The Organization
Reporting Entity
Fund Accounting
TCAG Fund Types
Explanation of Fiduciary Fund Type
Explanation of Governmental Fund
Measurement Focus and Basis of Accounting
Owp and Budget Principles
Snapshot of the Accounting Calendar
Financial Management and Accounting
Organization of the Account System
Measurement Focus
Basis of Accounting
Funds and Accounting Groups
Internal Controls
Records and Reports
Responsibility and Control
General Responsibility
Expenditure Control
Requisition, Purchasing, Procurement, and Contracting Procedures
Purchase Orders and Requisition of Supplies
Bidding Procedures
Professional Consultant Selection Procedure
Contract Preparation and Administration
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE)
Policy Statement
Establishment of Goal
Contract procedure
Selection Criteria for Projects with DBE Goal
Set – Asides
Counting DEB Participants
Records and Reports
Costs of Administration of Policy
Fixed Assets
Cost Allocation
Cost Allocation Plan
Agency Trust Funds – Transportation Development Act
Basis of Tax Revenue Apportionments
Apportionment of Fund Tax Revenues
Apportionment of Fund Interest Revenues
Disbursement of Fund Assets
Grant Tracking
Grant Activities
Fee and Charges
Invoicing and Accounts Receivable
Processing Deposits from Customers/Clients/Agencies
Recording and Tracking Payments
Mail Reciepts
Over the Counter Receipts
Manual Warrant Procedures
Travel Reimbursement
Accounts Payable Processing
Measure R
Measure R Administration Procedures
Preliminary Review/ General Requirements
Project Initiation
Reimbursement Requests
Supplemental Amendments and Change Orders
Project Completion/Close Out
Work Plan
Quarterly Reports
LTF and STA processing
COS (transit)
Reconciliations and Reporting
Lobbying Report
Year End Processing
General Ledger Reconciliation
Audit Preparation and Reporting
OWP and Budget Administration
Fiscal Year
Preparation, Review and Adoption
General Participation
Expenditure Control, Transfers, and Supplemental Requests
Expenditure Control
Budgetary Transfers
Supplemental Requests
The management of the Tulare County Association of Governments (TCAG) is responsible forestablishing and maintaining a system of internal accounting control and that transactions are executed in accordance withgenerally accepted accounting principles. The Tulare County Association of Governments also sits as the Tulare County Transportation Authority (TCTA) and staffs the Tulare County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).
The Accounting Procedures Manual is intended to be a guide for the fiscal procedures of TCAG. The manual will serve both the management and the accounting staff to maintain goodinternal accounting and administrative controls, assist in the expected flow of accountingdocumentation, and to establish a uniform and systematic accumulation of information andstatistical data necessary to fulfill the financial and accounting requirements of TCAG, TCTA and LAFCO.
Annual audits of the Tulare County Association of Governments by an Independent Certified Public Accountant will be performedin accordance with the State of California audit requirements. The California Legislation hasmandated the performance of financial audits for all local governmental entities in the State ofCalifornia.
A single audit report is also prepared in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and in conformance with OMBCircular A-133.
TCAG’s annual audit is routinely filed with each member government, the California State Controller’s Office and the U.S. Department ofTransportation.
TCAG incurs costs which must be borne by specific projects. These costs can beidentified as either direct or indirect costs. Direct costs (i.e., payroll, contractual and items purchased for a specific project) can be identified specifically with a particular project. Indirect Costs (i.e., telecommunications, postage,office supplies, depreciation, building maintenance, utilities, and risk insurance) cannot be easily identified specifically with aparticular project. These costs are designated as such and are not reimbursable from any state or federal funds.
TCAG’scost accounting system for labor (WINCAMS) provides for identification of all labor costs directed to a particular project or work element. Indirect labor costs are calculated each pay period and appropriately allocated to work elements. TulareCounty’s Financial accounting system (AFIN) provides the means for payment of invoices, staff salaries, and interdepartmental charges and tracking of deposits.AFIN provides a General Ledger, balance sheet, and trial balance.
The Organization
The Tulare County Association of Governments is a Joint Powers Agency created on the 4th day of May, 1971 by the County of Tulare and the Cities of Dinuba, Exeter, Farmersville, Lindsay, Porterville, Tulare, Visalia and Woodlake. The role of the Tulare County Association ofGovernments is to serve the functions designated by the signatories to the agreement.Generically, TCAG’s role is to foster intergovernmental coordination both within TulareCounty as well as with neighboring jurisdictions, the other regional agencies in the SanJoaquinValley, the state of California and various Federal agencies.
