Biberstein Social Action Fund
12th Annual Call for Proposals
Applications due: October 9, 2015
Grants announced: December 2015
Nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations that serve Yolo County residents are invited to submit applications to the Biberstein Social Action Fund for grants to address poverty, discrimination, abuse and neglect issues. The Fund was established in 2002 by the Board of Directors of Congregation Bet Haverim, Jewish Fellowship of Davis, to honor Ernie and Hannah Biberstein, longtime residents of Davis who have devoted much of their lives to community service and social justice issues.
While special consideration is given to new and/or innovative projects, prior recipients are welcome to reapply. We prefer not to fund on-going organizational overhead expenses. Grants ranging from $500 to $2,000 will be awarded. A committee of Bet Haverim congregants and Rabbi Greg Wolfe will review grant proposals. They should be emailed by October 9, 2015 to:
If you are unable to email your proposal, or have questions, please contact the committee at or call Congregation Bet Haverim at 530-758-0842.
Awardees should be prepared to make a brief, informal project presentation to religious school students at Congregation Bet Haverim in early 2016.
- Name of organization:______
- Number of years providing services in Yolo County:______
- Please provide your 501(c)3 tax I.D. number: ______
- Description of organizational mission:
- Description of project for which support is being solicited:
- How will funds be spent?
- Grant amount requested:______
- Estimated project budget:______
- Total organization budget:______
- Contact person(s) information:
NOTE: If you were a grant recipient in 2013 or 2014, please complete and attach the Grant Recipient Summary Report on page 3.
Biberstein Social Action Fund
Prior Grant Recipient Summary Report
Name of Organization ______
Year(s) of Grant Award ______
1) Brief description of project for which grant was awarded:
2) For what specific purpose were the funds used?
3) Is the project on-going? ______yes ______no
If “yes”, how did the funds contribute to the success of the project?
If “no”, why is the project no longer functioning?
4) How many of your constituents were served by the project during the grant year?
5) Other information you would like to share with the committee:
6) If you have a photo that the Biberstein Social Action Fund can use in future publicity, please email to . Thank you!
CBH Biberstein Social Action fund Grant Application 20151