The Lectionary of the Church of England
Alternative Service Book - 1980
The first Sunday in Advent of Year A is used in even numbered years.
Eighth Sunday before Christmas Year A
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 3: 1-15
Epistle Lesson: Romans 7: 7-13
Gospel Lesson: John 3: 13-21
“The Fall”
Seventh Sunday before Christmas Year A
Old Testament Lesson: Genesis 22:1-18
Epistle Lesson James 2:14-26
Gospel Lesson Luke 20: 9-17
“The Election of God’s People: Abraham”
Sixth Sunday before Christmas Year A
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 6: 2-8
Epistle Lesson Hebrews 11: 17-31
Gospel Lesson Mark 13: 5-13
“The Promise of Redemption: Moses”
Thanksgiving Sunday
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 1: 1-3, 24-31
Epistle Lesson Acts 14: 13-17
Gospel Lesson John 6: 27-35
“Thanksgiving Sunday”
First Sunday of Advent Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 52: 7-10
Epistle Lesson 1st Thessalonians 5: 1-11
Gospel Lesson Luke 21: 25-33
“The Advent Hope”
Second Sunday of Advent Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 55: 1-11
Epistle Lesson 2nd Timothy 3:14 - 4:5
Gospel Lesson John 5: 36-end
“The Word of God in the Old Testament”
Third Sunday of Advent Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 40: 1-11
Epistle Lesson 1st Corinthians 4: 1-5
Gospel Lesson John 1: 19-28
“The Forerunner”
Fourth Sunday of Advent Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 11: 1-9
Epistle Lesson 1st Corinthians 1: 26-end
New Testament Lesson Luke 1: 26-38
“The Annunciation”
First Sunday after Christmas Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 7: 10-14
Epistle Lesson Galatians 4: 1-7
Gospel Lesson John 1: 14-18
“The Incarnation”
Second Sunday after Christmas Year A
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 12:21-27
Epistle Lesson Romans 8: 11-17
Gospel Lesson Luke 2: 41-end
“The Holy Family”
The First Sunday after the Epiphany Year A
Old Testament Lesson 1st Samuel 16: 1-13
Epistle Lesson Acts 10: 34-38
Gospel Lesson Matthew 3: 13-end
“Revelation: The Baptism of Jesus”
The Second Sunday after the Epiphany Year A
Old Testament Lesson Jeremiah 1: 4-10
Epistle Lesson Acts 26: 1, 9-20
Gospel Lesson Mark 1: 14-20
“Revelation: The First Disciples”
Third Sunday in Epiphany Year A
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 33: 12-end
Epistle Lesson 1st John 1: 1-7
Gospel Lesson John 2: 1-11
“Revelation: Signs of Glory”
Fourth Sunday in Epiphany Year A
Old Testament Lesson 1st Kings 8: 22-30
Epistle Lesson 1st Corinthians 3: 10-17
Gospel Lesson John 2: 13-22
“Revelation: The New Temple”
Fifth Sunday in Epiphany Year A
Old Testament Lesson Proverbs 2: 1-9
Epistle Lesson 1st Corinthians 3: 18-end
Gospel Lesson Matthew 12: 38-42
“Revelation: The Wisdom of God”
Sixth Sunday in Epiphany Year A
Old Testament Lesson 2 Samuel 12: 1-10
Epistle Lesson Romans 1: 18-25
Gospel Lesson Matthew 13: 24-30
“Revelation: The Parables”
Eighth Sunday before Easter Year A
Old Testament Lesson Zephaniah 3: 14-end
Epistle Lesson James 5: 13-16
Gospel Lesson Mark 2: 1-12
“Christ the Healer”
Seventh Sunday before Easter Year A
Old Testament Lesson Hosea 14: 1-7
Epistle Lesson Philemon 1-16
Gospel Lesson Mark 2: 13-17
“Christ, The Friend of Sinners”
The First Sunday in Lent Year A
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 2: 7-9, 3:1-7
Epistle Lesson Hebrews 2: 14-end
Gospel Lesson Matthew 4:1-11
“The King and the Kingdom: Temptation”
The Second Sunday in Lent Year A
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 6:11-end
Epistle Lesson 1st John 4: 1-6
Gospel Lesson Luke 19: 41-end
“The King and the Kingdom: Conflict”
The Third Sunday in Lent Year A
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 22: 1-13
Epistle Lesson Colossians 1: 24-end
Gospel Lesson Luke 9: 18-27
“The King and the Kingdom: Suffering”
The Fourth Sunday in Lent Year A
