State FFA Degree Minimum Standards


Yes No

  1. I have earned the Chapter FFA Degree...... ______
  1. I have satisfactorily completed at least one‐year of instruction in agricultural education and I am a current dues

paying member of the FFA and enrolled in an agricultural education program or I have completed all of the

agricultural education coursework that is offered my high school ...... …………………………………______

  1. I have satisfactorily completed at least one‐year of instruction in agricultural education ...... ______
  1. I currently have an approved Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAE) ...... ______
  1. I am a junior, senior, or high school graduate...... ______
  1. I am familiar with the state and national FFA constitutions ...... ______
  1. I have assisted in the development of our FFA Chapter's Program of Activities ...... ______
  1. By my own efforts from my SAE, I have:


I have gross earnings that exceed $3,000...... ______



I have worked more than 1,000 hours (minimum of 200 paid hours and $2,000 earned) and have more than

$4,000 in adjusted earnings...... ______


Combination of Entrepreneurship & Placement

I have worked a minimum of 500 hours (minimum of 100 paid hours) and gross earnings that exceed $3,500,

with a minimum of $1,000 in placement and a minimum of $1,000 in entrepreneurship ...... ______


Unpaid Labor (School Laboratory only ‐this area is typically reserved for JVS students):

I have worked more than 700 hours (a minimum of 100 hours paid) with earnings greater than $2,500

((unpaid ‐ 600 x 3.33 = 2,000) + (paid ‐ $500 generated from SAE) ...... ______


Hazardous Occupation: (this area is typically reserved for JVS students):

I have worked more than 600 hours with a minimum of 60 hours being paid with earnings greater than

$2,000 ((unpaid ‐ 540 x 3.33 = 1,800) + (paid ‐ $200 generated from SAE) ...... ______

  1. I have completed a minimum 35 hours of community service or 25 hours of community service and 10 hours of

home improvement. Community Service hours may NOT be duplicated for unpaid hours...... ______

  1. I have productively invested a minimum of $1,000 (as calculated by the American Degree Application) .... ______
  1. I have participated in three activities that promote Agricultural Education and/or the FFA ...... ______

These activities may include entries at the county and state fairs, Agriscience Fairs, demonstrations, etc.)

  1. I have participated in at least two different state sanctioned Career Development Events...... ______
  1. I have demonstrated ten abilities of parliamentary procedure...... ______
  1. I have given a six‐minute speech on an agricultural topic...... ______
  1. I have been a chapter officer, committee chairperson, or a participating member of a major committee ...... ______
  1. I have participated in the following five FFA activities that are above the chapter level ...... ______

Of these activities, two must be from the following list: FFA Camp, Ohio Leadership Camp, Greenhand Camp,

Fall Orientation Camp, EDGE/MFE/ALD Conference, 212/360 Conference, Washington Leadership Conference,

Ohio FFA Association Leadership Night, COLT Conference, State FFA Convention, National FFA Convention.

  1. I have participated in four school and community service activities ...... ______

(At least one of these activities must be a school activity and at least two must be a community service.)

  1. I have 25 hours of Community Service in at least two different activities with 15 of the hours occurring after I

received my Chapter FFA Degree...... ______

  1. I have a GPA equal to or greater than 2.00 ...... ______
  1. I have a 93% or better school attendance rate or a 3.0 GPA ...... ______

Items used on the application cannot be duplicated to meet the minimum standards listed above with the exception of:

  1. Improvement Project hours as part of the SAE hours. These hours will be calculated at a rate of $3.33 automatically on

the application.

  1. Parliamentary procedure and public speaking can count as both a CDE (#12) and as a demonstration of #13 and #14, as long as they occur

above the chapter level in an official State CDE sanctioned event.