Friday, October 6, 2006
(Prepared by Dr. L. Alan Barnes, Secretary)
The meeting of the TCCTA Legislative Committee took place on Friday, October 6, 2006 in the Austin Doubletree Hotel.
Committee members present:
- Janna-Holt Day, Chair, SouthPlainsCollege
- Annie J. Benifield, Vive-Chair, TomballCollege
- Mac Aipperspach, Del Mar College
- L. Alan Barnes, TylerJunior College
- B. Jane England, NorthCentralTexasCollege
- Mel Griffin, NortheastTexasCommunity College (Ret.)
- Peter Hacker, TarrantCountyCollege
- Bill Horine, AlvinCommunity College
- David Lydic, AustinCommunity College
- Fred G. Newbury, RichlandCollege
- Charles L. Taylor, PanolaCollege
- Gabriel O. Ume, Palo AltoCollege (arrived slightly after the meeting began)
- Harry A. Wagner, The VictoriaCollege
- Linda R. Zientek, BlinnCollege
Other individualspresent:
- Danita L. McAnally, TCCTA President
- Jeff D. Edwards, TCCTA Vice-President
- Revis L. Bell, TCCTA Secretary
- Larry C. Allen, TCCTA Immediate Past-President
- Richard Moore, Executive Director
- Scott Nelson, Associate Executive Director
- Beamon Floyd, TCCTA Lobbyist
Summary of Discussion and Committee Actions:
1. The meeting was called to order by Janna Holt-Day. After a roll-call she asked for a volunteer to serve as secretary. She then nominated Alan Barnes for secretary, whose nomination was seconded by Harry Wagner, and he was elected by a unanimous vote.
2. Minutes of the last meeting were presented. Bill Horine moved to approve the minutes and after a second of the motion by Alan Barnes, minutes were unanimously approved.
3. TCCTA President Danita McAnally described the importance of the Legislative Committeeand then reported the positive impact of TCCTA personnel’s testimony and other interaction with the House Appropriations Committee and the Legislative Budget Board, especially in regard to the issue of proportionality. She reported that it was the Governor’s office that requested the Legislative Budget Board look closely at this issue.
4. TCCTA President McAnally, in response to questions of the committee, stressed the importance of maintaining what we have with TRS and maintaining the strong alliance we presently enjoy with the Texas Association of Community Colleges on several issues, to include proportionality.
5. TCCTA Executive Director Richard Moore reported some possible good news in that Texas Community Colleges may have an easier time with formula funding than with health care issue because of an expected state budget surplus and other issues at play.
6. TCCTA Associate Executive Director Scott Nelson agreed with Richard Moore, reporting that the Texas Commissioner of Education supports higher formula funding (much closer to the 72% level than the present 52% funding formula). He also reported that he has heard conversations which define proportionality in different ways, and the issue may become a local district issue/decision, so he urged members to keep local legislators aware of the proportionality issue. He also stressed the commitment of TCCTA to support TRS benefits for retired teachers.
7. Mel Griffin reported that the Secretary of Education called for accountability in higher education similar to what is happening in public schools. This and other issues can be monitored at this website:
8. Bill Horine asked Associate Executive Director Scott Nelson to comment on the issue of maintaining quality in dual credit courses, and the special sessions being conducted during this conference were reviewed for committee members.
9. Fred Newberry asked about the likelihood of ORP recipients being allowed to return to TRS, and Scott Nelson reported that little headway has been made for getting this approved. It was suggested by a committee member that it might be easier to propose that a participant in ORP be allowed to stop participation in ORP and begin participation in TRS at O year, thereby having two retirement plans.
10. Legislative Chair Janna Holt-Day brought before the committee a request of James Banford to lend support to proposed legislation. After a lengthy discussion, committee members declined to become involved in the proposal.
11. Legislative Chair Janna Holt-Day asked members to formulate the Legislative Program for 2007. The working session which followed was lengthy, with input by numerous individuals. The final wording is stated at the end of these minutes, and changes (final “tweeks”) by the Executive Committee were authorized by the Legislative Committee in a motion made by Charles Taylor, seconded by Gabriel Ume, which carried by unanimous vote.
12. Legislative Chair Janna Holt-Day stressed the importance of Community College Day at the Capitol scheduled for February 22, 2007 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Legislative Vice-Chair Annie Benifield reported on preliminary plans and requested assistance from members of the committee.
13. There was no new business, so the Chair adjourned the meeting.
TCCTA Legislative Program for 80th Regular Session, 2007 (As approved by the Legislative Committee):
1. Support the formula funding recommendations of the Texas Association of Community Colleges and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
2. Support the Legislature’s historical commitment to funding employee health benefits, including adjustments for inflation and rising costs.
3. Support efforts to improve funding and benefits for community and technical college employees and retirees in TRS and ORP.