California State University, Long Beach
Health Care Administration Program
Course Syllabus: HCA 481 Internship & Careers in Health Care Administration
Spring 2014 (Rev. Jan 15, 2014) (selected Thursdays)
Instructor: Terence Cunningham, MHA, FACHEExecutive Faculty
On Campus: Terence.Cunningham @
Office Hours: Th 2:30-4, 9:45-1015PM or by appointment
Office Location: HHS-1, Bungalow 03
Office: 562-430-6465 / Class Number: HCA 481, Sec 04 course # 23744
Class Meets: 4-6:45 PM , selected Thursdays per schedule below, in Bldg ET-009. Note only for Jan 23, the first class meeting will be held at 4 PM in Brotman Hall, Rm 250, conference room of CDC
Additional Contact Information:
HCA Program Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill,
Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886
I. Catalog Description
Prerequisite: HCA 480
A minimum of 120 hours of structured work experience in a health care organization, under the direct supervision of a preceptor-employee. Career development planning, job search and networking.
Letter grade only (A-F).
Placement Site: This course anticipates you are continuing with the internship site placement you began in the HCA 480 course. Please contact the instructor by e-mail above, before the first day of class if you will be changing your internship placement site.
II. Learning Objectives, Domain and Competency Table
Learning Objective / Domain / Competency / Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3) /Provide on-the-job training and exposure to health care management activities / 5A / General business skills and management / Site specific on the job activities (A1),
Defined in Learning Agreement (A2), Monthly progress report (A3).
Assist the organization to accomplish a defined task or project / 3C / Contributions to the Community (organization) and Profession / Site specific on the job activities (A1),
Defined in Learning Agreement (A2), Monthly progress report (A3).
Produce a report and other materials demonstrating the student’s research, analytical and writing abilities. / 3A,1B,
(2D,4A-D,5B-H, possible, site dependent.) / Personal and Professional Accountability
Communication / E-portfolio (A1,2,3)
Career Objective statement video, training video
Facilitate the course members to transition from student to professional life. / 3A
3B / Personal and Professional Accountability
Professional Development & Lifelong learning / ICE's, workshops, prof. development events (A1), required classroom attendance, career development and job search plans, elevator speech. (A2), Reflections sheets, evaluation of plans (A3).
Mentorship meetings & Reports
III. Meeting Schedule
Class# - Date
/ Lecture Topic / Activities & Assignments /#1(2014)
Jan 23 / -Guest speaker from Career Development Center( note class meets this date only at 4 PM in Brotman Hall, Rm 250 CDC conference room)
-Review Lessons Learned from HCA 480
-Review course syllabus
-Review Preceptor Learning Agreement
-Re Review Job Search Plan, PROCESS format
-Review purpose of HCA internship / -OLRA #1a, Lessons learned from HCA 480, due NLT 21
-Guest lecture on networking, conveying skills, job searching
-Review of course syllabus, assignments, grading
-ICE#1a - Presentation of OLRA# 1a by each student,
(These are the lessons learned in HCA 480, due to instructor’s drop box Sunday prior to class #1. Also, bring a copy to class #1)
-OLRA # 1b –Attend HC Professional Assn. mtg., Rpt due NLT Mar 23
-OLRA # 1c - Conduct Interview with Sr. HC Executive Leader, Rpt due NLT Mar 23
--OLRA #1d – Develop Job Search Plan, PROCESS format, Rpt due NLT Feb 23
-OLRA #1e- Present Job Search Plan summary in class, Oral report in class #4
-OLRA#1f- Present Senior HC Prof Interviews, Oral Summary Rpt due in class # 5
Jan 30 / -ePortfolio and Training Video, Guest Speakers
-Elevator Speeches
-Group Job Interviewing Techniques,
-Sample Q & A’s
-Practice Group Job Interviews / Guest speaker on ePortfolios and training videos
-OLRA #2b Develop Update, submit ePortfolio – Due NLT Apr 20
-OLRA #2c Develop, ,submit 6-8 Minute training video – due NLT Apr 20 (ensure instructor is given electronic permission to open and access documents)
-OLRA #2d Present training video and ePortfolio in class Apr 24
-OLRA# 2e Develop Questions and Answers for Group Interviews. Due NLT Feb 9.
- Present Q+A’s in group interviews( OLRA #2e)as an interviewee and interviewer in class #3 (to be used for ICE #3a)
Feb 13 / --Role playing group Job Interviews
-Discuss Development of Job Search Plans
-Helping your Reference Person when looking for jobs/ graduate school references
-Professional Etiquette / -ICE#3a Role Playing Group Interviews
ICE#3b Small Group Discussion on Developing Job Search Plans for each student. Bring your draft Job Search Plan to class
-OLRA#3 Helping Your Job/ Grad school Reference Rpt Due NLT Mar 23.