The Tulare County Association of Governments is directed by a sixteen member board composed of the locally elected officials and three members-at-large. The Board has five members of the TulareCounty Board of Supervisors and one member from each of its incorporated cities. The members-at-large are appointed by a majority of the members on the current board. The Tulare County Association of Governments minus the members-at-large sit as the Tulare County Transportation Authority. The activities of TCAG are carried out bya professional staff. The professional staff is comprised of County of Tulare employees hired for TCAG. As of 07/01/2010,TCAG staff began staffing theTulare County Local Agency Formation Commission.
TCAG prepares its financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles as applied to government units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board(GASB)is the accepted standard setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financialreporting principles.
Reporting Entity
The Tulare County Association of Governments, the regional transportation planning agency for the County of Tulare, was created pursuant to Title 3 of Government Code Section 29532.TCAG is responsible for transportation planning activities as well as administration of theLocal Transportation Fund and the State Transit Assistance Fund in accordance with theapplicable sections of the Government Code, Public Utilities Code and Administrative Codeincluded within the Transportation Development Act. The Council also is the LocalTransportation Authority (LTA) pursuant to Section 1, Division 19 (commencing with Section180000) of the Public Utilities Code as designated by the TulareCounty board ofSupervisors. In 2006, the TulareCounty voters passed an ordinance (Measure R) resultingin a sales tax increase of one-half of one percent for transportation improvements for the next 30 years. TCAGoversees the collection and distribution of the sales tax in accordance with the Measure R Expenditure Plan as the Tulare County Transportation Authority. TCAG also serves as the census data center, operates a research and travel forecastingmodel, prepares a regional housing needs plan, staffs the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) andprovides technical assistance to local agencies and member jurisdictions as needed. Additionally, TCAG oversees the Abandon Vehicle Abatement Program (AVA) and the College of the Sequoia xxxx.
Fund Accounting
TCAG uses funds and account groups to report on its financial position and the results of its operations. Fund accounting is designed to demonstrate legal compliance and to aid financialmanagement by segregating transactions related to certain government functions or activities.
Funds and account groups are organized and accounted for as separate fiscal and accountingentities with self-balancing sets of accounts. TCAG uses the fiduciary funds.
TCAG Fund Types
TCAG uses what are considered Fiduciary Funds. They include, TCAG General Fund, Measure R, Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA), Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), LTF funds and STA funds.
Explanation of Fiduciary Fund Type
Fiduciary fundreporting focuses on net assets and changes in net assets.. The three types of trust funds should be used to report resources held and administered by the reporting government when it is acting in a fiduciary capacity for individuals, private organizations, or other governments. These funds are distinguished from agency funds generally by the existence of a trust agreement that affects the degree of management involvement and the length of time that the resources are held. GASB 34 Paragraph 69.
TCAG Fiduciary Funds - The Trust Funds are used to account for financial resource and assets held by TCAG in a trustee capacity for individuals, private organizations, other governments, and/or other funds. These funds are considered expendable trust funds and are accounted for in essentially the same manner as the governmental fund using a modified accrual basis of accounting. TCAG’s Fiduciary Trust Funds include: TCAG General Fund, the Local Transportation Funds, State Transit Assistance Funds, Local Agency Formation Commission Fund (LAFCO) and the Measure R Fund. The Local Transportation Fund and State Transit Assistance Funds represent allocations under the Transportation Development Act whereby agencies wishing to receive funds file a claim with TCAG. The LAFCO Fund represents dues from member agencies and application fees forcoordinating logical and timely changes in local governmental boundaries, conducting special studies which review ways to reorganize, simplify, and streamline governmental structure and preparing Spheres of Influence for each city and special districts within each county. The Measure R Fund represents the additional sales tax approved for use on transportation improvements.
Explanation of Governmental Fund
Governmental funds are often referred to as "source and use" funds. These are the funds through which most governmental functions typically are financed. The fund types included in this category are general, special revenue, capital projects, debt service, and special assessment funds
TCAG Governmental Funds – Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Fund serve primarily as a pass-through fund between member agencies and TCAG.
