Summary Record of the 1st meeting of NFAP-2002 Review Committee held on 18th December 2003 at 11:00 hrs in Conference Hall, Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi
The first meeting of NFAP-2002 Review Committee was held on 18.12. 2003 at 11:00 hrs in Conference Hall, Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Shri P.K. Garg, Wireless Adviser to the Government of India to discuss the spectrum requirements received from Government departments, private service associations, telecom industry and concerned wireless users.
The list of participants is at annexure –I.
2.The Chairman welcomed all members of NFAP-2002 Review Committee and other participants and stated that National Frequency Allocation Plan was an important policy document, which formed the basis for development, manufacturing and spectrum utilization activities in the country, both for Government and private sectors. Its periodical review, keeping in view the changes in the national requirements and international frequency allocation table of ITU as well as technological developments, is essential. He opined that the review should be objective, purposeful and in the best interest of the country. It is a proven fact that national interest can be best served with coexistence and optimal sharing of this scarce natural resource, which is possible only with mutual cooperation and coordination. WPC Wing of Ministry of Communications and IT has been getting full cooperation from all wireless users to achieve the objective of efficient management and utilization of spectrum. He hoped that similar support and cooperation will continue, both in the form of technical contributions and logistic support.
3.The Chairman mentioned about some indications reportedly given by one or two organizations that they had done complete work related to formulation/ review of previous National Frequency Allocation Plan in the past. As the NFAP formulation or review was a collective effort at national level, he hoped that this was a mis-impression or communication gap. In this context, he also urged all entities not to create any such wrong notion as this forum has been working in fully cooperative, transparent and democratic manner.
4.After these brief remarks, the Chairman sought general comments from the participants. These are summarized below: -
4.1The ABTO representatives proposed addition of details like spectrum management policy and procedures etc in the NFAP. After detailed discussion, it was agreed that is should contain only basic provisions relating to spectrum allocations, being a policy document. The present format of NFAP may be retained after incorporating necessary changes decided by the committee.
4.2Representative of All India Radio stated that NFAP-2002, which was developed after long deliberations, proved to be a very valuable document to wireless users. He opined that the recommendations made by the WRC-2003 in different frequency bands needed to be reflected in the revised NFAP.
4.3Representative of COAI stated that inputs given by COAI may be considered for revision of NFAP wherever feasible. It was also mentioned that only need-based changes may be done in the revised NFAP.
4.4Representative of ABTO informed that the proposals submitted by ASSOCHAM for CDMA and WLL applications had not been discussed/ prepared in consultation with them, hence, these proposals may not be considered by the Committee. Wireless Adviser suggested that this should not come in the way of revised NFAP, as we need to develop agreed document after discussion, which would be useful to all. It was further, urged that one chapter dealing with Equipment Type Approval may be included for standardization of equipment.
4.5Representative of CII informed the Committee that their proposals for spectrum requirements were being prepared and would be submitted thereafter. It was requested that they should finalize the same quickly.
4.6Representative from Department of Space stated that increased spectrum sharing was essential and requirements of space services should be appropriately considered, as these services had limited options.
4.7Representative of BSNL stated that NFAP was very valuable document. The requirements of BSNL were being worked out and would be submitted shortly.
4.8Representatives of other organizations also made brief general remarks.
4.9The Chairman requested all the organizations who were preparing their requirements to finalize and submit their proposals quickly.
5.The Chairman, thereafter, requested for brief presentation of various requirements for information to the committee. These inputs would be discussed, and analyzed in detail in the Working Groups-
5.1Representative of AIR stated that the band 87-100 MHz be exclusively allocated to Broadcasting Service and Fixed Service may not be allowed in this band keeping in view the growth of FM broadcasting in the country.
5.2Representative of Doordarshan stated that maximum number of terrestrial TV transmitter were working in the band- III ie 174-230 MHz and these needed to be protected. He further informed that band IV and V were utilized for digital terrestrial broadcasting. DD has also planned for satellite channels in various frequency bands. MW links of DD working in different frequency bands needed to be protected.
