Nutrition Programs, Physical Activity Guidelines, and Supporting Resources
Contains information and access on the variety of federally reimbursable snack and meal programs, food calculators to assess whether potential menu options are compliant, and California's After School Physical Activity Guidelines.
Comparison of Federally Reimbursable Snack/Meal Programs (includes Summer Food Service and contact information for each program):
A chart outlines options including the National School Lunch Program After School Snack program, The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) snack and meal programs, as well as the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). It outlines eligibility, reimbursement rates, the pros and cons of selecting each program, and who to contact with questions.
At-Risk After School Meal Program
Information and resources about healthy snacks, nutrition education, and physical activity for after school programs.
USDA’s CACFP Afterschool Programs
This site provides general information about the At-Risk Afterschool Meals Program.
At-risk Afterschool Meal Handbook
The At-Risk Afterschool Meals component of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) offers Federal funding to Afterschool Programs that serve a meal or snack to children in low-income areas.
Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs
The Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programshas all of the current information in one manual to help you and your purchasing agent 1) buy the right amount of food and the appropriate type of food for your program(s), and 2) determine the specific contribution each food makes toward the meal pattern requirements.
Snack and Meal Standards
California Department of Education (CDE) Administered After School Programs. As of January 1, 2014, after school programs have the option to serve a snack, a meal, or both. All snacks provided to students in the CDE’s After School Education and Safety (ASES) programs or the federally funded 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) programs must meet, at a minimum, the California nutrition standards identified below. If snacks are provided through one of the federally reimbursable meal programs, the food must meet both the federal requirements and the California nutrition standards. Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) reviewers will evaluate the after school program for compliance with the nutrition standards.
Project Lean New Food Calculator
This resource is forCalifornia non-charter public schools participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or School Breakfast Program (SBP).
California After School Physical Activity Guidelines
After school staff have the power to make daily physical activity accessible and engaging for every student and to help all youths in after school programs discover the many benefits and joys of physical activity. The intent of the California After School Physical Activity (CASPA) Guidelines is to create high-quality physical activity programs that expand learning opportunities of the regular school day. The CASPA Guidelines can help achieve these goals.