Victorian Community Road Safety Alliance
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday 25 August Month2015
VicRoads Theatrette, Kew
11am – 12pm
David Healy (Chair)
Melinda Spiteri – RACV
Elizabeth Waller - TAC
Steven Perry – Victoria Police
Kevin Peachey - MAV
Aleksandra Natora – Department of Health and Human Services
Richard Hatfield – Department of Health and Human Services
Stephen Turner – Transport Safety Victoria
Heather Jones – community member
Linda Ivett – community member
John Duscher – community member
Chris Davis – community member
Anna McDowall– VicRoads (Minutes)
Guests: Greg Ryan, VicRoads, ActingManager Statewide Projects, Mark Simionato, VicRoads, Senior Statewide Projects Coordinator
1. Welcome
David Healy welcomed everyone to the Augustmeeting of the Alliance
2. Apologies:
Simone Lugg – Department of Justice
Joe Remenyi – Community member
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
David received confirmation that all members received the minutes and that the community members had forwarded a copy to the registered groups within their region.
It was noted that the previous minutes were delayed in being received by members.
Stephen Turner moved that the minutes be accepted and Linda Ivettseconded the minutes be accepted.
David Healy passed the minutes.
4. Business Arising
Discussion was had regarding the one major road safety conference taking place on the Gold Cost in November 2015. Groups have expressed concern re the cost of attending the Australasian Road Safety Conference being prohibitive for community road safety groups.
A suggestion was made that local road safety workshops be held as an alternative to enable local community road safety groups to further their knowledge on road safety related matters
5. Activity Report
David took members through the activity report.
Alliance Community member vacancies
The community member vacancies (Metro North West and North Eastern region) have not been filled. Applications are still being sought from Metro North West and from North Eastern Region.
Expressions of interest are still open.
2015/16 Funding Advice
VicRoads Regional staff have been working with community road safety groups in signing off on 2015-2016 Program Funding Agreement.
Expressions of interest – new groups
The following four groups sought and were approved for registration as either Statewide or local Community Groups;
Brimbank Bicycle Education Centre (Metro North West region)
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (Metro North West Region)
Inner East Community Health Services (Metro South East region)
City of Greater Geelong(South Western Region)
David Healy advised as a result of the greater number of groups bidding for funding, the funding pie was being sliced into smaller pieces and that it would be unlikely groups would see an increase in the amount of funding they receive.
David went on to suggest that groups need to look at what they can deliver well and also look into obtaining funds elsewhere.
Community Member update
David invited members of the Alliance to provide a brief update on current activity. Community members were asked to provide a written summary for inclusion with the minutes. A summary of the issues raised at the meeting is provided below:
Heather Jones
Heather indicated that the community groups are functioning well.
She did say though that the lateness in receiving the minutes was problematic in providing timely information to the groups.
The delay in dispatching the minutes was linked to delays in receiving the reports from the community members.
It was decided that in future the minutes would contain a summary only of the issues raised by the community members to enable their more timely provision to Alliance members.
Chris Davis indicated that when discussion contained sensitive information that this should not be made available to non-members of the Alliance. He suggested that this process should be written into the operating rules for the Alliance.
David agreed that this should be the case and that information so acknowledged as confidential within the meeting should be for members only.
Chris Davis – community member Western Region
Chris reported that he’d attended the Horsham AGM.
Chris noted the long term commitment and support of RoadSafe Wimmera from the chair, Nola Smith, as well as her extensive other volunteering commitments in the community
Chris to provide David Healy with details regarding Nola’s long term contribution and support of Road Safe Wimmera to enable David to draft a letter of recognition
It was noted that RoadSafe groups could nominate their own members for external volunteering or ‘person of the year’ awards.
Chris attended a IPA2 course for engaging community for greater input/outcomes which he spoke of highly. He has offered to do a presentation on the benefits/learning from the course
A report from Chris was not available at the time of the meeting.
A written report to follow.
Linda Ivett
RoadSafe South EastRoadSafe and Eastern Metrowere happy with the amount of funding they have received for their 2015-2016 programs.
Linda also reported that the groups appreciated being able to carry over some 2014-2015 funding.
Linda raised concerns regarding which group would be picking up the programs that Hawthorn Community Education Centre were running in light of the Centre’s closure.
Linda advised that Max Harris has reached an agreement with 13CABS to partner in the delivery of F2D on a statewide level. 13 CABS has agreed to cover the school contribution component of the F2D program for schools which are unable to contribute financially.
It was noted that Max will need to have a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the F2D CE.
John Duscher – community member Eastern Region
John reported that community groups in the Eastern region were all progressing well.
John Duscher advised that Chief Magistrate/Coroner, Clive Allsopwas retiring from his role in supporting road safety within the school network.
John suggested that a letter of acknowledgement for his great work in road safety be sent to him.
David requested some more informationbefore writing a letter.
Greg Ryan suggested that Regional Directors also be notified of any community member contributions for acknowledgement.
Andy Milbourne, chair of Roadsafe Gippsland has moved to Sale but is still chairing RoadSafeGippsland.
John mentioned that he was impressed with the community groups’ engagement with local community.
The Eastern regions community groups are looking forward to the implementation of SmartyGrants bidding process for VCRSPP funding.
John advised that the Eastern Region would be holding a road safety forum showcasing the groups’ achievements to its peers, the community and road safety partners.
The community groups, via John, have praised Alana for the support she has provided the groups as a road safety coordinator for Eastern Region.
6. Statewide Team Update – Greg Ryan, Acting Manager Statewide Programs
Greg advised that Statewide projects are focusing on working Toward Zero together with community groups and looking for opportunities to imbed the Safe System into all aspects of VicRoads Programs.
7. General business
There was no general business.
8. Next Meeting –
Meeting of the Alliance
Tuesday 24 November 2015
11:00am – 3:00pm
VicRoads Boardroom Kew
Meeting closed 12:30pm.