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 34: 29-end
Epistle Lesson 2nd Corinthians 3: 4-end
Gospel Lesson Luke 9: 28-36
“The King and the Kingdom: Transfiguration”
The Fifth Sunday in Lent Year A
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 6: 2-13
Epistle Lesson Colossians 2: 8-15
Gospel Lesson John 12: 20-32
“The King and the Kingdom: The Victory of the Cross”
Palm Sunday Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 50: 4-9
Epistle Lesson Philippians 2: 5-11
Gospel Lesson Mark 14: 32-51
“The Way of the Cross”
Easter Day Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 12
Epistle Lesson Revelation 1: 10-18
Gospel Lesson Matthew 28: 1-10
“Easter Day”
First Sunday after Easter Year A
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 15: 1-11
Epistle Lesson 1st Peter 1: 3-9
Gospel Lesson John 20: 19-29
“The Upper Room”
Second Sunday after Easter Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 25: 6-9
Epistle Lesson Revelation 19: 6-9
Gospel Lesson Luke 24: 13-15
“The Emmaus Road”
Third Sunday after Easter Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 61: 1-7
Epistle Lesson 1st Corinthians 15: 1-11
Gospel Lesson John 21: 1-14
“The Lakeside”
Fourth Sunday after Easter Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 62: 1-5
Epistle Lesson Revelation 3: 14-end
Gospel Lesson John 21: 15-22
“The Charge to Peter”
Fifth Sunday after Easter Year A
Old Testament Lesson Hosea 6: 1-6
Epistle Lesson 1st Corinthians 15: 21-28
Gospel Lesson John 16: 25-end
“Going to the Father”
Sunday after the Ascension Year A
Old Testament Lesson Daniel 7: 9-14
Epistle Lesson Ephesians 1: 15-end
Gospel Lesson Luke 24: 45-end
“The Ascension of Christ”
Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 11: 1-9
Epistle Lesson Acts 2: 1-11
Gospel Lesson John 14: 15-26
Trinity Sunday Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 6: 1-8
Epistle Lesson Ephesians 1: 3-14
Gospel Lesson John 14: 8-17
“The Trinity”
Pentecost 2 Year A
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 19: 1-6
Epistle Lesson 1st Peter 2: 1-10
Gospel Lesson John 15: 1-5
“The People of God”
Pentecost 3 Year A
Old Testament Lesson Deuteronomy 6: 17-end
Epistle Lesson Romans 6: 3-11
Gospel Lesson John 15: 5-11
“The Life of the Baptized”
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Deuteronomy 7:6-11
Epistle Lesson Galatians 3:23-4:7
Gospel Lesson John 15 12-17
“The Freedom of the Children of God”
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 20: 1-17
Epistle Lesson Ephesians 5: 1-10
Gospel Lesson Matthew 19: 16-26
“The New Law”
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 24: 3-11
Epistle Lesson Colossians 3: 12-17
Gospel Lesson Luke 15: 11-end
“The New Man”
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Hosea 11: 1-9
Epistle Lesson 1st Corinthians 12:27 – 13: 1-end
Gospel Lesson Matthew 18: 21-end
“The More Excellent Way”
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Ezekiel 34: 24-28
Epistle Lesson Galatians 5: 16-25
Gospel Lesson John 15: 16-end
“The Fruit of the Spirit”
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Joshua 1: 1-9
Epistle Lesson Ephesians 6: 10-20
Gospel Lesson John 17: 11b-19
“The Whole Armor of God”
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Job 42: 1-6
Epistle Lesson Philippians 2: 1-11
Gospel Lesson John 13: 1-15
“The Mind of Christ”
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 42: 1-7
Epistle Lesson 2nd Corinthians 4: 1-10
Gospel Lesson John 13: 31-35
“The Serving Community”
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 49:1-6
Epistle Lesson 2nd Corinthians 5:14-6:2
Gospel Lesson John 17: 20-end
“The Witnessing Community”
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 50: 4-9a
Epistle Lesson Acts 7:54-8:1
Gospel Lesson John 16: 1-11
“The Suffering Community”
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Proverbs 31: 10-end
