Participation in Government
Semester Portfolio Assignment – Parent/Guardian Information
I wanted to keep you informed about what your son/daughter will be required to complete in Participation in Government class this semester. Read through the following informational packet. Please sign and return the last page. If you have any questions, please contact me and I would be happy to explain this assignment.
1. Every student will complete a Portfolio in Participation in Government
2. Some submissions will be mandatory and for some they are given a choice.
3. It counts as their final exam grade!
4. There will be due dates throughout the semester to help keep them on track.
5. They can re-do assignments to get a higher grade.
6. They will need a binder to put all of their papers in.
Grading: They will need to complete 80 points of required submissions, and choose 120 choice points of other submissions.
Portfolio Check Dates:
Due Date: / Number of Points NeededTuesday, September 30th / World Leaders – Required
Wednesday, October 22nd / 30 Choice Points
Wednesday, November 19th / Current Events – Required
Friday, December 5th / 30 Choice Points
Friday, December 12th / UN research – required
Friday, December 19th / 30 Choice Points
Friday, January 9th / Response to Problems in America – Required
Friday, January 16th / 30 Choice Points
Portfolio Final Exam Due Date:
Monday, January 26th 2009
Final Portfolio:
1. Needs to be in a Binder
2. Your name should be on the front of the binder
3. Contain a Table of Contents, in order of the grade sheet
4. Pages need to be numbered
5. Submissions – make sure to include all information, you should have your rough draft behind the final copy.
6. All submissions should be typed, templates can be found on my website, handwritten submissions will lose partial credit.
7. Contact Information and Signatures need to be present – for volunteer hours and government meetings. If signatures are not present, partial to full credit may be lost.
Required Submissions – 80 points total
1. Current Event Articles – They will have 5 total! Each paper is worth 25 points.
During the semester we will be discussing Current Issues. All 5 articles need to be turned in at the same time. Give the title of the article, Give the name of the newspaper or magazine,, Give the date of the newspaper or magazine, List and identify people mentioned in the article, List and Define 4 terms mentioned in the article, Write a well –written summary of the article.
2. World Leader – 15 points
Create a list of modern day rulers of following countries: list the leader, include a picture, and why this country is important to the United States. Countries to include in your list: China, Canada, Mexico, North Korea, Russia, Great Britain, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, and Israel.
For Example:
Country / Leader / Picture / Why they were chosen?France / Nicolas SARKOZY / The United States and France have been allies for a long time. France committed some troops to the War On terror. Sarkozy is more supportive of the United States than his predecessor.
3. Response to Problems in American Society – 1 page paper, 15 points
After the Problems in American Society Unit, select another groups problem to write about. In at least a one-page paper, detail the problem, the causes, and the possible solutions. Include your personal opinion and reflections at the end.
4. United Nations Research – 20 points
Go to the UN website:
Answer the following questions
A. Create a list of member nations.
B. Where is the UN located?
C. Security Council: Which nations are on the Security Council? What is the Security Council? When was it formed? Why was it forced? What are the functions and powers of the security council?
D. Who is the Secretary General of the United Nations? Where is he from?
E. Research one of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. Do you think it is an achievable goal? Why or why not? What steps has the UN taken to achieve this goal?
Portfolio Submission Choices – 120 points total
Directions: For the following Portfolio submissions, students will have a choice of what they want to complete. They do not have to complete all of the choices. Each choice can only be done for credit ONCE! They need to get to a total of 120 points! They can do any combination to get to that total. If they do not have 120 points, they will receive zeros for those submissions.
5. Letter to Editor – 15 points
Write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper on an issue that concerns you. Make sure to use a proper business format. The letter must include the newspaper address that you are sending it to. If your letter is printed in the newspaper, include a copy of the newspaper with your submission for bonus points. Look at the editorial section of the newspaper for a sample.
6. School Policy - 10 points
Choose a school policy that you want to investigate. Find out why we have it, the consequences of violating it. You should refer to the Code of Conduct for your research.
7. Top Three Problems facing PCS students List – 10 points
Create a list of the Top three problems facing PCS students and at least one solution that could be implemented for each problem.
8. Get Young People to Vote Submission – 10 points
Voter apathy is very high for the 18-26 year age group. Create a list of 10 things that you would say to a citizen 18-26 to get them to vote and one thing that could be done to increase voter turnout for all age groups. You will need to research and think about why people do not vote.
9. Where Do You Find Information List – 20 points
For each of the following tasks, gather a phone number, address, or an internet cite. You also need to include a phone number or an email of a person that would help you get these things. You need to fill out the chart that corresponds with this submission.
Marriage Certificate, Social Security Card, Speeding Ticket in Batavia, Polling Place for your current address, Notary Republic, What do you need to change when you move?, Passport, Hunting and Fishing License, Unemployment, building permit, Library card, selective service, and EZPASS.
They do NOT need to actually complete the task, you just have to find out how to complete the task! If you have questions, please ask.
