TITLE: Souper Bowl Commercial

SUBMITTED BY: Barb Miller, Gerrardstown, WV

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 4 (male or female in all parts)

·  Receptionist at “A.A.U.” (Advertisers Are Us): Mary

·  Supervisor: Raw Hyde

·  Peter

·  Paul

AGE: Junior and Senior High School students. Adaptable to any audience.

LENGTH: 2-4 minutes. Anytime leading up to the Big Game.

PLOT: Humorous skit about two people wanting to advertise the Souper Bowl of Caring, with the “ad man” assuming they want to spend millions on THE day of the Big Game.

PROPS AND STAGING: (Stage set-up requires a desk or table and chair with a sign saying “Advertisers Are Us.” Receptionist should have some sort of bell to ring. Action begins with receptionist sitting behind the desk, filing her fingernails and chewing bubble gum. Peter and Paul walk into the office together.)

Scene 1

RECEPTIONIST: (looking up) May I help you gentlemen?

PETER: Sure can! We’re here to see Mr. Hyde. Mr. Raw Hyde. We have an appointment at 10:30 this morning.

PAUL: (excitedly) Yep. We sure do!

RECEPTIONIST: I’ll see if he’s busy. (Rings bell and yells). Mr. Hyde. There’s some guys here to see you. They say they have an appointment.

HYDE: (walking into room with hand outstretched to shake) Hey, guys! What can I do ya for? What brings you to our humble office today?

PETER: Hi, Mr. Hyde! (shaking hands and making introductions) I’m Peter and this is Paul. We’re here cuz we want to make a commercial.

HYDE: (laughing) A commercial? What do you mean you want to make a commercial?

PAUL: Well, the Super Bowl is coming up next week and we want to advertise on it.

HYDE: (laughing harder now) You want to advertise during the Super Bowl? Do you know how much money that would cost? Tell them, Mary.

RECEPTIONIST: Last year’s Super Bowl advertisers paid $3 million dollars for a 30-second commercial.

HYDE: And you guys want to advertise what?

PETER: The “Souper Bowl”.

HYDE: (incredulously) The “Souper Bowl”? (laughing) So, let me get this straight: you want to advertise FOR the Super Bowl DURING the Super Bowl?

PAUL: Not for the “SUPER” Bowl. He means for the “SOUPER” Bowl!

HYDE: (shaking his head as if he understands) Oh, yeah. Right. The SUPER Bowl. I understand now. (yelling) NO, I DON’T! Will someone explain this to me?

RECEPTIONIST: (shrugging her shoulders) You’ve got me!

PETER: (laughing) Oh, sorry. I don’t mean the “SUPER” – (spelling it out) S-U-P-E-R Bowl. I mean the “SOUPER” (spelling it out) “S-O-U-P-E-R” Bowl.

HYDE: Huh? And just what might that be?

PAUL: The “Souper Bowl of Caring” is a day where thousands of people from churches around the world collect canned goods and non-perishable food items to donate to their local food banks to help fight hunger in their own neighborhoods. You know. People bring in cans of SOUP and stuff. That’s why we call it the “Souper” Bowl.

HYDE: Ok. Ok. It all makes sense now. Never heard of it, though.

PETER: Exactly why we want to advertise. Do you know that last year over $10.4 million in cash and food items were raised to help fight hunger? That’s enough cash and food items to provide over 18 million meals.

HYDE: Wow! That’s a lot of mouths to feed.

PAUL: Well, over 42 million people went hungry in America last year.

HYDE: And how can we help?

PETER: All we want people to do is to bring in a canned good or some money to school before February 5th, Super Bowl Sunday. Some young people also will do service project in their communities.

HYDE: So you want to make a commercial, huh?

PAUL: (looking at Peter) I think we just did.

EVERYONE: (looking at audience, all standing) FIGHT HUNGER! SUPPORT THE “SOUPER BOWL OF CARING”. Thank you! (Everyone takes a bow.)