5.3It was informed by the representative of TEC that spectrum requirements of public telecom services had been submitted to Committee. Some of the important projections such as LMDS in the frequency bands 10.15-10.65 GHz and 24.5-26.5 GHz were highlighted. Further, cordless phones may be permitted in the 2.4 GHz band and accordingly modify IND footnotes. Frequencies for PPDR and HDFS may also be examined based on the decisions of WRC-2003.
5.4Representative of JCES stated that the IND footnotes 11,12 & 13 may be retained as it is, since Defence had a number of assignments in this band. Its immediate vacation may not be possible due to extensive usage of this band by defence. Time frame may be fixed to phase out such operation. Also Defence has planned CDMA operations in the frequency band 824-844 MHz paired with 869-889 MHz. Some channels for ASCON system in 2 GHz band and satellite channels will also be required.
5.5DCPW representative stated that they would like to submit detailed spectrum requirements of Police in UHF bands to be used for terrestrial systems in conjunction with Polnet.
5.6Representative of Ministry of Civil Aviation informed that necessary spectrum projections had already been submitted to the Committee. However, there were certain points, such as modification of IND 55, IND 62 and IND 63 needed to be highlighted. He further added that IMT-2000 bands should be made available to all. Also the compatibility criteria needed to be established nationally so that different services could work together without causing interference to each other.
5.7Representative of DOS highlighted the following spectrum projections for consideration by the Committee-
Telecom/ broadcasting-S and C bands, Ku bands 11-14 GHz
New services, telecom and GPS-1.2 GHz
Provision for remote sensing and passive sensors operating in different frequency bands needed to be protected besides some specific frequency spots.
5.8Representative from DIT informed that proposal/ requirements for 4 G systems are being prepared and would be submitted shortly.
5.9Representative of Railways informed their following spectrum requirements for a variety of applications-
Anti Collision Device (ACD)- two spots in the 450-470MHz bands
WLL systems for emergency communications at accident sites in 1880-1900 MHz
Point to point Radio links -2.3-2.5 GHz
5.10Representative of LHLS informed following spectrum projection for various services-
Loran C application- 100 kHz
DGPS Beacon Application-285-325 kHz
HF Communication8 frequency spots in 4, 8 MHz
VHF Communication8 frequency spots in VHF bands
SCADA Application800-900 MHz
Radar Application2.9-3.1 GHz and 9 GHz
5.11Representative of COAI opined that complete 75 MHz in the frequency band 1710-1785 MHz paired with 1805-1880 MHz be allocated to cellular services, irrespective of technology. No change was needed in the present NFAP-2002 provisions regarding IMT-2000.
5.12Representative of ABTO stated that the band 844-849 MHz paired with 889-894 MHz may be considered for allocation to the CDMA service. He further added that the band 1890-1910 MHz paired with 1970-1990 MHz may also be considered for incorporation in the proposed NFAP for CDMA service. He mentioned that frequency band 1920-1980 Mhz paired with 2110-2170 MHz may be retained for IMT-2000. It was also stated that frequency bands 3.4-3.7 GHz and 5.8 GHz may be opened for MMDS and broadband wireless access systems, respectively
5.13Representative of Nokia stated that the frequency sub-bands in 5 GHz allocated to WLAN and RLAN by WRC-2003, needed to be examined and appropriate provisions may be made in revised NFAP for such services.
5.14Representative of ONGC stated that efforts may be made to get the lower bands vacated from those organizations who were proposing allocation in higher frequency bands. The HF and VHF spots, thus vacated, might be used by oil sector. He further added that the bands, which were not likely to be used in near future for IMT-2000 in north- eastern region may be assigned to oil sector for point-to-point communication. He submitted that the frequency spots in 230-434 MHz may be earmarked for oil exploration applications.
5.15Representative of M/S Ericssion suggested the following in order to utilize
the frequency allocation in an efficient manner-
Guard bands may be increased to make feasible various technologies. Spectrum allotment/assignment may be made contiguous for efficient spectrum utilization. Traffic loading may be the criteria for allocation of additional spectrum, instead of number of subscribers.
