12905- Wide reading
Working with the ideas of American History X, it is important that you realise how information can be used to manipulate others, the way the Cameron used information to manipulate Derek and Danny.
Read the attached documents from websites about Neo Nazis.
From Klan to the Eternal Plan THE SOUTHLAND TIMES —12 OCT 2000
Chch Klan link denied THE PRESS— 14 FEB 2001 By LOIS WATSON
A few words about Freedom of Speech www.ozemail.com.au/~natinfo
National Front connection to police seizure of stolen explosives SUNDAY STAR TIMES, 27 JUL 2003 By: Jonathan MILNE
On Free Speech and Hate Groups
People's Weekly World, paper of Communist Party, USA. The Guardian September 8, 1999
Mass Immigration; Undermining Australia’s way of life
Australian Nationalism Information Database www.ozemail.com.au/~natinfo 1 April 2004
1. Read all of the articles.
2. Summarise “Mass Immigration; Undermining Australia’s Way of Life” in aprox 50 words. State whether the author of the article supports neo-Nazism, is against it or is neutral, and the evidence that brought you to this conclusion. Use a clear paragraph structure (S.E.X) for your answers.
3. Repeat with three others of your choice.
4. Write aprox 100 words on whether or not you think that neo-Nazi groups should be allowed to exist and why. Make sure that you state the conditions under which you would eliminate or allow them.
From Klan to the eternal plan THE SOUTHLAND TIMES —12 OCT 2000
A decade ago, Johnny Lee Clary preached the gospel of racial hatred.
But it is God's word the former Ku Klux Klan imperial wizard preaches now. Mr Clary, from Oklahoma, first came to New Zealand in February to tour schools and churches. Engaged to a New Zealander two weeks ago, he plans to move to this country and establish his Operation Colorblind Ministry.
The born-again Christian minister turned his back on the Klan in 1989, having risen through its ranks to become its national leader. He had taken part in burning a black church, among other things, but the 40-year-old became disenchanted with various skinhead and neo-Nazi groups aligning themselves with the Klan. In 1989, as imperial wizard, he became a spokesman for the Klan, appearing on TV talk shows including The Oprah Winfrey Show. After these appearances, he lost his job as a professional wrestler, his family and, it appeared, all hope, until he found God.
New Zealand's fight against racism was just as real as the United States, Mr Clary said. "This message is needed here in New Zealand because these groups are here and they're alive and well," he said. Hate mail had already been sent to him by Christchurch-based skinheads.
But it would not stop him sharing his message.
Chch Klan link denied THE PRESS— 14 FEB 2001 By LOIS WATSON
Police are denying claims that the notorious American-based white supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan is active in Christchurch.
However, they admit there are Right-wing groups with similar philosophies in the city. Former Klan imperial wizard Johnny Lee Clary said at the weekend that he knew of active Klan groups in Christchurch and Auckland, and he had received e-mails and approaches from people claiming to be misunderstood members of such groups since he arrived in New Zealand last year.
In one incident, a potential new recruit was instructed that as part of their initiation "they would have to kill a non-white person", Mr Clary said. He told the young woman to contact police. "I know what these people think and I know what they're all about," he said. "They're very serious about getting their agenda pushed forward and it's sickening that they want to come into New Zealand and take advantage of people. "But they're going after the youth because the youth of today will decide the kind of nation you have tomorrow. They get these kids that feel down and out, who have been involved in gangs, and take advantage of them," Mr Clary said.
Detective Senior Sergeant John Rae said police had received no intelligence to suggest the Klan was operating in the city. But there were neo-Nazi groups that shared the Klan's white-supremacist philosophy.
Mr Rae said those groups were very small in number and had been relatively inactive recently. Race Relations Conciliator Rajen Prasad said his office was aware of such groups and the Human Rights Act contained very clear provision for police or court action if evidence of inciting racial disharmony was discovered.
National Front connection to police seizure of stolen explosives SUNDAY STAR TIMES, 27 JUL 2003 By: Jonathan MILNE
POLICE HAVE charged six people after seizing a cache of explosives from a Lower Hutt house occupied by alleged members of the fascist National Front.
But the self-professed Nazi leader of the National Front's Wellington unit has spoken out in an interview, saying police are harassing a legitimate political organisation.
Brent "Snake" Gebbie, 40, said the National Front was seeking to build its membership to 500 to register as a political party and run for parliament, following the lead of its sister party in France.
Police have charged five men and one woman with possession of explosives, receiving stolen goods and participating in an organised criminal group, after the May 5 raid on a Wainuiomata house.
Detective sergeant Clint Walker said the police special search unit and sniffer dogs executed a search warrant on the rented property in the search for $77,000 worth of stolen explosives and detonators.
He said a small portion of the explosives, stolen from a container being shipped to film effects company NZFX, had been found concealed in a derelict vehicle in the front yard. "They could be used to endanger people but whether or not that was this group's intention, we do not yet know."
Mark Gage, 26, has been remanded in custody to appear in Lower Hutt District Court on August 13.
Alex Parsons, Lisa Parsons, and Keith White, all 20, and Michael Page, 21, have been released on bail until that date.
Liam Carpenter, 20, is on the run and police have issued a warrant for his arrest. They have denied the charges.
"As far as the court is concerned, they've made no admission as to membership of the National Front," said their defence lawyer Geoff Fulton.
