Grace Hills Baptist Church Newsletter June, 2012 Page 1 of 4
Grace HillsBaptist Church
PO Box 807,
4320 Pumping Station Road;
Appomattox, Virginia 24522-0807
434-352-8847, fax: 352-8849
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Welcome to our new summer intern, Amanda Ferguson. Amanda will be going into her Junior year at Carson-Newman College in Jefferson City, TN. She is majoring in Religion and Psychology. She calls Maryville, TN home. We are all looking forward to working with her and pray she will find her internship with Adam to be a very rewarding experience. Amanda is the daughter of a pastor and church secretary and enjoys spending time in the church. She feels a strong calling from the Lord to enrich the lives of others through the Word.
The church membership is cordially invited to a fellowship brunch at the church to meet the summer intern, Amanda Ferguson, on Sunday June 3, 9:15 until 10:00 in the small Fellowship Hall. Please come welcome to Amanda into our church family for the summer months.
From the Deacons…
Deacon Nominations for the Sept 1, 2012 to August 31, 2015 term will take place at the June 10, 2012 Business Meeting. See the bulletins for details.
June Music News
Nancy Williams, Choir Director Susie Thomas, Pianist
Our Handbell Choir practices on If you love to sing, our Adult Choir
Thursday nights at 5:45 pm would love to have you sing with them.
Practice is every Thursday night at 7:00 pm
Persons who are willing to use their gifts make amazing contributions to worship and discipleship at Grace Hills. Thanks to Allison Allgood who subbed at the piano while Susie Thomas took a well-deserved vacation.
Bryan Allgood will be playing trumpet on June 3 if his teeth heal from an accident. Derrick Thomas is getting his music ready for the evening service June 24 at 7:00 p.m. at Grace Hills; the choir and the ensemble will accompany him, along with Susie Thomas. All that work creates a space here at GHBC for God to speak to us through music.
Dedicated choir members and bell ringers who take themselves to rehearsals week after week provide leadership in worship with their presence and their gifts of singing and ringing. Thanks to each of you, and thanks to our singing congregation for their support.
Summer Song June 24
featuring Derrick Thompson,
choir, ensemble, bell ringers
sanctuary, 7:00 p.m.
followed by ice cream!
Make plans to be here.
Military List - We forever thank youand honor you for your service!
Michael Gregory
MajorFranklin Jennings, Jr.
Colonel Richard Gullickson
Justin Walkup
Stephen Faircloth
Mark Daulton
Marshall Woods
Trip Green
Eric Forrest
Greg Hamlett
Tyler Paulette
Capt. Herman L. Thomas, Jr.
F. C. and Tracy Carter
Continuing Care List...
Appomattox Health & Rehab: Margaret Megginson,Neil Rogers
Babcock Manor: Joyce Webb
The Carrington: Alma Williams
Heritage Green: Barbara Amick,Vicki Jamerson
Valley View Retirement Community: Rebecca Dickerson
Bonnie Johnson’s House: WillisCarter, Christine Hammock
At Home: Kyle Coleman, Vernon& Ethel Beasley,
Shirley Godsey, Ola Morris, Merlie Reynolds, Annie Reynolds, Sarah Burke,
Ryland Marston, George & Florence Richards, Helen May Beatty
Appomattox Health and Rehab. --The monthly birthday party at the AH&R center is nowheld onthe first Thursday of each month at 10:30am
Prayer Walk (#47) will be held on June20, 2012 at 6:30pm. Please pray personally each day for our church, its activities, and its leaders along with the use of the weekly prayer calendar. We hope you can attend our monthly Prayer Walks and lay your concerns before the Lord, joining your voice and spirit to others for strength, He is waiting to hear from you.
--Prayer Ministry Committee.. Gloria Daulton, Kathy Faircloth, Sharon Cottingham, Marshall Forest,
Bolling Carter, Chr.