5.16Representative of CTIA stated that class licensing/ delicensing be introduced for outdoor use of IT applications in 2.4 GHz, 5.2 GHz and & 5.7 GHz. He further added that low power devices (up to 1 W) may be permitted in 900, 1800 and 2400 MHz bands including cordless telephony. Frequency bands for PPDR needed to be harmonized keeping in view the interoperability and inter-working between security and emergency networks.
5.17Representative of TEMA stated that the proposals for revised NFAP were being formulated keeping in view the spectrum requirements for three areas-
Public Safety services
Cellular service
Low power devices
The detailed proposal would be submitted to the Committee shortly for consideration.
5.18It was also proposed that main issues of the Committee may be posted on a website for information of everybody. The Chairman stated that this was already planned and would be implemented.
6. After these brief general presentations, the Chairman suggested formation of three working groups to examine in detail spectrum requirements received from Government departments, private sector, telecom industry associations and others in different frequency bands to arrive at consensus decisions. As spectrum is limited resource and projections / requirements were large, many of the requirements may not be fulfilled.
6.1Accordingly, the Committee agreed to constitute following three Working Groups:-
(a)Working Group-IFrequency Bands 10 kHz to 806 MHz
The Group will be chaired by Shri R.B. Prasad, Dy. Wireless Adviser (P)
(b)Working Group-IIFrequency Bands 806 to 2700 MHz
The group will be chaired by Dr Ashok Chandra, Dy Wireless Adviser (V)
(c)Working Group-IIIFrequency Bands above 2.7GHz and up to 275 GHz
The Group will be chaired by Shri Biswapati Chaudhuri, Joint Wireless Adviser (I)
7. The above working groups will discuss the spectrum requirements received from wireless users in their respective frequency bands to evolve consensus on various issues and submit recommendations to the Committee for final decision. The Groups are free to hold meetings, as necessary. The Groups are required to submit their report to the Committee by the end of February 2004. NFAP Review Committee may be kept informed by the three Working Groups about the developments from time to time. A meeting of the Committee would be scheduled in the beginning of February 2004 to review the progress Working Groups.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.
Annexure 1 of 2
Attendance Sheet of NFAP Review Committee meeting held on 18.12.03 at 1100 hours in Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi – 110001
S. No. /Name
/ Deptt. / E-mail Address/Ph No.1. / Brig PK Sachdev / Dir JCES / IDS /
2. / Col. B. Mathew / Col GS JCES / IDS /
3. / Wg Cdr AU Khan / JD Sigs (Air) / Air HQ /
4. / Lt Col. K Shankar / GSO1 (Sigs-6) / Army HQ /
5. / Lt Cdr RS Bhati / DDNS (Ops) / NHQ/DNS
6. / Lt Col P Narayan / GSO1 JCES / IDS /
7. / Sqn Ldr S P Bhandare / GSO 2 / JCES /
8. / A.K. Bhatnagar / Director / AIR /
9. / Maya Saxena / DDG ( R) / TEC /
10. / Arun Agarwal / Dir (R) / TEC /
11. / S. Sayeenathan / Dy Director FM / ISRO HQ/DoS B’lore /
12. / U.K. Mandal / Dy Director (E) / Doordarshan /
13. / DP Tripathy / Asstt Director (Engg) / Doordarshan /
14. / S Ramaganapathy / Sr. DDG (TX) / BSNL /
15. / PK Pandey / Jt. DDG (R) / BSNL /
16. / Yog Raj / Dir/Tele / Railways /
17. / B.K Mitra / Jt. Dir / DCPW /
18. / VD Sharma / AGM / Bhartiteletech /
19. / KJ Shinde / Addl. Dir. / DOE (MIT)
20. / Devendra Singh / Dy. Director / AIR /
21. / RK Tyagi / DGM / ONGC /
