Examples of terms of reference for Black staff networks
June 2013
Terms of reference
What terms of reference do institutions use for their BME staff networks?
It would be useful to see some examples from the sector to inform our development of a network for black and minority ethnic staff
In response to a request for examples of how BME staff networks operate, some institutions provided us with their BME staff network terms of reference.
Some also included details of the resources provided by their institution for the network to operate.
All responses that were sent in can be found below.
[Institution] BME staff network
The name of the committee is the [institution]black and minority ethnic staff network.
=Develop networking opportunities for BME staff within the [institution].
=Create a working and learning environment in which all students and staff feel comfortable, respected and valued.
=Have a formal place at the equality and diversity committee where the chair or their representatives can feedback on issues arising in the group.
=Communicate though the equality and diversity committee and other official channels, concerns and requests for information etc to resolve concerns and improve the work environment.
=Develop and encourage external speakers and contacts to bring a wider perspective to the work.
=Disseminate best practice and ideas to network members and beyond as appropriate.
=Work with the equality and diversity unit on events of celebration and/or information sharing.
=Support each other in sharing and discussing issues in a separately convened and run support group.
=To provide a separate support group where members may share experiences. This will be separate from work with the equality and diversity unit.
Main working methods
=A chair and assistant chair will be elected every two years at the first meeting of the new academic year.
=Close work in liaison with the equality and diversity unit.
=Chair or nominee to represent the BMESG.
=To be supported by the equality and diversity unit with access to equality and diversity unit funding as available,for discussed and agreed events.
=Together with other chairs of staff networks to meet with the vice-chancellor twice a year.
=To request and use monitoring and other institutional data and information to inform actions.
=Review and comment on relevant policies and act as a forum for consultation for new developments.
=To build network communication with the university structures to assist consultation and raising of issues.
=To set up a separate support group which will be run by the members, who will select a separate chair/convenor.
Chair’s role
=With the assistant chair, call and chair at least two meetings a year with the support of theEDUinorganisationalmatters (booking a room and sending out invitations)
=With the chairs of the other three networks meet with the vice-chancellor and chair of the equality and diversity committee twice a year to raise key issues.
=Decide with network members how the support group (separate from the business group) is to be organised.
=Thefirst chair will with the group consider this draft constitution as the basis on which the network meets.
=Represent the network at the equality and diversity committee
=Open to all BME employees of the [institution].
=The lead person on BME issues from the equality and diversity unit.
Committees and working groups
=The chair may convene a committee to support her/him in their role.
=Working groups may be set up to work on specific projects.
Meetings and proceedings of the network
=The network will meet at least twice a year.
=Meeting dates to be arranged by the chair meeting (arrangements to be supported by the equality and diversity unit).
=Support group meetings to be arranged by those attending (room booking by equality and diversity unit if required).
The [institution] black and minority ethnic network
The aim of the [institution] BME network is to provide an authoritative voice for BME staff in the university and associated companies. The network seeks to uphold the ethics and principles of the race equality legislation and work, with the support of the university, towards improving the career prospects and opportunities for BME staff.
We welcome and encourage participation from all BME staff in the [institution] who by virtue of their race, colour or ethnic origin are identifiable as being different from the ethnic majority. Whilst recognising the differences between BME communities, the network will act as an acknowledgement both of the commonality of our experiences and recognition of the need for common strategies to overcome any inequality.
The network is open to all members of staff at the [institution] and associated companies, irrespective of whether or not they are members of campus trade unions.
The network seeks to have the cooperation of the university and management to allow BME staff facility time to the network meeting and use of appropriate university facilities, e.g. booking rooms.
Aims of the BME network
=To promote race equality through active involvement and consultation on the university’s strategy, policies and guidance on race equality
=To campaign and lobby on race equality by preparing submissions to public consultations, public forums and university governing bodies.
=To work closely with other units or centres including the equality and diversity unit, and organisations which campaign for race equality in the university, such as the race relations centre, the university students’ union and the campus trade unions.
=To provide the opportunity to share experiences about working at the university.
=To provide support, guidance and signposting where appropriate.
The purpose of the network
=To support and monitor the practical implementation of the Race Relations Amendment Act (RRAA) within the university and to assist in the review of race equality and anti-racist culture in the day-to-day operations and practices of the institution.
=To offer mutual support and advice to all BME staff in the university and signposting any staff member to the appropriate resources where necessary.
=To act as a channel for communication and consultation between BME staff and senior management via the equality and diversity team within the university.
=To lobby the appropriate people, bodies and authorities (for example the equality and diversity forum) to progress issues facing BME staff in the [institution]; in particular, career progression, professional development and senior executive opportunities.
=To work with the university and equality and diversity team in reviewing information which suggests any direct and indirect forms of discrimination faced by the BME staff and students in the [institution] and to share the lessons learnt from such cases.
=To support and work closely with other race equality networks in higher education institutions in the [region].
[Institution] BME staff network
Volunteer convenor: [name]
Volunteer manager of BME portal workspace: [name]
Membership to network
As defined below. Any staff member is de facto a member of BME network and can attend meetings. Access to the private Workspace for BME staff is arranged by the convenor of the workspace.
Network meetings are held out of work time and this can be problematic on many levels. So all meetings are held either at lunch time and a few after work. We have yet to find the most mutually convenient time and have discussed meeting on a weekend day by organising an attractive event. During the past year meetings have been less frequent due to work commitments, and difficulty in finding convenient times and dates to meet.
[Institution] has provided an online workspace, allows for meetings and has financed a black history month event. [Institution] has also provided funds for network publicity leaflets and some funding for refreshments at a few meetings earlier in the network’s development. As far as I am aware, all networks (carer’s, women’s, disability, LGBT&Q) can apply for funding for events or resources. There is no set budget and most reasonably argued requests are met. So far BME has not asked for any funding but has successfully argued for funding support for CPD training in personal effectiveness designed to meet the needs of BME staff. This is due to run in April 2013 subject to sufficient take up from BME staff.
[Institution] race equality group
Terms of reference
Aims of the group
=To raise awareness of race equality and cultural diversity at [institution].
=To analyse staff and student ethnicity data to identify areas of concern.
=To help develop practical solutions to address issues of underrepresentation and low participation.
=To represent the views of black and minority ethnic staff and act as a body of expertise on ethnic minority issues and race discrimination.
=To advise senior management on how to promote an inclusive culture for black and minority ethnic staff at [institution].
=To deepen the knowledge of race equality issues of group members.
=To provide opportunities for social and professional networking among group members.
The group will achieve this by:
=Involvement and consultation on the university’s plans, strategies, policies and guidance.
=Acting as a channel for communication between BME staff and senior management.
=Assisting in the coordination of events and activities which celebrate diversity at [institution].
=Supporting and monitoring the implementation of the university’s race equality action plan and single equality strategy.
=Facilitating information sharing between members.
Membership of the group will be open to any member of staff who supports the aims of the group. However, it is important that the group contains a good balance of academic and support staff at all grades and representation of men and women from different ethnic groups.
Responsibilities of members
=Members must maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information.
=Members are expected to contribute in some way to the group.
=Members are encouraged to attend events organised by the group.
The group will meet once each term and will report to the human resources policy committee. the director of human resources or a vice provost will be invited to attend one meeting each year and the race and religious equality champions will also be invited to attend one meeting a year.