V o c a b u l a r y
You will complete the following chart writing child-friendly definitions for these words. Then, you are invited to complete a set of daily vocabulary activities to go with these words.
Word / Meaningcapsized
p. 223
Jolly Roger
p. 227
p. 232
p. 253
p. 278
Vocabulary Activities
Sentence Stems/Idea Completions
· I know that these people are cannibals because ______
· The transformation was unbelievable because ______
Questions, Reasons, Examples
· If you were a pirate, what would your flag be called?
Making Choices
· Which of the following could be described as a “tenuous” situation. Circle your answers:
1. standing on the edge of a cliff
2. walking briskly with a piece of crystal
3. playing with your stuffed animal
4. talking with your friend
5. confronting your enemy
Examples and Non-examples
· Which would best describe the word capsized?
· A ship that overturns
· A bottle that will not open
Word Networks
· What people, things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word somber?