22. / D. Chakrabarti / Director / IMD /
23. / J.K. Singhal / G.M (Com) / AAI /
24. / J.M. Jolly / DGM (Com) / AAI /
25. / Arun Golas / DDG (Sat) / TEC /
26. / Rupendra Kumar / Dir (Sat) / TEC /
Annexure 2 of 2
S. No. / Name / Designation / Deptt. / E-mail Address/Ph No.1. / A Khandpur / CGM & Head Regulatory / Escotel /
2. / S Venugopal / GM (Networks) / Tata Teleservices /
3. / Ashok Sud / Chief Officer Corporate Affairs / Tata Teleservices Ltd., /
4. / BB Anand / President Regulation / Reliance Infocomm /
5. / SC Khanna / Secretary General / ABTO
6. / Dilip Sahay / Advisor / ABTO /
7. / AP Chaudhuri / Consultant / TTSL
8. / Priti Srivastava / DGM Corporate Affairs / Telecom /
9. / Ashok K Sharma / VP Corp Services / Corporate /
10. / TR Dua / COAI /
11 / Satyan Nayar / GM COAI / COAI /
12. / Naresh Gupta / Op CTO Hutch / Hutch /
13. / S. Halder / CTO Escotel / Escotel /
14. / JP Garg / Senior Advisor Telecom / NOKIA, COAI /
15. / Prof Bhaskar Ramamurthi / Professor / IIT Madras /
16. / Retd)Commdre Shyam Kaushal / DG / CTIA /
17. / Bharat B Bhatia / President / CTIA /
18. / Neeraj Singh / Manager / Ericsson /
19. / Capt. Kuldeep Khera / Prop. / Eltech Enterprises /
20. / YC Gupta / Dy. SE (E&T) / ONGC /
21. / Joydeep Bose / DG Technology / INTEL /
22. / Arjun Kumar / Asstt. GM / ADINO/TEINA /
23. / Gautam Sharma / Head of Sales / Midas Communications /
24. / J. Kapoor / Secy General / CTIA
25. / Deepak Maheswari / Convener Tech / ISPAI /
26. / Harbhajan Singh / Sr. Manager / Procall /
27. / Vinoo Goyal / Dir / Qualcomm (India) Inc /
28. / Shiv Kumar / Sr. Manager / -do- /
29. / KS Mohanavelu / VP / ASSL /
30. / SK Khanna / ED / TEMA /
31. / P. Balaji / Secy Genl / TEMA /
32. / Sabyasachi Patra / Consultant / CII /
33. / Usha Harikrishanan / Dy. Director / CII /
34. / Suresh Yadav / Reliance /
35. / VD Sharma / AGM / Bhartiteletech /
36. / KK Trikha / Advisor / Tata Tele Services /
37. / JP Raichura / Sr. Tech Mktg Manager / BB Wireless Division /
38. / Nafis Kazim / Jt. GM (Projects) / Bharti /
39. / Kuldeep Singh / Asstt / Railways /
40. / Rajpal Singh / Team leader Telecom / FICCI /
No. J-16018/3/2003-WF
Ministry of Communications & Information technology
Department of Telecommunications
(Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing)
909, Sanchar Bhavan
20, Ashoka Road New Delhi, 110001
Dated 26.12.2003
The Summary Record of the first meeting of NFAP Review Committee held on 18.12.2003 at 11:00 hrs in Conference Hall, 13th floor, Sanchar Bhavan New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Shri P.K. Garg, Wireless Adviser to the Government of India, is forwarded for your perusal and necessary action, if any.
Encl: As above
(S. M. Sharma)
Assistant Wireless Adviser
Tel. No. 23372178
- All Members of NFAP Committee
- Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
- Cellular Operators Association of India.
- Association of Basic Telecom Operators.
5VSAT Service Providers Association of India.
6Mobile Trunk Radio Operators Association.
7Indian Paging Services Association of India.
8.Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association.
9Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industries..
10Telecom Industries &Services Association.
11.Confederation of Indian Industries.
12.Core Group of Telecom Industries Association.
13. Associated Chambers of Commerce
- Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited
Copy to
1.Sr PPS to Chairman, Telecom Commission
2PPS to Member (T) , Telecom Commission
3PS to Joint Wireless Adviser (I), & (F)
4Deputy Wireless Advisers