Restaurant Skit
Presentation date:______
Assignment: Your group will pretend that you are going out to lunch or dinner at a Spanish-speaking restaurant. One person will be the waiter and/or chef. The remaining team members will be customers. Develop a skit where you order a meal, talk about the meal you ordered and talk with the waiter. Your skit must be between 3-5 minutes long. Your skit must be in Spanish and you must have your part memorized.
- ____ 2 customers, a Server (chef optional) with appropriate props
(it can be a sign with the name of the restaurant, real food, plastic food, table cloth, flowers etc.)
Script/performance requirements:
- ____ 8 lines of “substance” per person –label with the name of the student and line number
- ____ 2 questions per person
- ____ Greet each other at the table or server/chef
- ____ Order food and/or drink
- ____ Request/present bill
- ____ Menu
- ____ Script TYPED out for each student and 1 extra typed copy for the teacher
Skit Ideas: (mix and match ideas, as well as using your own ideas)
1)Your waiter is overly friendly and tries to involve himself in your conversation.
2)One of the people at your table is very picky. He/she complains about everything.
3)Someone is a picky eater. They modify everything they order. (use the words sin and con)
4)The silverware is dirty.
5)The service is so bad, you don’t want to leave a tip.
6)Someone doesn’t like anything on the menu and wants to leave.
7)The waiter can participate in any way, but he must ask the typical questions that a waiter would. Other waiter ideas: Perhaps he could say the restaurant is out of a certain item and offer other options, he/she could be difficult and say that they can’t modify items on the menu, he could be overly nice or rude, etc….
8)There should be some form of random conversation. Remember you are a group of friends or family that is out socializing.
Skit rehearsal. Now the skit is written. What's next? You have to practice the skit! Practice makes perfect. Don't just "wing it" on the day of the performance. Think of what visuals you might need for your performance, like menus, costumes, etc. Make sure that all team members have a copy of the skit with which to rehearse. Rehearse to get a feel of the flow of the performance, practicing reactions, facial expressions and body movements that are appropriate to the situation.