Epistle Lesson Ephesians 5: 25-6:4
Gospel Lesson Mark 10: 12-16
“The Family”
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 45: 1-7
Epistle Lesson Romans 13: 1-7
Gospel Lesson Matthew 22: 15-22
“Those in Authority”
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Leviticus 19: 9-18
Epistle Lesson Romans 12: 9-end
Gospel Lesson Luke 10: 25-37
“The Neighbor”
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Jeremiah 7: 1-11
Epistle Lesson James 1: 16-end
Gospel Lesson Luke 17: 11-19
“Proof of Faith”
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Deuteronomy 26: 1-11
Epistle Lesson 2nd Corinthians 8: 1-9
Gospel Lesson Matthew 5: 17-26
“The Offering of Life”
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 28: 10-end
Epistle Lesson Hebrews 11: 1,2, 8-16
Gospel Lesson Matthew 6: 24-end
“The Life of Faith”
Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Daniel 3: 13-26
Epistle Lesson Romans 8: 18-25
Gospel Lesson Luke 9: 51-end
Twenty-first Sunday After Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson Habakkuk 2: 1-4
Epistle Lesson Acts 26: 1-8
Gospel Lesson Luke 18: 1-8
“The Christian Hope”
Pentecost 22 Year A
Old Testament Lesson: Deuteronomy 11: 18-28
Epistle Lesson: 1st John 2: 22-end
Gospel Lesson: Luke 16: 1-9
“The Two Ways”
Last Sunday in Pentecost Year A
Old Testament Lesson: Jeremiah 29: 1, 4-14
Epistle Lesson: Philippians 3: 7-end
Gospel Lesson: John 17: 1-10
“Citizens of Heaven”
Eighth Sunday before Christmas Year A
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 4: 1-10
Epistle Lesson 1st John 3: 9-18
Gospel Lesson Mark 7: 14-23
“The Fall”
Seventh Sunday before Christmas Year A
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 12: 1-9
Epistle Lesson Romans 4: 13-end
Gospel Lesson John 8: 51-end
“The Election of God’s People: Abraham”
Sixth Sunday before Christmas Year A
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 3:7-15
Epistle Lesson Hebrews 3: 1-6
Gospel Lesson John 6: 25-35
“The Promise of Redemption: Moses”
Thanksgiving Sunday Year A
Old Testament Lesson Deuteronomy 8: 1-10
Epistle Lesson 1st Timothy 6: 6-10
Gospel Lesson Luke 12: 16-31
“Thanksgiving Sunday”
First Sunday of Advent Year B
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 51: 4-11
Epistle Lesson Romans 13:8-end
Gospel Lesson Matthew 25: 31-end
“The Advent Hope”
Second Sunday of Advent Year B
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 64: 1-7
Epistle Lesson Romans 15: 4-13
Gospel Lesson Luke 4: 14-21
“The Word of God in the Old Testament”
Third Sunday of Advent Year B
Old Testament Lesson Malachi 3: 1-5
Epistle Lesson Philippians 4: 4-9
Gospel Lesson Matthew 11: 2-15
“The Forerunner”
Fourth Sunday of Advent Year B
Old Testament Lesson Zechariah 2: 10-end
Epistle Lesson Revelation 21: 1-7
Gospel Lesson Matthew 1: 18-23
“The Annunciation”
First Sunday after Christmas Year B
Old Testament Lesson 1st Samuel 1: 20-end
Epistle Lesson Romans 12: 1-8
Gospel Lesson Luke 2: 22-40
“The Presentation”
Second Sunday after Christmas Year B
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 60: 1-6
Epistle Lesson Revelation 21:22-22:5
Gospel Lesson Matthew 2: 1-12, 19-23
“The Light of the World”
First Sunday in Epiphany Year B
Old Testament Lesson Isaiah 42: 1-7
Epistle Lesson Ephesians 2: 1-10
Gospel Lesson John 1: 29-34
“Revelation: The Baptism of Jesus”
Second Sunday after the Epiphany Year B
Old Testament Lesson 1st Samuel 3: 1-10
Epistle Lesson Galatians 1: 11-end
Gospel Lesson John 1: 35-end
“Revelation: The First Disciples”
Third Sunday after the Epiphany Year B
Old Testament Lesson Deuteronomy 8: 1-6
Epistle Lesson Philippians 4: 10-20
Gospel Lesson John 6: 1-14
“Revelation: Signs of Glory”
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Year B
Old Testament Lesson Jeremiah 7: 1-11
Epistle Lesson Hebrews 12: 18-end
Gospel Lesson John 4: 19-26