Walking Group The Walking Group gets together to walk around the gym at 8:45am-Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week in the GHBC Family Life Center. Theyare planning to continue to walkonevery Monday, Wednesdayand Friday throughout 2012 (except Holidays!!). Everyone is welcome to walk with us free of charge, so please come out to join us! Walk at your own pace. Do as many laps as you are able! Contact theChurch Office for further information!
Adults on Mission
Missionaries appreciate our prayers very much and we have awebsitewhere you can learn specific prayer requests for our CBF missionaries. Go to the website
andvoice specific prayers formissionaries in the U. S. and around the world.
They will be very much appreciated!
The Community Ministry Council will again be collecting items to fill boxes to send to our service men and women overseas. Our collection will continue through the month of June. Following are a list of items you can donate: beef jerky sticks, hard candy, cups of noodles, cereal bars, pudding cups, drink mixes (individual servings), travel packs of tissues or wet wipes, first aid supplies, chap stick, andpackages of batteries. If you have suggestions for anyone to receive these boxes or have other questions,contact Peggy Marshall, Betty Gallier or Kathy Faircloth.
The week of July 8-14,we will havean Impact Virginia youth groupspending the week in our church facilities. Lunches will be provided by the area churches and breakfast and dinner will be prepared here at Grace Hills.A Disaster Relief Feeding Unit will be here cooking breakfast and dinner. If you want to help prepare these meals, you need to receive training. There are two area trainings available--one at Eagle Eyrie on June 2 and the other will be here at Grace Hills on Wednesday July 11 while they are here. If you are interested in either of these trainings, please let Adam or Linda Jo know.
The Grace Hills Relay for Life Team
The actual Relay for Life will be held at the Appomattox County High School track.
It will start on Friday evening, June 8, 2012,
and will continue into Saturday. If you are interested in participating on our church team,
Please contact Lara Peterson at 993-9119 with any questions.
The GHBC Seniors will meet next on June 4 at 11:30am for a covered-dish lunch. Please bring something for everyone to enjoy. Let’s all try to bring something healthy and easy to prepare. Bring the recipe and trade with others for their favorte, healthy secret.
Quilting Group
The Quilting Group will continue to meet in the GHBC Fellowship Hall on the second and fourth Wednesday at 10am.
Be there with your thimble on and your pins at the ready! Please contact Clarine Mays for further information, 434-352-8755.
The Women's Book Club will meet on Saturday, June 23rd in the GHBC fellowship hall. At 9:30 am, we will have breakfast and discuss our favorite books. For more information, call Cadance Tyler at 434-944-3914.
Hospitality Committee News
After a music program by the Choir and others in the church sanctuary, please come and enjoy An Ice Cream Social in the Family Life Center onSunday, June 24. Entertainment, ice cream, cake, and a good time for all – what else can we ask for? -- The Hospitality Committee
The Arthritis Exercise Classis on hiatus for the summer and will resume in September, 2012. Keep exercising on your own and don’t lose that momentum! A BiGthank-you goes out to Linda Peters, Pat Torrence and Betty Berry for faithfully coaxing us all to move. Thanks to Bill Peters and Steve Giuliano for setting up the equipment for us.
Sports Beat! What a season our Grace Hills young people have had! Patricia's trip to Europe to play soccer did not overshadow her excellent work here with the varsity girls' soccer team. The Appomattox team is #2 in the district, and even with her injuries, Patricia is cheering them on from the sidelines. In baseball, senior Jake Perkins has
made a wonderful contribution as pitcher. The high school varsity team is #1 in the district. Zach Perkins is playing JV baseball. Nathan Gilliam is playing varsity boys' soccer; the Appomattox team is #2 in the district. Senior Katie Wingfield has swung her racket at the #1 spot on the varsity girls' tennis ladder all season. Congratulations to the gifted athletes, and to the many others who fill our local teams.
