Steeple Nursery School
September 2012
Focus 1: Me and My Friends
Dear Parent,
We are delighted to welcome you and your child to our school. This is a very important year for your child and we wish to make it an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
The ‘settling in’ period is a very important time in the Nursery and it is vital that we establish good relationships with each individual child. This can only be achieved by initially bringing the children into the Nursery in small groups and gradually building up to the full session. We appreciate your support and understanding for any inconvenience caused at this time.
Every 6 weeks you will receive an information sheet similar to this, to keep you informed of what is happening in the Nursery. Please read the rhymes to your child and discuss the focus with them. If you have any objects, books, DVDs or CDs you think would be relevant to our focus please bring them along.
Remember you make a valuable contribution to your child’s education and we depend on your support. Next week we will be sending out a booklet “Building Together”. I hope you find this information useful.
All information is on our website: -
Yours sincerely,
H. SUITER (Principal)
How You Can Help Us and Your Child
Car Parking: DO NOT “Double-Park” outside the Nursery School. All parents must park on the Nursery side of the car park at all times. It is important to leave the spaces at the Parkhall College side free, as teachers are moving between the two sites and need speedy access between classes. Please do not double-park at any time this may cause inconvenience and danger to others. We appreciate your support in this matter.
The school will not be opened until 9.00 am and 12.30 pm. Please do not bring your child too early as they become restless whilst waiting. When bringing your child into school, please bring them directly into the classroom, and hand them into the care of a member of staff from their classroom. Be punctual on collection.
Lending Library will commence Wed 12th September. Please volunteer for library duty, lists will be posted in the hallways.
Children’s craft work/paintings: please check your child’s cubby hole every day and remember to take home the craft/paintings produced by your child - they have worked hard to create these and your praise and encouragement is very important to them.
· Put a change of clothes in your child’s bag (in case of an accident)
· Dress your child for active play (no belts or buckles please!)
· Fund money for the term - £30
· Sweatshirts - £9 Polo-Shirts- £7
Please pay all monies to Mrs Campbell our Secretary in the office by the end of September.
Our first Jo Jingles (Music Programme) starts Thursday 4th Oct.
Enjoy your time at Nursery!
Rhymes are very important in helping to develop your child’s language. Here are some rhymes we will be introducing to your child, but don’t forget the old, traditional rhymes.
1. I am Special (Tune: “Frere Jacques”)
I am special, I am special
If you look, you will see,
Someone very special,
Someone very special,
Yes that’s you,
Yes that’s me.
2. Hide and Seek
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
John is hiding far from me
Looking here, looking there,
I can’t see him anywhere
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
John is hiding far from me
Pit-er-pat! What is that?
Oh! It’s just a pussy cat
3. Wash your hands (Tune “Frere Jacques)
Soap and water, soap and water,
Wash your hands, wash your hands,
Rub them both together, rub them both together. Wash them well, wash them well.
4. Millions of stars in the sky,
thousands of fish in the sea,
hundreds of birds in the air.
But there is only one of me!
5. Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Along came the children with brushes and glue,
And put Humpty together as good as new
6. Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory Dickory Dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory Dickory Dock!
6. Tommy Thumb, Tommy Thumb, Where are you?
Here I am, here I am, How do you do?
Peter Pointer, Peter Pointer etc.
Toby Tall. Toby Tall, etc.
Ruby Ring, Ruby Ring, etc.
Baby Small, Baby Small, etc.
Fingers All, Fingers All, etc.
Road Safety
Throughout the year we will focus on developing a sound understanding of road safety and we would appreciate your support by encouraging good practice when your child is in your care, e.g. make sure your child is securely strapped in their car seat and is aware of the dangers of the road.
Please ensure you have your child’s name on their
Polo/shirt and sweatshirt and label all items of clothing.