-Professional Etiquette lecture
Feb 27 / -Lessons learned from group interviews
-Student presentations of Job Search Plans – PROCESS model
Business cards lecture
-Status of internship
-Review of Monthly Project Reports / -ICE#4 a, reports on lessons learned from group interviews
-ICE#4 b, Each student formally presents their Job Search Plan-PROCESS format (OLRA #1e)
-OLRA#4 Self Reflection on Job Search Plans. Due NLT Mar 9
-ICE#4 c Each student presents the status of internship experience, barriers, surprises, lessons learned
-Review MPR’s 1, 2, 3 and samples
Mar 27 / -Possible guest speaker, Health Careers
-Students present Lessons Learned from Senior HC Professional Leadership Interview
-Students present Lessons learned from HC Mgt Association meeting
-Format for telephone conference calls with Preceptor instructor and Student / -ICE#5a Student formal presentations of lessons learned from Sr HC Professional Leader Interview (OLRA #1f)
-ICE#5b Student formal presentations of items learned from HC Prof Assn. meeting
ICE #5c Discussion (OLRA #3), Helping Your Job/Grad school reference person
OLRA #5a Self Reflection on all Sr. HC Prof. Leadership Interview presentations - due NLT Apr 13
-OLRA #5b Telcon with preceptor, due NLT Apr 30 (will have bearing on preceptor’s final evaluation report)
Apr 24 / -Begin updated ePortfolio, Career Objective statement and training video student presentations
Careers / ICE#6 ePortfolio, career objective statement and training video presentations (#OLRA 2b, 2d)
Students Present make up assignments for prior approved absences
-OLRA #6a, Feedback on course topics – due NLT May 4, Bring copy also to class #7 (ICE #7a)
-OLRA#6b Student Site Satisfaction format Rpt, due NLT Apr 20
May 8 / -Possible Guest speaker, Next Steps, job searching -Skills gained
- Student recommendations for future courses
- Social Media Marketing lecture
-Lessons learned from internship site / -Guest speaker, Next steps
-Lecture social media marketing
-ICE#7a, Review of course benefits, recommendations to improve course for future students
-ICE #7b Status internship experience
-Last Day written assignments will be accepted. No exceptions.
IV. HCA 481-04 Assignments and Point allocations
Assignments and Point Allocations / DueNLT / Maximum Points
a) Student contact information (due prior to Class #1) * / Jan 21 / 2
b) Preceptor contact information (due first week started internship) * / TBD / 3
c) Learning Agreement w/ preceptor (due first week started internship)* / TBD / 6
d) Sign in attendance log, ICE’s, Actives Class Participation (7x4pts) / Each class / 28
e) Significant and meaningful discussions, in-depth reflections and contributions in class ( 7x2) / Each class / 14
f) OLRA #1a Lessons Learned from HCA 480, Wr Rpt. / Jan-21 / 4
g) OLRA #1b Attend HC Prof Assn Mgt, Wr Rpt / Mar- 23 / 4
h) OLRA #1c Conduct Senior HC Prof. Interview, Wr Rpt / Mar-23 / 8
i) OLRA #1d Develop Job Search Plan, PROCESS format, Wr Rpt / Feb-23 / 20
j) OLRA #1e Present Job Search Plan summary in class, Oral Rpt / Feb- 27 / 10
k) OLRA #1f Present HC Prof Sr Interview summary, Oral Rpt / Mar-27 / 4
l) OLRA # 2b Develop + Update E-portfolio, e-document Wr Rpt. (Will also include oral presentation in class #6) / Apr-20 / 5
m) OLRA # 2c Develop 6-8 minute training video, e-document Wr Rpt / Apr-20 / 25
n) OLRA # 2d Present updated e-portfolio and training video in class, oral rpt / Apr-24 / 8
o) OLRA #2e Develop questions and answers for group interview, Wr Rpt / Feb-9 / 10
p) OLRA # 3 Helping Your Job Reference / Mar-23 / 10
q) OLRA #4 Self reflection on Job Search Plans / Mar-9 / 6
r) OLRA #5a Self Reflections on all Senior Leadership Interviews, Rpt / Apr-13 / 3
s) OLRA #5b Telcon w/Instructor, preceptor, students together, oral / Apr-30 / 8
t) OLRA #6a Student’s Course Feedback on HCA 481 / May-4 / 2
u) OLRA#6b Student Site Satisfaction Rpt / May-4 / 3
v) Monthly Progress Rpt #1* / Mar 4 / 10
w) Monthly Progress Rpt #2* / Apr-4 / 15
x) Monthly Progress Rpt #3* (if finishing internship before MRP#2 is due, let instructor know and MPR #2 and #3 can be combined as a more robust report for combined credit) / May 1 / 20
y) End of semester Preceptor Evaluation of Intern (includes comments from Telcon) / May-4 / 25
TOTAL / 253
*Note, course forms are on the course BB content section, last item at bottom, titled “Course Forms”
Course Grading:
A = 227.5- 253 B = 202.5-227 C = 177- 202 D =152-176.5 F = Less than 152
V. HCA 481Grading:
A. Under the assignments section listed above are the maximum grades that can be given for each specific assignment. The grading of each assignment will be dependent on the depth of reflection and meaningful discussion provided. This will also include following directions, clarity in the presentation of ideas, grammar, reference to discussions in the classroom, outside research and interviews conducted. A word count (i.e. WC 352) should be listed after the last sentence of each assignment document submitted. Grading rubrics will be provided in the course content section on BB. Students should familiarize themselves with these grading rubrics
B. All assignments are due on or before due dates. There will be no credit given for late submissions. In your future professional positions, employers will not tolerate missed suspenses. This will damage your career. Now is the time to improve your time and suspense management. If you have a justifiable emergency, let the instructor know in advance of the due date. This policy has been adopted by all the HCA Internship instructors.
