Faculty of Commerce
Dep. Business Administration / / Time: 1 Hour
Course: Public Administration
Academic Year
Student Name: ______Student ID No.______
Question One: State whether the following statements are True or False: (10 points; one point for each one)
1- / Whatever government does or does not do can be seen as public policy.2- / History indicates that confederation is the weakest governance system.
3- / Based on his article “The Study of Administration” in the 1887 Political Science Quarterly, Leonard White is considered the founding father of public administration.
4- / The Palestinian governance system is a unitary one while the Iraqi governance system is a federal one.
5- / Public policy “decides,” and public administration “does”, thus they are integrally connected.
6- / Public administration is about implementing the public interest.
7- / The government paying a contractor like Blackwater for services in a war zone would be an example of public administration.
8- / The philosophy of Libertarianism promotes the idea of a strong visible hand of government into the lives of the people.
9- / That public administration is part of the executive function of government is a managerial definition of public administration.
10- / Nonprofits react to market failure which is the inability of a society’s free markets to provide a needed service.
11- / Reinventing government means the latest manifestation of the progressive tradition of continuously improving government with an emphasis on privatization.
12- / Separation of powers, in theory, makes a tyrannical concentration of power impossible.
13- / To say that Public administration cannot exist outside its political context is completely incorrect.
14- / Conservative is a person who supports outmoded ideas of the past.
15- / Tragedy of the Commons occurs when individuals, acting in their own self-interests, destroy public resources such as land and water.
16- / Machinery of government consists of all of the structural arrangements adopted by national, state, or local governments to deliver their legally mandated programs and services.
17- / Check and balance system can be seen clearly in the Palestinian public administrative system.
18- / The administrative system of the Arab League is classified to be a confederated system.
19- / Philanthropic organization is relieving or alleviating specific instances of suffering in the community.
20- / The book of the Heat Wave is a reflection of the Hollow state in Chicago.
Key / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
Question Two: Select the most appropriate answer. (10 points; half point for each one)
1- What is public policy?
a. Whatever a government plans b. Whatever a government decides to do.
c. Whatever a government decides not to do. d. B + C
2- In the political and cultural environment of public policy and its administration, the ability or right to excise authority is known as______.
a. accountability b. responsibility
c. transparency d. power
3- The public policymaking cycle is grounded on ______.
a. agenda setting b. policy decision or non-decision
c. implementation and criticism d. All of the above
4- Governmental privatization example of the sale of government assets include______.
a. public corporations b. Toll highways
c. hygiene services d. All of the above
5- What are the two pillars or concepts of public administration used as the standard criteria for program evaluation?
a. Efficiency b. Efficiency & effectiveness
c. Productivity d. Efficiency & productivity
6- One of the external factors of the organizational culture is ______.
a. vision b. rules
c. mission d. goals
7- The founding father of public administration who wrote the essay “The Study of Administration,” was ______.
a. Thomas Jefferson b. Woodrow Wilson
c. George Washington d. Frederic Taylor
8- When some public administrators, have described public administration as being “Mickey Mouse,” we are referring to the ______.
a. merit system.
b. The “red tape” that can exist in public administration.
c. Biased hiring processes and values of nepotism
d. Influence of the Disney Corporation on the discipline of administration
9- To be defined as a profession, public administration must meet three criteria. Which of the following statements does NOT represent one of these criteria?
a. a body of academic and practical knowledge that is applied to the service of society
b. a standard of success theoretically measured by serving the needs of society rather than seeking purely personal gain
c. a system of control over professional practice that regulates the education of new members and maintains a code of ethics and appropriate sanctions
d. a system of government that dispenses the kings largesse
10- Government regulation means that government creates______.
a. Policies to control the social and economic activities of the citizenry
b. Policies to control the economic and social activities of private business organizations
c. Policies to control the economic and social activities of public agencies
d. All of the above
AnswerKey / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Question Three: Define the following terms: (6 points; 2 points for each one)
1. Check and Balance System:
2. Confederation Government:
3. Reinventing Government:
Question Three: Elaborate the meaning of separation of powers and its consequences on the principles of check and balance. To what extent is this principle applicable in the Palestinian Administrative system with striking examples from local life? (4 points)
Good Luck