October 18-21

SS.2.E.1.1Recognize that people make choices because of limited resources.

SCL.17.1 / Compare and Contrast the basic needs that all living things, including humans have for our survival.

LAFS.2.W.1.2- Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.


I can recognize that people supply goods and services based on consumer demands.

I Can compare and contrast the basic needs of all living things.

I Can write an informative text.

Materials:Cheetos and paper bags for each student for Pollination activity. For farmers market; oranges-Clarke, grapes-Squire, Yellow Squash-Anderson, potatoes-Wickersheim, tomatoes- Straughn, cucumbers-Silva

Theme: How We Organize Ourselves


Consumer- a person or thing that consumes.

Pollination- Pollination occurs when pollen is moved within flowers or carried from flower to flower by pollinating animals such as birds, bees, bats, butterflies, moths, beetles, or other animals, or by the wind.

Resources- asourceofsupply,support,oraid,especiallyonethatcanbereadilydrawnuponwhenneeded.


Teachers will create a farmers market with fruits and vegetables using current prices. A storm hits the lights go out and the wind is blowing! Students will go to lunch. Teacher will change prices during specials. After lunch discuss with students that there was a storm before taking them back to the farmers market. Students will go back into the market to make connections with price changes. Students will collect data on a T-Chart. (Class grade assignment)







Have students come up with I wonder questions about why they think the prices changed. Discuss will students I wonder questions whole group


Activator:Teachers will give students Cheetos to touch and then wipe their hands on their flower paper. Teacher will then show students the following video.

Why do we need bees? Video:3:32

Ask students how can you connect the activity to the video?

After discussing the connections give students more Cheetos and have them pollinate other student’s flowers.

Students will be given a graphic organizer with questions about “How Do Bees Pollinate Flowers?” and pollination Experiment.


Show video of a Life Cycle of a Plant

Discuss how plants are essential for our survival? Read as a class “A Greener World”.

Students will write to explain3 ways plants are important for our survival. (Class Grade) Teacher will assemble a class tree with all of the student’s leaves.


Have students talk to a partner about the steps of how a plant grows.

Show the video of the Life Cycle of a Pumpkin.

Students will get a paper plate and visually demonstrate the 6 steps of the Life cycle of a pumpkin. Students will share their plate with their group. The cycle of a pumpkin. (Class Grade)


Farmers Market T-Chart/Class Grade/ 6pts./10mins.

3 Ways Plants are Important for our survival/Class Grade/3pts./10 mins.

Thy Cycle of a Pumpkin/Class Grade/6pts./15 mins.