Class of 2015
Stuarts Draft High School ö 1028 Augusta Farms Road ö Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 ö 886-8500 or 946-7600
Senior Reception
On Wednesday, June 3, 2015, the Senior Class will be recognized with a reception at 6:30 and program will follow at 7:00.
Graduation Pictures
Strawbridge Studios will take a senior class picture at the football stadium before we leave for graduation rehearsal. Students may purchase this picture for $15.00
Envelopes to order your pictures are available on the office counter. Payment IS DUE at graduation practice.
Graduation Practice at EMU University Commons
Seniors need to be at SDHS READY to load the buses by 945 a.m. on Friday, June 5th. We will leave from SDHS by 10:15 (AT THE LATEST) to travel to EMU University Commons for practice. All seniors MUST RIDE the bus to and from EMU in order to participate in commencement exercises. Please do not be late for practice. If you are not at practice you will not be able to participate in graduation. If there is an emergency please contact SDHS as soon as possible.
Senior Exams and SOL’s
Senior exams and SOL’s will be completed by June 2, 2015
The Senior Class
Stuarts Draft High School
announces its
45th Commencement Exercises
Saturday, June 6th
Two Thousand Fifteen
Six o’clock
Eastern Mennonite University-University Commons
We hope all seniors will enjoy their graduation. Enclosed is a letter from Dr. Bond, Superintendent of Augusta County Schools. The administration of Stuarts Draft High School shares these expectations. Parents, please take the time and share these expectations with your student.
Senior Meeting on May 28th
There is a MANDATORY meeting for ALL seniors on Thursday, May 28th, at 11:00 a.m. in the auditorium. Seniors will not be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies if they do not attend.
Baccalaureate and Senior Picnic
Sunday, May 31st at 5:30 p.m. at Calvary United Methodist Church in Stuarts Draft, VA. Picnic will begin at 4 p.m. Meat will be provided, but please bring a side dish or two to share. Baccalaureate will begin at 5:30. Don’t forget your gown.
Senior Fines
All senior fines should be paid and all accounts cleared by June 5th BEFORE we leave for graduation rehearsal in order to participate in graduation. You MUST have your senior fines paid before you can participate in rehearsal and graduation.
August Graduates
Seniors who are candidates for August graduation must be registered for summer school and have paid in full by June 5th BEFORE we leave for graduation rehearsal in order to participate in rehearsal and graduation ceremonies.
Dear Seniors,
On behalf of the administration and faculty of Stuarts Draft High School, we wish you the very best in the future years to come.
Student dress for graduation night will be as follows: Male students will be required to wear dark slacks (please no blue jeans) dress shirt and tie. Please no tennis shoes. If boots are worn, make sure they are clean.
Female students will be required to wear a light colored dress and appropriate shoes. Please no tennis shoes or flip flops.
Students will only be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony if they are properly dressed and wear a graduation cap and gown in the school colors. NO other hats may be substituted.
Best wishes in the future,
Donna Abernathy
Senior Class Officers
Hannah Elizabeth Coffey President
Moriah Grace Veer Vice President
Rebecca Lynn Ford Secretary
Kevin Nathaniel Blacka Treasurer