ACAE Specialist and Bespoke Training Service
ACAE is a training and advocacy enterprise, which utilises the skills and experience of our founding member who is a qualified trainer and has a fountain of experience supporting people on the autism spectrum and related conditions (comorbidities). This professional experience is complimented by over 10 years of personal experiences as a mother of two boys with diagnoses of autism. Put together these experiences provide in depth knowledge presented in interactive and relaxed atmosphere. Also, uses real life examples and co-deliver with individuals on the autism spectrum whenever possible. Also, the course content is engaging with quizzes and questions, leaving you with information to go away and apply what you have learned or urge to find out more and research.
Training is delivered in various formats and courses can be made bespoke to your service and setting needs. For example, training for schools, medical professionals, social care professionals, public places, leisure places, employers, justice systems, etc. ACAE’s training team will speak and work with you to identify the needs of your staff and tailor training to equip them with increased understanding and tools to support service users more appropriately.
At ACAE we also deliver Positive Speaking about disability- This uses personal and professional experience and focus more on the positive aspects for people with disabilities, their families and others. The talks focus on positive, real examples and role models to challenge attitudes and what may be viewed as negative into a positive. For example, positive elements and benefits of employing people on the autism spectrum, got the label use it as a key to opportunities, etc. For more information on services, courses and fees please contact us using details below:
Web page:
LinkedIn: ACAE Bespoke Training
LinkedIn: Yanela Ntlauzana
Tel: 07861759671
Specialist & Bespoke Training Services
Trainer’s profile
*BSc in Psychology, Honours, First Class, *Autism Early Bird Training, *Level 3 Understanding and Supporting Individuals on the Autism Spectrum, *Level 3 Teaching Assistant,*Level 3 in Management, *Level 4 in Education and teaching,*Mental Health First Aid Certificate, *Team-Teach Tutor, *Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Certificate.
Yanela’s interest on Autism was raised by a diagnosis of one of her two autistic sons ten years ago, she then took on every possible opportunity to learn about the condition this ranges from NAS Early Bird course to seminars and numerous workshops on Autism and related conditions.
Also, she worked with NHS psychology research team as a volunteer because of her interest in autism related research and learning.
So Yanela has over 10 year’s personal experience and over 5 year’s professional experience in Education, Autism, Learning Disability and special needs
Yanela has worked in various practical roles working with individuals on the autism spectrum as an outreach worker, PA, outreach facilitator and workshop facilitator. She has also worked with both professionals and parents as a seminar facilitator, trainer, tutor and quality assurer.
Yanela has worked as an autism resource coordinator (ARC) for a successful Post Diagnostic Support Service for individuals on the autism spectrum. Her work as an ARC involved 1:1 and group work with individuals who has a diagnosis of autism putting a variety of plans and strategies to assist with understand their diagnosis, employment and volunteering, independent and healthy living skills in order for them to engage as fully as possible in their local community whilst working with their families and carers. In addition, Yanela has worked as an advocate for people on the Autism spectrum this ranges from organising pre-interview and pre-induction meetings with employers, representation at department of works and Pensions (DWP) medical assessments and interviews. Also, she was involved in creating care plans for individuals on the spectrum autism to be used in different settings, situations and organisation. In addition, Yanela sat in different local authority strategy planning meetings and advised commissioners on what services maybe commissioned for individuals on the autism spectrum and support in developing of local statutory guidance in line with current UK laws such as The Care Act 2014.
Yanela is a qualified trainer who has recently moved from the North East, identified a gap in training services and opened her own training company ACAE Training to deliver a range of training courses and workshops catering for medical, educational, care professionals and others who work with individuals on the autism spectrum and related conditions. Additionally, Yanela is involved in writing and planning of credited and non- credited courses to suit different settings and providers.
Yanela also provides motivational, guest speaking and advocacy support and services for carers and parents of individuals on the autism spectrum. This covers a range of topics depending on the need and audience.The training, advise and services that Yanela delivers is adverse and bespoke.
Autism, other attention related conditions and mental health.