A Missional Community of Grace Hills Baptist Church
Bringing People and Services Together in the Appomattox Community
OFFICIAL OPENING SET FOR JUNE 3, 2012 3:00-5:00 pm
We hope you’ll join us!
Progress continues on the Good Neighbor Help and Information Center with a scheduled opening date of June 3, 2012. The Center will begin service on a part-time basis from 4:00- 6:00 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays and from 9:00-11:00 AM on Saturdays. Our location is in Rooms 2 and 5 of the newly renovated section of the former Jamerson Building and Supply.
Jonas Vesterland recently designed a beautiful logo for the center. Telephone and Internet service is installed. Volunteers are needed to help develop and set up a website and also to collect community information which will be used to distribute to those seeking information. Categories of services are expected to include the following:
(1)Newcomer Services
(2)Family, Single, and Senior Services
(3)Youth Services
On Sunday, June 3, we will seek the church’s blessing of this new missional community. We will host an Open House at the Center from 3:00-5:00 PM with light refreshments. Please take a few minutes to come.
The invitation is open and ongoing for everyone in the church to be involved through prayers, advice, or serving as a volunteer. A community-wide fall event is also in the planning stage and the help of many people will be needed to carry out the work.
Please feel free to contact Janice Marston, Lloyd Walton, Shirley Walton, Cadance Tyler, Betty Roberts, Adam Tyler, Bill Jamerson, Ellen Jamerson, Phillip Jamerson or Nancy Williams with questions or suggestions, or to indicate your willingness to participate. Your prayers, support, and help are needed.
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Grace Hills Baptist Church Newsletter June, 2012 Page 1 of 4
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School will be
July 23rd - 27th from 9 a.m. till noon.
VBS participants and volunteers can register at:
Invite a friend to join us with our VBS!
June Nursery Schedule
June3– Frankie Perkins & Paige Nolen
June10– Becky Burke & Ashley Walker
June17 – Lauren Moore & Pat Torrence
June24 – Martha Ramsey & Mary Bryant
June Children’s Worship
(ages four through 2nd grade)
June3 – Jamie Davis & Becky Burke - “The Baby Moses”
June10 – Misty Nolen – “The Burning Bush”
June17 – Amanda Ferguson – “Father’s Day”
June24 – Amanda Ferguson – “The Ten Plagues”
Grace Hills Early Learning Center
contact information:
(434-352-2273, fax: 434-352-4422)
Don’t forget to regularly review and update your personal information that is on file at the church whenever something changes for you and your family. Phone numbers, mailing/residence addresses, e-mail addresses, emergency contact information for yourself and your family, changes of family member status, and special achievements, etc. Let us know of anything you would like kept on file at the church that would help your pastor, deacon and staff know you and your family better. The information is not shared outside the church without your permission. There are forms in the church lobby for this purpose, but you can send an email or a written note just as well at any time.
Newsletter Information Due Date
The nextNewsletter Information deadline is Wednesday, June20, 2012 at 5pm. Please have any information to be included in the next Newsletter to the GHBC Office by 5pm on the deadline day! All Member/Committee/Class input is welcome! Remember your church activity and related digital pictures are also welcome for inclusion. Email them to with the caption you desire. Calendar information for the next month is due by 5pm on the last working day before the Church Council meeting for the month prior to the event, so it can be presented at Church Council. Please remember to tell the Office when a meeting is scheduled or changed before the Bulletin due date. Bulletin information is due in the GHBC office by 5pm, every Wednesday. Times VA news must be in the GHBC office by 12pm Friday every week. ABA Newsletter articles must be in the GHBC office by 5pm the 15th of every month. Newsletter Information must be in the GHBC Office by 5pm on the Wednesday before the last Sunday of the month, unless that Sunday is a holiday or very close to the end of the month—then, the info. would be due 5pm Wednesday--2 weeks before the last Sunday. Please make all submissionsseparately in writing. Email is preferred. Thanks for your cooperation!
Printed: 9/30/2018 9:38 AM