latter of Credit
· Receiving valuable goods for safe custody.
· Acting of agents on behalf of the customers
· Different offers for the customers for their benefits.
· Work as a clearing house on behalf of the State bank of Pakistan
· For small cities work as a main bank on behalf of the ‘State Bank of Pakistan’.
There are some others characteristics are followings.
Domestic Branches / 1256Azad Kashmir / 88
Baluchistan / 60
Federal Capital / 24
Punjab / 641
Khyber Paktunkhwa / 212
Sindh / 217
Gilgit Baluchistan / 14
Overseas Branches / 22
ATM Machine / 104
Islamic network Branches / 5
Online Branches / 350
Swift Branches / 13
Customer facility Center / 6
Product lines of National Bank of Pakistan:
National Bank of Pakistan is provides many services to the customers. National bank can introduce many products to facilitate in many ways. The product lines are followings
Premium Aamdani Scheme:
Premium Aamdani is a monthly income scheme introduced by National Bank of Pakistan for investors as well as for general public
· Earn up to 12.25% p.a. +
· Minimum deposit of Rs. 20,000/- with maximum balance of Rs. 10 million for 5 years
· Free Demand Draft, Pay Order and Cheque Book
· A 5 years scheme with year wise increasing profit rates.
· Incentives available for investors.
· NBP provide finance facility against these certificates.
Profit Ratio of NBPYears / Profit Rates
1st / 11.25
2nd / 11.50
3rd / 11.75
4th / 12.00
5th / 12.25
· NBP allowed to customers to convert existing deposits into National Bank premium Aamdani scheme.
· Convenience of NBP online Aasan Banking (for online banking customers)
· Free NBP Cash Card (ATM+Debit)
· Running finance facility up to 90%
· Profit paid every month as follows
Premium Saver:
National Bank of Pakistan introduce another product this is Premium Saver are also called the premium saver account. This account is mostly use small income people which have to deposit the money into the bank for profit. These products introduce some of these benefits.
· Earn up to 8.50% p.a
· Minimum saving balance of Rs. 20,001/- & a maximum balance of Rs. 1 million*.
· Free NBP Cash Card (ATM + Debit).
· Convenience of NBP Online Aasan Banking (for online banking customers).
· Two debit withdrawals allowed in a month & no limit on number of deposit transactions.
· Profit calculated on monthly and paid on half yearly basis
Product Items