Intermediate Algebra Course Outline

Materials Needed for Class each day:

  • Course Book
  • Notebook
  • Folder
  • Pencil
  • Graphing Calculator

Classroom Expectations: In addition to obeying school rules and policies, you will be expected to

  • Treat everyone with respect
  • Participate in class discussions and activities
  • Come to class on time, prepared, and with a positive attitude

Grading: Your grade will consist of the following

  • Learning Targets from Unit Tests 90%
  • Homework 10%

Your letter grade will be determined according to the following percentage scale:

93 – 100 A87 – 89 B+77 – 79 C+67 – 69 D+

90 – 92 A-83 – 86 B73 – 76 C63 – 66 D

80 – 82 B-70 – 72 C-Below 63 F

Tests: Each learning target will have a test and be graded accordingly:

A- 100

B- 85

C- 75

N- 45

Homework: In order to fully understand the material in class, you must practice. Homework will be assigned almost every day. homework is for your benefit! Students who consistently make an effort to keep up with homework perform substantially better on unit tests and the final. Homework will be graded on the following scale:

0  incomplete

5  all problems completed work shown

Classroom behavior: It is important to remember that you are in high school now. You will be expected to behave as a high school student. This means coming to class on time, bringing the correct materials listed above, having your homework completed, staying on task in class, and raising your hand when you have a question. You should treat others with the same respect you would like others to treat you with.

Each minute of my time or your fellow classmates’ time you choose to waste is a minute I will take from your passing time at the end of class or you can choose to do push-ups.

An equation for success…

Coming to class prepared + being on time + putting forth your best effort = likely success! I want you to do well in this class, and I will do all that I can to help you learn. However, YOU need to take responsibility for your own learning and do your best. Some final tips:

  • Ask questions as soon as they arise
  • Many students find it helpful to read a lesson the night before it is discussed in class. You will understand the lecture much better having seen the terminology ahead of time. Reading ahead of time will also aid you in becoming an efficient note-taker.
  • Complete each assignment on time. If you get too far behind in a math class, it becomes almost impossible to get caught up.
  • Use your class time wisely. This will help minimize the amount of homework you have.

If you need help: Please ask questions in class, see me after school, and/or ask classmates for help. It is up to you to ask for help when you need it. If you need help and this is the only time that works for you, please see me to discuss arrangements. The is also peer tutoring after school for Bengal Junction Tutoring (Ask me for details if you do not know what this is)

I wish you much success in this course. Good luck!

Matt Smude



Free HW; if I get an email by Friday from parent/guardian, I will give you 5 extra credit points.

Free HW if you bring in a box of pencils

(cut on the dotted line and return by the end of the first week of class)


Parents: Please sign below to indicate that you have reviewed this course outline with your child. Please also provide an e-mail address at which I can contact you and send updated grade reports. I will also be posting grades on A-H Connect. Feel free to contact me anytime at 763-506-6589 or . (e-mail is preferred).

Student name ______Date ______

Student signature______Date ______

Parent signature ______

Parent e-mail ______

Parent phone ______