PASSION ______
Yanela was born in South Africa and immigrated to UK at the age of 20 and has been settled in the UK ever since. When her children were diagnosed with Autism and as she was going through her journey her mind has always been with others going through similar circumstances in the UK and abroad. She is looking at educating everyone she can about autism, however, is very passionate about educating and empowering people by relating her own challenges, difficulties and success through her family journey.
'Knowledgeable trainer and her personal experience comes across well.’
'Well presented, interactive and great experience'
'I think this course should be mandatory'
'I could listen to Yanela all day'
'I have a 25 year old autistic son but have picked up strategies on this training'
‘Very interesting and personal insight of the trainer’
‘Very complicated topic presented in an easy to understand way’
Facebook: Specialist & Bespoke Training Services
Web page:
LinkedIn: ACAE Bespoke Training
LinkedIn: Yanela Ntlauzana
Tel: 07861759671
Understanding the Autism Spectrum
This course is suitable for those individuals with little or no understanding of the autism spectrum disorders such as parents or carers who have had a family member recently diagnosed or professionals interested in working with people on the autism spectrum.
This is an interactive basic awareness course. A gentle introduction to the autism spectrum disorder, its variations, leading to a basic understanding of the autism spectrum disorder and how it manifests in individuals differently. This course covers, triad of impairments and sensory processing. Personal and professional experiences are shared throughout the session to illustrate and bring balanced experiences of caring and supporting individuals on the autism spectrum.
Learning outcomes, by the end of this workshop attendees should:
Understand the meaning of autism spectrum disorder and its variations
Understand difficulties that may be faced by those on the autism spectrum
Be equipped with basic tools and strategies to use in their own setting while supporting individuals on the autism spectrum.
Assessment:On going group discussions, individual/paired activities, question and answers
Dates: 8 November, 2 December, 18 Jan, 10 Feb, 3 March, 7 April
Times: 9.30am – 12.30 pm
Venue: The Bolton Hub, Bold St, Bolton BL1 1LS
Fees: Parents/unpaid carers on line booking £25.00; Telephone booking £50.00
Professionals on line booking £50.00; telephone booking £70.00(there is a small on-line booking fee).
Principles of Autism
This is an interactive course that goes into depth autism awareness. A recap of basic awareness and introduction to the autism spectrum and its variations. This course covers, triad of impairments and sensory processing. Also, it covers how to apply best practice while working and supporting people on the autism spectrum. Also, this course gets into further detail looking at different brain wiring and autism, different models of autism,prevalence rates, causes, etc.Personal and professional experiences are shared throughout the session to illustrate and bring balanced experiences of caring and supporting individuals on the autism spectrum.
Learning outcomes, by the end of this workshop attendees should:
Have a deeper understand and background of the autism spectrum disorder
Understand difficulties that may be faced by those on the autism spectrum
Be equipped with tools and techniques to use so that they can better understand and support individuals
Assessment: On going group discussions, activity, question and answers,creating a onepage autism awareness/information leaflet.
Dates: 18 November, 5 December, 24 January, 22 February,21 March, 20 April
Times: 10:00am – 16.00 pm
Venue: The Bolton Hub, Bold St, Bolton BL1 1LS
Fees: Parents/unpaid carers on line booking £50.00; Telephone booking £70.00
Professionals on line booking £70.00; telephone booking £90.00(there is a small on-line booking fee)
Principles of Autism and Assessing the needs of people on the autism spectrum
This is a 2 days course covering:
Day 1 (10:00-16:00) Principles of Autism*and
Day 2(10:00-16:00) How to effectively assess individual on the autism spectrum, in line and compliancy with autism awareness, The Care Act 2014 and The Autism Strategy
Day 1: This is an interactive course that goes into depth autism awareness. A recap of basic awareness and introduction to the autism spectrum and its variations. This course covers, triad of impairments and sensory processing. Also, it covers how to apply best practice while working and supporting people on the autism spectrum. Also, this course gets into further detail looking at different brain wiring and autism, different models of autism, prevalence rates, causes, etc.
Day 2: Second day looks at the current legislation and law when assessing and supporting individuals on the autism spectrum. Also, using autism awareness and understanding we look at how we can adjust and individualise assessment and support for people on the autism spectrum.