“Revelation: The New Temple”
Fifth Sunday in Epiphany Year B
Old Testament Lesson Proverbs 2: 1-9
Epistle Lesson 1st Corinthians 3: 18-end
Gospel Lesson Matthew 12: 38-42
“Revelation: The Wisdom of God”
Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany Year B
Old Testament Lesson 2 Samuel 12: 1-10
Epistle Lesson Romans 1: 18-25
Gospel Lesson Matthew 13: 24-30
“Revelation: The Parables”
Eighth Sunday before Easter Year B
Old Testament Lesson 2nd Kings 5: 1-14
Epistle Lesson 2nd Corinthians 12: 1-10
Gospel Lesson Mark 7: 24-end
“Christ the Healer”
The Sunday before Lent Year B
Old Testament Lesson Numbers 15: 32-36
Epistle Lesson Colossians 1: 18-23
Gospel Lesson John 8: 2-11
“Christ the Friend of Sinners”
The First Sunday in Lent Year B
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 4: 1-10
Epistle Lesson Hebrews 4: 12-end
Gospel Lesson Luke 4: 1-13
“The King and the Kingdom: Temptation”
The Second Sunday in Lent Year B
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 7: 17-end
Epistle Lesson 1st John 3: 1-10
Gospel Lesson Matthew 12: 22-32
“The King and the Kingdom: Conflict”
The Third Sunday in Lent Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Genesis 12: 1-9
Epistle Lesson: 1st Peter 2: 19-end
Gospel Lesson: Matthew 16: 13-end
“The King and the Kingdom: Suffering”
Fourth Sunday in Lent Year B
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 3: 1-6
Epistle Lesson 2nd Peter 1: 16-19
Gospel Lesson Matthew 17: 1-13
“The King and the Kingdom: Transfiguration”
Fifth Sunday in Lent Year B
Old Testament Lesson Jeremiah 31: 31-34
Epistle Lesson Hebrews 9: 11-14
Gospel Lesson Mark 10: 32-45
“The King and the Kingdom: The Victory of the Cross”
Palm Sunday Year B
Old Testament Lesson Zechariah 9: 9-12
Epistle Lesson 1st Corinthians 1: 18-25
Gospel Lesson Matthew 21: 1-13
“The Way of the Cross”
Easter Day Year B
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 14: 15-22
Epistle Lesson 1st Corinthians 15: 12-20
Gospel Lesson John 20: 1-18
“Easter Day”
First Sunday after Easter Year B
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 16: 2-15
Epistle Lesson 1st Corinthians 15: 53-end
Gospel Lesson John 6: 32-40
“The Bread of Life”
Second Sunday after Easter Year B
Old Testament Lesson Ezekiel 34: 7-16
Epistle Lesson 1st Peter 5: 1-11
Gospel Lesson John 10: 7-16
“The Good Shepherd”
Third Sunday after Easter Year B
Old Testament Lesson 1st Kings 17: 17-end
Epistle Lesson Colossians 3: 1-11
Gospel Lesson John 11: 17-27
“The Resurrection and the Life”
Fourth Sunday after Easter Year B
Old Testament Lesson Proverbs 4: 10-19
Epistle Lesson 2nd Corinthians 4:13- 5:5
Gospel Lesson John 14: 1-11
“The Way, the Truth, and the Life”
Easter 5 Yr B
Old Testament Lesson: Deuteronomy 34
Epistle Lesson: Romans 8: 28-end
Gospel Lesson: John 16: 12-24
“Going to the Father”
Sunday after Ascension Yr B
Old Testament Lesson: 2nd Kings 2: 1-15
Epistle Lesson: Ephesians 4: 1-13
Gospel Lesson: Luke 24: 45-end
“The Ascension of Christ”
Pentecost Yr B
Old Testament Lesson: Exodus 19: 16-25
Epistle Lesson: Acts 2:1-11
Gospel Lesson: John 20: 19-23
Trinity Sunday Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 6: 1-8
Epistle Lesson: Ephesians 1: 3-14
Gospel Lesson: John 14: 8-17
“The Trinity”
Pentecost 2 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: 2nd Samuel 7: 4-16
Epistle Lesson: Acts 2: 37-end
Gospel Lesson: Luke 14: 15-24
“The Church’s Unity and Fellowship”
Pentecost 3 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Deuteronomy 8: 11-end
Epistle Lesson: Acts 4: 8-12
Gospel Lesson: Luke 8: 41-end
“The Church’s Confidence in Christ”
Pentecost 4 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 63: 7-14
Epistle Lesson: Acts 8: 26-38
Gospel Lesson: Luke 15: 1-10
“The Church’s Mission to the Individual”
Pentecost 5 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Ruth 1: 8-17, 22
