LVAPA July 13, 2017

Location: Heather Glen Senior Living, Allentown Pa.

1. Thank you for the luncheon and tour of the beautiful new facility. This was our yearly planning meeting. We had some previews from performers; Glenn Pritchard, Bill Frey, Terry Kane 215-651-8538, John and Natalie Kahwaty, (JN Entertainment – 570-504-5938) Janet and Joel Sager, and Dave Morales (Melody for Humanity).

Liz at Moravian Hall Square is in charge of our entertainment list that is available on our website. Email her any changes or updates. Any bad experiences we run into w/ performers can be shared at our meetings or by a member email and not on the entertainment listing.

2. Meeting

a. VP position open…no volunteers yet

b. Secretary report …minutes from last meeting

c. Treasurers report…$482. in bank

d. 2017-2018 membership dues. Carrie offered a proposal to increase dues to $20. It was approved. Dues for the upcoming year should be paid by Oct. 31st. After Oct. 31 there will be a $5.00 late fee added to dues making it $25.00 for the year.

In order to continue offering our quality CEU s we sometimes have been paying our presenters $125-$200. By upping our dues we can continue with these programs.

e. Cassie Steuer is in charge of PR, including our Facebook and Website. If there is anything you want to update let Cassie know. The day center she was employed at for many years has closed so she is still looking for employment.

3. Planning Meeting for Sept 2017- Sept 2018

a. We will be using Signup Genius for scheduling and RSVP for upcoming meetings. It is free and you will need a login and password. You can send out reminders and RSVP on it. It also has slots so you can sign up for different needs, ie bring rootbeer to dance.Just click on the link.

Watch out for it so it doesn’t enter your SPAM.

b. Day and times of meetings were discussed and it was agreed to remain the same. 9am-noon (except planning). Alternating Tuesday and Thursdays.

c. Tuesday, September 12th meeting at Mrs. Bushs. 9am-12. at 302 Kunkletown Road. Karen Burke from Blue Mt. Behavioral Unit will be discussing Geri-Psych Problems – how activities can help.

***Upcoming meetings finality will be determined shortly. Some arrangements are still being verified**

d. Thursday, November 16 9a-12 at Woodland Terrace (Becky). Possibly a program on Sensory or Education Opportunities for Seniors.

e. Tuesday, January 9, 9am –12 with Jen at Luther Crest. We need a possible snow date? Speaker and topic to be determined.

f. Thursday, March 8th 9am -12. Liz at Moravian Hall Square. Possible presenter Candy from Alzheimer Assoc. Possible snow date?

g. Tuesday, May 8th,9-12. Mandy at Heather Glen. Possibly senior bullying.

h. Thursday, July 12 9-1, planning meeting and elections. Location to be determined..

i. Tuesday, Sept. 18th, 9-12. Cedarbrook.

4. We are always looking for hosts for meetings. We need a room with tables and chairs, coffee, a Danish and/or fruit type munchie.

5.Possible presenters discussed.

a.Senior Bullying by Sherry Barzak. She asks $150. for a 1 hour program plus overnight. We thought she lived close enough to offer her a gas card with her fee, but we found out she lives 5 hours away. Carrie has asked for feedback, approval regarding the overnight as well as the speaker fee.

b. Silver sneakers Maria Santacoloma from HealthNet. A free exercise program thru Medicare. How to get one in your facility covered by Medicare.

c. Sensory Coverings. Was presented at PAPA, themed sensory mats. Google Sensory Coverings. She has a blog w/ some good food ideas for those with swallowing issues, ie. how to make s’mores.

d. Senior Learning Network. For high functioning residents. It’s a live interactive learning, need a laptop w/ a webcam. They’ve done a live tour of Smithsonian. There is a $50. Fee

6. Annual Dance

a. Held in April, free, each facility can bring 8-10 residents. We ask that you bring 2 baskets for a resident raffle. In the past we have had a country theme but are looking at alternatives. A committee has been formed, Andrea from Palmerton, Mandy from Heather Glen (and anyone else wanting to assist) to call around to find a Central facility that can accommodate 150-200 elders and is handicap accessible. They are also looking at themes and entertainment. They will bring info to September meeting.

7. Conferences

a. LADA (Lancaster area) now having an annual conference instead of everyother year. 5/4/18 possibly dementia.

b.PAPA – Oct 8-11 held at Penn State. Carrie is interested in going and wondering if anyone wants to carpool, share a room. Becky Trollinger maybe interested. Please contact Carrie at Mrs. Bushs if you are interested.

PAPA is also hosting an Arts Festival (July 31st deadline). Send pictures of residents’ art works with a little bio.

c. Phoebe Conference Oct 10th though not as activity focused as previous ones.

d. LVAPA Conference. We decided to put our conference on hold due to the great amount of time and work involved but….. we were contacted by Danielle Griffith to offer her knowledge on the upcoming new regulations. Carrie sent out a quick email and received many YES votes to hold a conference w/ Danielle. Wee looking for a location. Be prepared to pitch in. We will be forming committees at the next meeting.

5. Activity Connection

a. We have a group discount if you are interested in subscribing. There is a 20% discount. The regular fee is $143.40 and the discounted fee is $114.72. Please contact Sue @ if you are interested and mail your check made out to LVAPA to Liz at Moravian Hall Square before September 1,2018. If you already subscribe your renewal can be pro-rated.

6. Scholarships are on the back burner for now.

7. Facebook – share an idea or Like.

8. Idea Sharing

Wine and paint, Lisa Sellitti Artist Hearts-

Paperback, Pet donations, Expired Coupons for Military Families,Operation food bank, Suitcase Heritage, bottlecap daisys on straws or skewers Bracelets to Womens Resources, Project FrontLines “Adopt a Soldier”, receive unit info and “wish list”, doily tote bag.And many more.

Respectfully submitted,

S.R. Oswald,ADC