The targeted program for students identified with the disabilities of mental health and Autism Spectrum Disorders at CGHS is a student focused mode of service delivery that facilitates case management. Through the learning support teacher - mental health and Autism Spectrum Disorders(STMH&ASD) it works with and develops structures within our school to better meet the educational and emotional needs of these students, working closely with school, family, therapeutic and primary and post school transition teams.
Role of the Learning and Support Teacher Mental Health and Autism Spectrum Disorders(STMH&ASD) at CGHS
The Learning and Support TeacherMental Health and Autism Spectrum Disorders chairs the Learning Support Team and is a member of the Student Wellbeingteam, supervised by the Head Teacher Student Welfare, working closely with School Counsellor, Careers Adviserand Youth Worker as a faculty team. At CGHS this role is designated to support the learning needs of students with a diagnosed mental health condition and those on the Autism Spectrum. The role includes:
●Developing a relationship with students on the caseload to enable learning support to be established productively
●Liaising with family and carers
●Liaising with health care providers
●Developing a Learning Support Plan for annual review in collaboration with the support team both at school and clinical teams and outside agencies
●Negotiating differentiation of curriculum content, delivery and assessment to effectively support dynamic individual learning needs
●Providing Professional Learning opportunities to teachers to provide relevant knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disordersand mental health conditions (such as anxiety, depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, eating disorders and self-harm) and how they impact on learning
●Building capacity of teachers to modify, accommodate and differentiate to provide optimal teaching and learning for students with Mental Health and Autism Spectrum Disordersand mental health needs
Policy and procedures of the Support Teacher Mental Health and Autism Spectrum Disordersat CGHS
A student is placed on the caseload if, at enrolment, Autism Spectrum Disorder or a diagnosed Mental Health condition is present (funding support may be in place but is not required) which will require specialised support to enable effective learning, or a student develops and has diagnosed a Mental Health condition, after enrolment. The Support Teacher Mental Health and Autism Spectrum Disordersmay monitor the student and liaise with family and service providers when a diagnosis is pending.
After placement on the caseload the Support Teacher Mental Health and Autism Spectrum Disorders will identify the school team Year Adviser, subject teachers, Head Teachers and Deputy principal and the carer(s) / health care providers with whom to liaise
After meeting with student and family, and liaising with providers, the Support Teacher Mental Health and Autism Spectrum Disorderswill call a Learning Support Plan planning meeting with teachers and other relevant team members
The Learning Support Plan will be reviewed annually
The Support Teacher Mental Health and Autism Spectrum Disorderswill communicate significant information by email and record it and contact with carers/providers in CGHS Attendance, Wellbeing and Monitoring System
Completed Learning Support Plans, risk assessments and health information will be on the school intranet
Support strategies to be utilised include:
-meeting with student in Personal Best Program/Drop Everything AndRead Programand Learning Centre time
-developing transition plans
-developing resilience programs
-developing sexual health programs
-facilitating peer awareness programs
-facilitating peer support programs
-facilitating debriefing
-supporting teachers in the use of best practice teaching strategies to match learning needs
-providing differentiation strategies
-modelling suitable modifications / accommodations / adjustments
-developing consistent language and teacher behaviours across classes to support learning and behaviour
-using faculty, staff meeting and Staff Development Day time to support and train teachers
-using the National Consistent Collection of Data process to develop strategies and adjustments recommended in Learning Support Plans for classroom useensuring compliance with Disability Standards for Education.