Chronological List of HCA 481 assignments NLT Due Dates
OLRA # / Due NLT date to instructor’s drop box, correctly labelled mailbox(encourage submitting early early) / Other Items Due
#1a / Jan 21
Jan 21 / Student Contact Information
First week at intern site / Preceptor Contact Information
First week at intern site / Learning Agreement with Preceptor
#2e / Feb 9
#1d / Feb 23
#1e / Feb 27 / Oral report in class
Mar 4 / Monthly Progress Report #1 (MPR)
#4 / Mar 9
#1b / Mar 23
#1c / Mar 23
#3 / Mar 23
#1f / Mar 27 / Oral report in class
Apr 1 / MPR #2
#5a / Apr 13
#5b / Apr 30
#2b / Apr 20
#2c / Apr 20
#2d / Apr 24 / Oral report in class
May 1 / MPR #3 (unless combined with MPR#2)
#6a / May 4
#6b / May 4
May 4 / End of Semester Preceptor Evaluation
Each Class / Sign in lob, actively participate, ICE’s
Each Class / Significant, in depth , meaningful discussions, contributions in class
Due dates and assignments subject to change, which will be discussed with the class.
VI. HCA 481 Course Requirements and Procedures
A. Classroom Conduct and Behavior –
1. Students must arrive on time and remain for the entire class to receive attendance credit. All cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off and hidden from view. The only exceptions are for in class exercises, note taking, review of BB course content, posted lectures and attachments related to the classroom lecture. Checking personal e-mail, texting, etc. is prohibited. Students should address instructor as professor or doctor. Students are expected to wear neat and clean clothing. Business casual is recommended. Overly revealing clothes should be avoided. This also applies a at your internship site. For your site interview, dress professional. Students and faculty must adhere to University policy. Disruptive behavior by a student will result in deduction of points and possible removal from the classroom.
2. Missed classes – If a class is missed, it is the student’s responsibility to contact a classmate and review what was missed and get caught up.
3. Turning in documents - Students are responsible for checking BB for update memos from instructor, and to ensure credit is received for all course materials submitted to the drop box, in the appropriately labeled mail box title. Presence of documents in the drop box, appropriately labeled mailbox, will be the basis if material has been submitted and received by the instructor.
4. Incomplete Grades- If for circumstances that are beyond the student’s control, and they cannot complete the internship during the semester for which they have registered, a grade of incomplete may be assigned, if a minimum of 60 internship hours have been accumulated. The incomplete will be converted to a letter grade as soon as the120 hours are accumulated and written assignment paperwork is turned in. If at least 60 hours are not completed, the student should drop the course before the CSULB deadline and re-enroll the following semester.
B. Obtaining the Internship Site
1. Students must accumulate at least 120 hours internship experience at an instructor approved health care internship site. Some students accumulated over 300 hours to enhance their experience.
2. If you already have an acceptance at an internship site, discuss it with your instructor as soon as possible. Call or e-mail the instructor before the class starts to move along the process. HCA 481 students are strongly encouraged to continue at the same internship site they were at for HCA 480. Instructors will give preference to HCA 480 students in helping them obtain acceptance at an internship site. HCA 481 students can elect to seek a new site on their own
3. Meeting with the Preceptor. The student should familiarize themselves with and make a copy from the syllabus the attachments, to include: Instructor Cover Letter to Preceptor, Internship Objectives + Expectations, Internship Learning Agreement and End of Semester Evaluation by Preceptor on Interns. This can become a handout to brief the organization’s preceptor on what the school expects to be accomplished by the preceptor during the internship.