Epistle Lesson: Acts 11: 4-18
Gospel Lesson: Luke 10: 1-12
“The Church’s Mission to All”
Pentecost 6 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Micah 6: 1-8
Epistle Lesson: Ephesians 4: 17-end
Gospel Lesson: Mark 10: 46-end
“The New Man”
Pentecost 7 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Deuteronomy 10:12-11:1
Epistle Lesson: Romans 8: 1-11
Gospel Lesson: Mark 12: 28-34
“The More Excellent Way”
Pentecost 8 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Ezekiel 37:1-14
Epistle Lesson: 1st Corinthians 12: 4-13
Gospel Lesson: Luke 6: 27-38
“The Fruit of the Spirit”
Pentecost 9 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: 1st Samuel 17: 37-50
Epistle Lesson: 2nd Corinthians 6: 3-10
Gospel Lesson: Mark 9: 14-29
“The Whole Armour of God”
Pentecost 10 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: 1st Samuel 24: 1-17
Epistle Lesson: Galatians 6: 1-10
Gospel Lesson: Luke 7: 36-end
“The Mind of Christ”
Pentecost 11 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: 1st Chronicles 29: 1-9
Epistle Lesson: Philippians 1: 1-11
Gospel Lesson: Matthew 20: 1-16
“The Serving Community”
Pentecost 12 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Micah 4:1-5
Epistle Lesson: Acts 17: 22-end
New Testament Lesson: Matthew 5: 13-16
“The Witnessing Community”
Pentecost 13 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Jeremiah 20: 7-11a
Epistle Lesson: Acts 20: 17-35
Gospel Lesson: Matthew 10: 16-22
“The Suffering Community”
Pentecost 14 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Genesis 45:1-15
Epistle Lesson: Ephesians 3: 14-end
Gospel Lesson: Luke 11: 1-13
“The Family”
Pentecost 15 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: 1st Kings 3: 4-15
Epistle Lesson: 1st Timothy 2: 1-7
Gospel Lesson: Matthew 14: 1-12
“Those In Authority”
Pentecost 16 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Deuteronomy 15: 7-11
Epistle Lesson: 1st John 4: 15-end
Gospel Lesson: Luke 16: 19-end
“The Neighbor”
Pentecost 17 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Jeremiah 32: 6-15
Epistle Lesson: Galatians 2: 15-3:9
Gospel Lesson: Luke 7: 1-10
“The Proof of Faith”
Pentecost 18 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Nehemiah 6: 1-16
Epistle Lesson: 1st Peter 4: 7-11
Gospel Lesson: Matthew 25:14-30
“The Offering of Life”
Pentecost 19 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Daniel 6: 10-23
Epistle Lesson: Romans 5: 1-11
Gospel Lesson: Luke 19: 1-10
“The Life of Faith”
Pentecost 20 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Genesis 32: 22-30
Epistle Lesson: 1st Corinthians 9: 19-end
Gospel Lesson: Matthew 7: 13-27
Pentecost 21 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Ezekiel 12:21-end
Epistle Lesson: 1st Peter 1: 13-21
Gospel Lesson: John 11: 17-27
“The Christian Hope”
Pentecost 22 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Deuteronomy 11: 18-28
Epistle Lesson: 1st John 2: 22-end
Gospel Lesson: Luke 16: 1-9
“The Two Ways”
Pentecost 23 Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 33: 17-22
Epistle Lesson: Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-end
Gospel Lesson: Matthew 25: 1-13
“Citizens of Heaven”
Eighth Sunday before Christmas Year B
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 3: 1-15
Epistle Lesson: Romans 7: 7-13
Gospel Lesson: John 3: 13-21
“The Fall”
Seventh Sunday before Christmas Year B
Old Testament Lesson: Genesis 22:1-18
Epistle Lesson James 2:14-26
Gospel Lesson Luke 20: 9-17
“The Election of God’s People: Abraham”
Sixth Sunday before Christmas Year B
Old Testament Lesson Exodus 6: 2-8
Epistle Lesson Hebrews 11: 17-31
Gospel Lesson Mark 13: 5-13
“The Promise of Redemption: Moses”
Thanksgiving Sunday
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 1: 1-3, 24-31
Epistle Lesson Acts 14: 13-17
Gospel Lesson John 6: 27-35
“Thanksgiving Sunday”