It is understood police concerns were exacerbated after the Sunday Star-Times revealed in April the National Front was setting up a militia to defend New Zealand against Asian "invaders".
Gebbie said some of those charged were not members of the National Front and their arrests were an attack on his organisation and political freedom.
"They're trying to make out we were building up for a big terrorist attack. But the militia is a small minority within the National Front itself. There are different factions within the National Front."
He said police were not accountable for their actions: "Because of our extreme views, we know we are going to be targeted because we are a threat to what they deem as correct political views.
"We would like to get into some combat training, confidence courses and that, to build up people's confidence. But not with explosives. Those lads over there in Wainui were lucky to not blow their heads off.
"Because I'm administrator, they're trying to make me responsible for it, they're trying to pin it on me and make out that I'm responsible."
Gebbie said Lower Hutt's National Front was trying to support young skinheads who were becoming involved in street fighting with Maori and Pacific Island youth gangs.
"I'm standing up for myself, which is probably where my criminal record comes from. I can teach them respect, self-esteem, confidence. My aim is not to teach them to bash people."
National Front policies included the death penalty, military conscription, and compulsory insurance for immigrants until they were given citizenship, he said.
"People aren't quite aware of what happened in Fiji with the Asian invasion. George Speight held a coup saying the Fijians were sick of being treated as second-class citizens in their own country. That's something that we've got to be careful of.
"The Asians aren't going to come in with guns and that. They're going to get into government and take over that way."
Gebbie, who has a White Power swastika tattooed on his head, believed mainstream voters would not be deterred from supporting such an extreme party.
Gebbie is barred from running for parliament: he said he had more than 100 convictions, mainly for violence crimes, and had served nine years in prison. He is presently on bail, charged with four others of manufacturing methamphetamines - a charge he denies.
He said his personal Nazi ideology was not National Front policy.
"Prior to the Nazis getting into government the economy was bust. The Nazis built the national pride.
"I admire what they did and the courage they had."
A Few Words About Freedom of Speech
This Internet site covers many topics that can be termed as "controversial". In particular, we could mention immigration, multiculturalism, and Asianisation.
Why controversial? Well, for historical reasons (concerning ideology, academia, trade, and politics), the current power-elite of Australia (the Establishment) is dominated by cosmopolitan-internationalists - and, generally, these people do not like to have their views challenged. The most important and most influential section of the Establishment, the media, is trying its best to portray democratic criticism of immigration, multiculturalism, and Asianisation as unacceptable.
However, the fact is that the majority of the Australian people oppose the anti-Australian policies of continuous mass immigration, government-funded multiculturalism, and Asianisation.
Also, parliamentarians such as Pauline Hanson and Graeme Campbell have publicly opposed the continuation of these anti-Australian policies.
But even if it were only a minority of Australians who opposed these anti-Australian policies, the point would be the same:
In a democracy such as ours it is vitally necessary to allow public opposition to any policy that the Government, and the Establishment, may be peddling. This is part of the essence of democracy in Australia.
People who talk of "freedom of speech", but then move to restrict access to public mediums of expressing that freedom of speech are absolute hypocrites.
To put restrictions upon advocating views in public (whether it be via speaking on top of soap boxes; handing out leaflets; publishing pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, etc.; or putting information on the Internet) is to restrict freedom of speech. Having "freedom of speech" but being stopped from speaking your views via normal public means is - in reality - not to have freedom of speech at all.
In Australia today, various multiculturalists are making moves to restrict or ban the freedom of speech of those who would oppose their world-view. For this reason, such rabid multiculturalists are now being called "the New Nazis". These quasi-fascists, and their anti-democratic machinations, must be opposed.
Support democracy!
Support freedom of speech!
On free speech and hate groups (Communist Press)
Right-wing politicians and the capitalist media argue that legislating
against racism and the incitement to racist hatred is an infringement upon
the individual's right to free speech. Terrie Albano, member of the
National Board of the Communist Party USA, argues that, on the contrary, it
deepens and broadens freedom of speech.
Communists are in a unique position to discuss free speech and hate groups.
Our unique position comes from our militant history of being in the
forefront of free speech fights.
Our party has been on the cutting edge of developing and deepening the
democratic ideal of free speech by fighting to extend it to the whole
working class.
Communists are also in a unique position because Communist Party members
were in the most unfortunate and undemocratic position of being denied
their freedom of speech.
During one of the most undemocratic periods in the United State's history,
the Cold War McCarthy period, communists were victims of the government
legally suppressing their freedom of speech — based on lies, trumped-up
charges and witch-hunt hysteria.
Worse than that, leaders of the Communist Party in the USA were jailed for
"conspiracy to teach". They were jailed for their beliefs and thoughts!
So when the FBI gets on Nightline, as it did in the wake of the
recent anti-Semitic and racist shootings and murder in California, and
defends the rights of individuals to their beliefs, it is clear that it is
the beliefs of racists and Nazis being defended by the FBI, not the beliefs
of Communists, progressives, trade unionists, peace and civil rights
Like all things, democracy and free speech have a class basis. There is
freedom for the ruling class and corporate interests, whose bottom line is
maximum profit and exploitation, and restrictions for the victims of
exploitation and those who challenge it.
There may be free speech for bigots, but not free speech for workers trying
to organise a union — those workers get fired, black-listed or run out of
town. There may be free speech for Nazis and the Klan, but not free speech
for strikers fighting the good fight — the courts hand down anti-picket