MEDIUM TERM PLANNING – Short writing/PE Dance
Class: Year 6 Spring 1 PE – Dance ‘Oliver Twist’
Wk beg / Learning Objectives / Pos Links / Activities / Resources / Key Words08.01 / ‘How might Fagin move?’
To learn to move and stop in time to different pieces of music.
To explore & practise different words for walking – marching, hobbling, limping unevenly.
To explore and represent the character of Fagin in movement.
To practise and refine these gestures.
Body language
/ Literacy –‘How to be safe in Fagin’s Den’ short writing task linked to the safety leaflet writing in Literacy this week, expanding vocab to enhance creative writing – extended paragraphsMusic – listening & responding / Introduce the topic in class. Read chapt 8 of Oliver Twist and discuss Fagin’s character and how he might move.
Discuss different ways of walking and words you might use to describe them.
Warm up – play music & ask ch to clap and march on the spot, then stride out/stop & start frequently & have ch change their walk & ‘freeze’. Repeat with a partner taking turns to lead.
Development – In partners ask ch to contrast their walking in character with Fagin. Develop the walk ie limp, limp pause/change direction/speed etc
Discuss what Fagin’s face would look like when doing a particular walk, develop still shapes to represent him, and then add this to the walk.
How would you look secretive – eg picking pockets – What might he be wearing? How might he move his arms?
Performance – link ideas in partners, practise then show.
Cool-down & Plenary – play slow music, slow strides & stretches.
Do you think you managed to represent Fagin’s character? / Oliver Twist book.
Music - various / Stride
Body language
15.01 /
Week 1 continued
/ Notes : / Children worked in pairs, one group in a 4, all took turns leading and created a ‘Fagin movement’ using the different words for walking. They they put them into a short sequence and most were able to perform something at the end of the lesson – some were very self conscious doing so.22.01 / ‘How might Oliver feel and move in Fagin’s den?’
To learn to move and stop in time to different pieces of music.
To explore & practise different words for walking – striding, creeping, shuffling
To explore and represent the character of Oliver in movement.
To practise and refine these gestures.
To practise stretching & reaching in diff directions & at diff levels.
To show Oliver waking & dressing with movement. / Literacy –‘Oliver’s Diary at the start of his life in Fagin’s Den’ - short writing task linked to diary writing in Lit this week – recount (multisensory description), expanding vocab to enhance creative writing
Music – listening & responding / Introduce character of Oliver. Discuss what ch already know, ask q’s like ‘How do you think Oliver felt in Fagin’s den when he first got there?’
Warm up – Play music, ask ch to explore ‘striding, creeping, shuffling’. Repeat with a partner taking turns to lead.
Development – Ask ch for words to desribe Oliver walking – quietly, timidly, stealthily, unobserved, slowly, quickly, lightly. Develop as per Fagin (use words like quick, quick, quick, stop etc to help).
Link 3 diff ways of creeping – ‘what are your hands/head doing? Which direction/height are you going in?
Use silence as Oliver might to listen.
Practise ‘cowering’.
Performance - link ideas in partners, practise then show. If time, link Fagin to Oliver to develop a sequence.
Cool-down & Plenary – play slow music, slow strides & stretches.
Do you think you managed to represent Oliver’s character and how he felt?
How might you improve and develop your sequences? / Oliver Twist book.
Music - various / Stride
Body language
22.01 /
Week 3 continued
/ Notes :29.01 / ‘How might the Artful Dodger feel and move?’
Explore & practise diff words for walking – stamping, dodging.
Develop a creeping sequence in twos, leading & following.
Practise creeping and stopping using different body shapes. / Literacy –‘- short writing task linked to d in Lit this week – recount (multisensory description), expanding vocab to enhance creative writing
Music – listening & responding / In class talk about AD, what’s his character like, how might he move? Why might he need to move in certain ways? What would be good movements for the AD to be able to do well?
Warm up – walking, jogging, weaving in and out of a small space between the ch. Practise changing direction & stopping suddenly.
Development - think of a ‘secret communication’ for a danger warning if out pickpocketing – stamp/clap rhythm. Practise swaggering/dodging/shadowing someone and then pickpocketing.
Practise his facial gestures – looking/secretive/baosting
Think of the different levels AD might need to operate at, how might he look when he has to hide?
Performance - link ideas in partners, practise then show. If time, link Fagin, Oliver & AD to develop a sequence.
Cool-down & Plenary – play slow music, slow strides & stretches.
Do you think you managed to represent the AD’s character and how he felt?
How might you improve and develop your sequences? / Oliver Twist book.
Music - various / Stride
Body language
05.02 / Explore and develop previous 3 weeks. Begin to create a sequence of dances ‘in character’.
Practise dodging & hiding as if they’d been caught pickpocketing. / Use ‘sewn together’ music to help create a class ‘dance.’ Children start coming into the hall in character whispering/hissing ‘Oliver’ as if searching for him. Introductory reading (explains what’s going on) read out…children them perform the sequence.
Sequence : Hissing ‘Oliver’ – searching movements (1/2 class – other half like statues) – swop over – at music cue stand and change expression (What’s going on?) – Oliver’s dreams of happiness music – group dances – music cue (surprised/fearful looks) - chase, music goes weird (slow motion) – everyone moves to floor and ending is motionless. / Team work
12.02 /