Application for Marketing & Administration Assistant
Please fill in this form clearly in black ink or type. You can also make your application in any other format you feel comfortable with (e.g. large print, tape, Braille or video). When using an alternative format please use the same headings as this form. Applications must be received by us no later than 10am on Monday 5 March 2018. Interviews will be held onMonday 12 March 2018.
1) Personal information
Surname:First Name:
Address:Phone Number
Preferred method of contact:
N.B. You will be contacted via this method should you be invited for interview.
2) References
Please give the name of two referees. One should be your present or most recent employer, where appropriate. We will not contact these referees without asking you first.
Name: Name:
3) Previous Experience
Please give details of your relevant work experience, starting and leaving dates and position held (please continue on a separate sheet or expand the below if necessary).
Organisation:Dates: Position Held / Outline of Responsibilities:
Organisation:Dates: Position Held / Outline of Responsibilities:
Organisation:Dates: Position Held / Outline of Responsibilities:
Organisation:Dates: Position Held / Outline of Responsibilities:
4) Other interests and activities
Please give details of any other relevant voluntary work or community involvement (up to 300 words).
Please give details of your other interests.
5) Education and Training
Education with dates and qualifications gained.
Vocational training with dates and qualifications gained:
6) Interest in this post
Please explain your reasons for applying for this job, drawing attention to relevant skills, experience and ideas. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
7) Criminal Convictions
Do you have any criminal convictions, not including those considered ‘spent’ under The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974?
If yes, please attach details on a separate sheet.
8) Work Permit
Do you require a work permit?
Staff who require a work permit will be required to submit their work permit if they have one. Evidence should not be sent with the application form. Failure to submit documentary evidence when requested will result in a delay in appointment.
9) Declaration
I confirm that the information I have given on this form is correct and understand that misleading statements may be sufficient grounds for cancelling any subsequent agreements made.
Please return this form to:
Spare Tyre
The Albany
Douglas Way
Or with Recruitment in the subject line.
Any applications received later than the application deadline will not be accepted.