10. School Board Research - 5 points
Answer the following questions about school boards:
A. What is the role or purpose of a school board?
B. How does someone get on the school board?
C. How does the school board influence the community?
D. How does the school board influence students?
E. Who is on the Pavilion School Board?
F. How can people voice their opinion to the school board?
You may use the PCS website to help you or ask the District Office for some help!
11. School Board , Attend a meeting – 15 points
Attend a local school board meeting. Write up a bulleted listed of who was present, what was talked about, how the meeting was run, and what it was like to be there? Be sure to get a signature to prove that you attended the meeting.
12. Letter to your Congressmen – 10 points
Write a letter or send an email to one of your Congressmen about an issue that concerns you. You need to provide a sample of your letter. Your letter must be in business letter format. You must look up the proper address to send your letter to. Check your Senator and or Representatives websites for help. You can write to a State or Federal representative. If you get a response back, please include it in your submission.
13. Register to vote – 10 points
Get a voter registration form and fill it out. Include the letter that you receive after registering or copy your voter registration card for this submission. Voter registration forms can be found by typing : New York State voter registration card into Google.
14. Town Court Meeting – 15 points
Attend a local town court meeting. You may not attend meetings during school hours. Fill out the summary sheet for town court meetings. You will need to get a signature to prove that you attended the meeting.
15. County Legislative Meeting – 15 points
Attend a Genesee county Legislative Meeting. Fill out the summary sheet for this meeting. You will need to get a signature to prove that you attended the meeting. For times, please see the Genesee County website.
16. Volunteer to Tutor – 15 points for 5 hours
Volunteer to tutor a PCS student. You can talk to guidance about setting this up. If you already have a student in mind, please let us know who it is before you start tutoring. You will need to fill out a summary sheet for this experience. You need to complete a minimum of 5 hours.
17. Volunteer at Pavilion Central School – 10 points for 5 hours
You can volunteer at Pavilion for different events. You will need to complete a total of 5 hours to get credit; it may be a combination of a number of events. Examples: Hand out programs at plays, Intern with a teacher, help a teacher who requests volunteers. You will need to fill out a volunteer summary sheet and get a supervisor signature, without the signature, you cannot get credit. You cannot include volunteering for clubs or groups that you are already a part of. If you have any questions, please ask ahead of time.
18. Another Round of Volunteering at Pavilion Central School – 10 points for 5 hours.
The requirements are the same as the above submission.
19. Volunteer Outside of School – 20 points for 5 hours
Volunteer for an organization outside of school. You will need to complete a total of 5 hours to get credit; it may be a combination of days or types of organizations. Examples: Red Cross, United Way, Habitat for Humanity, Animal Shelters, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, City Mission, Salvation Army, Church, Political Campaign, or Good Will. If you want to volunteer and are not sure if it will count, please ask ahead of time. You cannot count babysitting for family members or work for friends or family.
Please note: They may NOT attend meetings during school hours. Also, meetings or volunteer assignments for other classes do not count. For example: If they have to volunteer for BOCES, you cannot use that volunteer for this assignment as well.
20. Join an Organization of your Choice – 10 points
There are many different issues that you may feel very strongly about. Research to find out if there are any organizations that support your opinion on this issue. You can search the internet to find them but make sure that you read about the organization before you select it. You will need to fill out the “Join an Organization” sheet.
21. Research the President’s Position on Important Issues – 15 points
Directions: Select any one issue to research. The issues can be found on the White House website. The main ones will appear in the left – hand column of the opening page. Click “more issues” to get the rest, they will appear on the right hand side of the screen.
For your issue:
1. Read the entire page on this issue.
2. Download and print off one speech or press release from the president on this issue.
3. Write a one page summary of the president’s position and goals on this issue.
22. Phone Numbers to Know – 10 points
Create a handy list to keep near your telephone of important emergency numbers and numbers you should call in non-emergency cases. You do not have to call 911 for everything.
A. Local Police Department
B. Fire Department
C. Poison Control
D. Local Courthouse
E. Local Town Clerk
F. Public Defender
G. Teen Hotline
23. Interview a public official or staff member – 15 points
Interview someone who is currently employed by the government. You can interview people who work for public officials or the public official themselves. Examples: Legal Assistants, Campaign Managers, Town Clerk, ect…
1. Write a short Biography of the person
2. How did they get his job?
3. Why did they want this job?
4. What advise would they give to someone who wants to get into this field?
23. Create your own submission – 15 points
You can create your own submission for your portfolio. Your submission idea needs to be approved before it is completed. The submission MUST be relevant to Participation in Government Class.
Please fill out and return to school by Friday, September 26th
Name of son/daughter: ______
I have read the Participation in Government Semester Portfolio assignment.
If you have any questions about the assignment, you can write them down. I will get back to you as soon as I can. If you want to be contacted by email, please neatly print your address below.
Email(s): ______
Please answer the following questions:
1. Do you want to be informed about major assignments and due dates by email?
Please note: Your email will not be shared with anyone. Your privacy is very important to me. I will blind copy all emails.
2. When is the best time and location to reach you?