Children’s Services

Hamnavoe Primary School

E Mail: Hamnavoe

Telephone: 01595 807 440 Burra Isle

Fax: 01595 807 442 Shetland

Web Site: Head Teacher: Mrs Helen Robertson

Wednesday 14th February 2018

Dear Pupils and Parents,

Our Science Technology Engineering and Maths Family Learning Event will take place next Tuesday. To help us plan ahead we would like you to choose the workshops and activities you would prefer to attend. We will do our very best to get everyone their first choices and this will be decided on a first come first serve basis. Please return your slip by Monday 19th February please. Many activities do not require you to book.

Please read through the choices and decide on your preferences. Some activities have an age recommendation on them. All children must have an adult with them. We are also seeking a few volunteers to help with some activities. Volunteers would be only asked to do one activity so they can spend time learning with their bairns.

Workshop 1 / Robotplast / Build Lego models and make them work by adding digital technology / Emma Chittick / Max pupils 16
Age: 7+
Workshop 2 / Space Junk / Build Lego models and make them work by adding digital technology / Emma Chittick / Max pupils 16
Age: 7+
Workshop 3 / Computer Coding with ipads / Tinkering with Computer coding games – Bee Bot, Codable, Scratch and Scratch Junior / Lauren Smith / Max pupils 12
Workshop 4 / Geology Zone / Build a volcano and simulate an eruption / Helen Robertson / Max pupils 10
Workshop 5 / Home Science / What science experiments can you create in your home? Come and try some. / Harry Rose / Max pupils 12
Workshop 6 / Rubbish Science / What do we throw away? What science can we do with Rubbish? / Harry Rose / Max pupils 12
Workshop 7 / ROV Lego Models / Make an ROV kit to explore the North Sea for Oil and Gas. / Margaret Birrell / Max pupils 6
Age: 7+
Workshop 8 / Mine Craft Careers World / Explore the World of Work through a Mine Craft Game using Mac Books. / Emma Chittick / Max pupils 8
Workshop 9 / Make your own Bath Bomb / Explore some chemistry and make your own beauty product / Karen Saunders / Max pupils 12
Workshop 10 / Lego Engineers / Come and construct a 3 in 1 kit from a range of NEW lego sets / Joanne Holden / Max pupils 6

There will also be drop in sessions. These are:

The NAFC Rockpool – find what lives in our sea and around our coastline

Our Mini Scord Quarry Construction Site with ride on trucks and diggers and lots of sand, chips and materials to move and mix (Age 5-8 recommended).

Lego Mountain – come and build your own models from our mountain of lego. Add motors and lighting and see you model come to life!

Virtual Reality App for Construction – Come and see what work in the construction industry is like?

Tough Spots - Come and build it – engineering toys and games

Touch Spots - Come and explore materials and textures and get messy

There is no need to book drop in sessions but we’d like to know if you are attending so please complete the slip for this too and return as soon as possible.

We are looking forwards to a great turn out and hope you all really enjoy this unique opportunity with you children at Hamnavoe Primary School.

Kindest regards,

Helen Robertson

Head Teacher

Hamnavoe Primary STEM Family Learning Event Tuesday 20th February 2018

Please return this sheet to the School Office:

Child’s name
First choice
Workshop / Second Choice
Third choice
Workshop / Fourth Choice
Planning to do drop sessions only
Willing to help