PAIMAN Highlights
April 19-24, 2010
Poster Exhibition by PAIMAN Sub-grantee NGOs
In 23 PAIMAN districts,96 sub-grants were awarded to local NGOs to developa community-level infrastructure able to implement and contribute to community-based interventions promoting maternal,newborn, and child health care services, including family planning services, and to reducebarriers affecting use of such services. Formal closeout of these sub-grants,begun in late March, will be completed by June 30, 2010. To celebrate the work of its sub-grantees JSI-PAIMAN organized aNational Poster Exhibitionin Islamabad, April 22. More then 170 participants praised the work of 58sub-grantees that reflected their PAIMAN innovations in posters. The ceremony was chaired by Dr. Maheen Bhutto, Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Government of Pakistan. Ms. Miriam Lutz,Program Officer, USAID graced the occasion as Guest of Honor and Dr. Nabeela Ali, Chief of Party, JSI-PAIMAN,lead host JSI-PAIMAN. Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Program, Lady Health Workers Program, consortium partners, Family Planning Association of Pakistan, NGOs, and sub-grantees participated.
Health Camps
On April 20, a one-day health camp for 502 patients was held at Rural Health Center (RHC) Kot Digi, District Khairpur. At a one-day health camp at RHC Beranala,District Bhimber 288 patients received services. At both camps, patients were seen by qualified consultants, with family planning clientsassisted by Population Welfare Department experts. Executive District Officers-Health visited the camps and provided medicines.
Quality Improvement Teams Follow-up on Issues
The Quality Improvement Team (QIT) of RHC Jamalabad, District Charssadda met on April 20 to discuss the facility’sdamaged drain system. On April 21, the RHC Sherpau, District Charsadda QIT decided to generate funds from the elected representatives and other sources for maintenance and repair of the facility. A progress report on funds generated by Rural Emergency Services Ambulance Initiative (RESAI) ambulance use was presented to QIT BHU Maddi, District DI Khan. The plan to generate funds for repair of the RESAI ambulancewasdiscussed at the QIT meeting.
PAIMAN M&E Thematic Group Meets
To discuss key areas identified for third-party evaluationby each partner Dr.Zeba Satharchaired a meeting on April 14 at Population Council.JSI-PAIMAN M&E consultant Dr. Anwar Aqil stated the meeting purpose and consortium partnersJohns HopkinsUniversity Center for Communication Programs, Save the Children US,and Population Council,and lead partner JSI presented evaluation proposals. Partners took responsibilityfor coordination and actions.
Grants Management
Sub-granteeBunyadFoundation organized an MNCH advocacy seminar on April 21 at union council Ghungrilla. The majority of the 578 attendees were female. Ms. Shaheen AttiqurRehman, Bunyad Foundation, Vice Chairperson, along with her team ensured success.Mr. Jamshaid Iqbal, Executive District Officer-Literacy; Dr. Zafar Iqbal Awan, Deputy District Officer Health; represents from line departments and the community attended.