Personal and professional experiences are shared throughout the session to illustrate and bring balanced experiences of caring and supporting individuals on the autism spectrum.
Learning outcomes, by the end of this workshop attendees should:
Have a deeper understand of the autism spectrum disorder
Understand difficulties that may be faced by those on the autism spectrum
Have an understanding of what the current legislation says about assessing and supporting people on the autism spectrum
Be equipped with tools and techniques to use so that they can better assess, understand and support individuals
Have an awareness of how mainstream assessment methods maybe adjusted for individuals on the autism spectrum
Assessment: On going group discussions, activity, question and answers, creating a one page autism awareness/information leaflet and a brief guide on assessing the needs of individuals on the autism spectrum
Dates:15 and 16 November, 30 and 31 January, 27 and 28 February, 27 and 28 March, 24 and 25 April
Times: 10:00am – 16.00 pm
Venue: The Bolton Hub, Bold St, Bolton BL1 1LS
Parents/unpaid carers on line booking £100.00; Telephone booking £120.00
Professionals on line booking £120.00; telephone booking £140.00(there is a small on-line booking fee)
*You do not have to attend first day if you have already done Principles of autism and will pay half of the fees. Contact us if you would like to discuss this option.
How to effectively present and simplify social information for individuals on the autism spectrum
This course can be taken following an autism spectrum awareness course. It discusses and illustrate different ways of providing and simplifying social information for individuals on the autism spectrum. This course focus on the value of visual communication and social stories/scripts, how they are written and used to improve social understand thus increasing the likelihood of improved behaviour.Personal and professional experiences are shared throughout the session to illustrate and bring balanced experiences of caring and supporting individuals on the autism spectrum.
Learning outcomes, by the end of this workshop attendees should have:
Discussed social understanding and communication for individuals on the autism spectrum
An understanding of different way of presenting and simplifying social information for individuals on the autism spectrum.
An understanding of what a Social Story is and when might it be needed?
Attempted to write a Social Story individually?
Assessment:On going group discussions, individual/paired activities, question and answers, writing a social story from given or personal examples
Dates: 11 November, 20 January, 6 March, 28 April
Times: 9.30am – 2.30 pm
Venue: The Bolton Hub, Bold St, Bolton BL1 1LS
Parents/unpaid carers/students on line booking £35.00; Telephone booking £60.00
Professionals on line booking £60.00; telephone booking £85.00(there is a small on-line booking fee)
Understanding and Managing Behaviours that challenge in Autism
This course can be taken following an autism spectrum awareness course. It is to help understand, support and manage individuals on the autism spectrum who may present with behaviours that challenge. This course is not about positive handling and does not illustrate or advise on physical intervention techniques. However, it looks at theories of behaviour and general attitudes towards behaviours that challenge.Also, the course looks at how those working and supporting people on the autism spectrum can be proactive and reactive to behaviours that challenge?Personal and professional experiences are shared throughout the session to illustrate and bring balanced experiences of caring and supporting individuals on the autism spectrum.
Learning outcomes, by the end of this workshop attendees should:
Understand behaviours that challenge while supporting individuals on the autism spectrum?
Have looked at the meaning of adjusting own behaviours
Have discussed the likely causes for behaviours that challenge?
Have an understanding of preventative, managing and reduction strategies
Understand how they can promote positive behaviours?
Assessment:On going group discussions, individual/paired activities, question and answers
Dates: 25 November, 24 February, 10 March, 21 April
Times: 9.30am – 2.30 pm
Venue: The Bolton Hub, Bold St, Bolton BL1 1LS
Parents/unpaid carers/students on line booking £35.00; Telephone booking £60.00
Professionals on line booking £60.00; telephone booking £85.00(there is a small on-line booking fee)
To book please use
Eventbrite website
Call 07861759671 or email us on
For further information or any other queries please email us on
and we will do our best to accommodate your training needs.
*Refreshments such as tea and coffee are provided at our venues
*All our training and courses can also be tailored and delivered to individual organisations at own venue