Measurement Focus and Basis of Accounting
The accounting and financial reporting treatment applied to a fund is determined by itsmeasurement focus. All Fiduciary Fundsare accounted for using a current financial resources measurement focus. With this measurement focus, onlycurrent assets and current liabilities generally are included on the balance sheet. Operatingstatements of these funds present increases (i.e., revenues and other financing sources) anddecreases (i.e., expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. The modifiedaccrual basis of accounting is used by all Fiduciary Funds. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized whensusceptible to accrual (i.e., when they become both measurable and available). “Measurable”means that the amount of the transaction can be determined and “available” means collectiblewithin the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the currentperiod. Revenues which are accrued include sales tax and interest income. Expenditures arerecognized in the accounting period in which the liability is incurred.
Owp and Budget Principles
On or before April 15, the Tulare County Association of Governments shall prepare a DRAFT budget for the ensuing fiscal year to commence on July 1, and shall submit the same for approval by the TCAG board for the carrying outof tasks within the approved work programfor the year. Any use of amendments of the budget shall be at the sole discretion of the Tulare County Association of Governments Board and submitted to Cal Trans by May 1st of the Current Fiscal Year. Operating budgets are prepared on the modified accrual basisof accounting. Budgetary control and the legal level of control are at the work element level aswell as the object level. Amendments, appropriation transfers between workelements and objects and transfers from contingencies must be approved by the Tulare County Association of Governments Board unless previously approved in the current year OWP. Supplemental appropriations financed by unanticipated revenues also must beapproved by the Board.
Snapshot of the Accounting Calendar
OWP preparation begins for the new Fiscal Year
Lobbying quarterly report is due to the Secretary of State (on line processing)
FHWA quarterly report is due to Caltrans (paper processing)
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
Expense estimates requested from other County Departments for OWP
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
OWP ready for new FY and sent to FHWA for review and discussion
Lobbying quarterly report is due to the Secretary of State (on line processing)
FHWA quarterly report is due to Caltrans (paper processing)
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
OWP to board for discussion and review
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
Approved OWP presented to Board
Approved budget entered into County Web Budget
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
Lobbying quarterly report is due to the Secretary of State (on line processing)
FHWA quarterly report is due to Caltrans (paper processing)
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
Lobbying quarterly report is due to the Secretary of State (on line processing)
FHWA quarterly report is due to Caltrans (paper processing)
Request for audit extension to the board for the Cities to extend it for 90 days (March 31st)
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
Letter to City/County participants in the TDA distribution that audits are due December 31
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
TDA Audits due December 31(unless extended by board approval to March 31). When received transmitted to SCO/TDA and Caltrans.
TCAG Audits due December 31. When received transmitted to SCO.
Monthly General Ledger reconciliation for trust funds: 784 Tcag,783 MR,794 Lafco,347-382 City STP accounts, 471 STA,483-491 City LTF/STA Accounts,402 Abandon Vehicle Abatement (AVA)
Financial Management and Accounting
Organization of the Account System
Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, applicable grant agreements, OMB Circular A-87 and applicable state regulationsgoverning special districts.
Measurement Focus
The Tulare County Association of Governments shall utilize the "spending" measurement focus. This focus requires that only current assets and current liabilities are generally reported on the balance sheetand the operating statement present financial flow information (i.e., revenues and expenditures).
Basis of Accounting
Financial transactions shall be accounted for by the use of the modified accrual basis of accounting, whereby revenues are recognized when they become both measurable and availableto finance expenditures of the current period, and expenditures are generally recognized whenthe related fund liabilities are incurred.
Funds and Accounting Groups
The Tulare County Association of Governments shall maintain separate and distinct funds.
TCAG General Fund No. 784: This fund shall be managed as a general fund used to account for all financial resources and activity not accounted for in another TCAG fund. This fund also accounts for financial activity using Federal Highway Administration PL funds and Federal Transit Administration planning funds.
Local Transportation Funds No. 483 (City of Dinuba), No. 484 (City of Exeter), No. 485 (City of Farmersville), No. 486 (City of Lindsay), No. 487 (City of Porterville), No. 488 (City of Tulare), No. 489 (City of Visalia), No. 490 (City of Woodlake), and No. 491 (County of Tulare): These funds shall be managed as an agency trust fund toaccount for financial activity under Articles 3, 4, 4.5 and 8 of the Transportation DevelopmentAct.
State Transportation Assistance Funds No. 471 (main account), 347 (City of Dinuba),349 (City of Exeter),351(City of Farmersville),361(City of Lindsay),366 (City of Porterville),379 (City of Tulare),381 (City of Visalia),382 (City of Woodlake),491(County of Tulare): These funds shall be managed as an agency trust fund to account for financial activity under Article 6.5 of the Transportation Development Act.