Curriculum Vitae
925 Komomala Drive
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
(808) 9593435
Marital Status…..Married, two children
Revised...... January, 2009
Ph.D. degree in Anthropology
M.A. degree in Anthropology
B.A. degree in Biology
1989-Present Professor, University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Arts and Sciences.
2004-Present Coordinator of Research and Graduate Education, University of Hawaii at Hilo
1995-Present Director, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program, University of Hawaii at Hilo.
1987-Present Affiliate Graduate Faculty Member, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Anthropology.
2000-2004 Coordinator of Research, University of Hawaii at Hilo.
1999-2003 Chair, Social Sciences Division, University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Arts and Sciences.
1998 Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Binghamton University, State University of New York, Harpur College of Arts and Sciences.
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1989-1995 Chairman, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Arts and Sciences.
19831989 Associate Professor, University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Arts and Sciences.
1986-1987 Chairman, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Arts and Sciences.
1982-1984 Chairman, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Arts and Sciences.
19781983 Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Arts and Sciences.
1980-1981 Chairman, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Arts and Sciences.
19771978 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Arts and Sciences.
19761977 Lecturer, University of Hawaii, Leeward Community College.
1976 Lecturer, University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Continuing Education and Community Services.
1972-1974 Teaching Assistant, Cornell University, Department of Anthropology.
2004-Present Coordinator of Research and Graduate Education, University of Hawaii at Hilo
Took on duties of Graduate Education Coordinator while maintaining previous position as Coordinator of Research.. Duties included chairing the University of Hawaii at Hilo Graduate Council and Research Council. Worked with the Graduate Council to complete the task of creating policies and procedures for graduate studies at the university. Planned for the creation of a formal administrative structure for graduate studies. Identified problem areas in graduate administration and worked with administrative affairs to clean these up. Administered indirect cost funds used by the Research Council, and worked with administration to allocate some of these funds to support colleges, departments, PIs and the library. Began the process of devising a strategic plan for Research at UH Hilo.
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2001-2005 President, Human Biology Association
President-Elect 2001-2002; President 2002-2004;Past-President 2004-2005. Oversaw the administration of an international scientific society that sponsors the American Journal of Human Biology and conducts annual scientific meetings. Chaired the Executive Committee of the Association, and assisted other standing committees of the association including Membership, Nominations, Public Relations, Publications, and Conference Program units. Helped negotiate a royalties contract for the association with the publisher of its journal. Instituted student travel awards to the annual conferences, and started an annual student reception at the meetings.
2000-2004 Coordinator of Research, University of Hawaii at Hilo
As the first coordinator of research, the position included creating and then chairing the University of Hawaii at Hilo Research Council. Coordinated activities of the Research Council in working with administration from the University of Hawaii at Hilo and the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii to establish policies and procedures for the administration of extramural grants and contracts. Also established procedures for the allocation of indirect costs funds, and negotiated these allocations on an annual basis. Supported faculty research endeavors, including providing grant writing workshops, and obtaining infrastructure grants to support research at the university.
1995-Present Director, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program, University of Hawaii at Hilo
Administered a complex grant program that included multi-project research and a minority training grant. Successfully applied for funding over the entire period. Responsible for writing of administrative sections of research grants and coordinating the submittal of all subprojects. Headed training grant including arranging for a seminar series, guest lectures, student travel, and provision of a student workroom for study.
2005-2006 Interim Director, RIMI Program, University of Hawaii at Hilo
Co-wrote the grant and administered the RIMI (Research Infrastructure in Minority Institutions) Program at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Oversaw the renovation of laboratory facilities, assisted in the implementation of a seed money grant program, coordinated library purchases with grant money, and administered two research subprojects.
1999-2003 Chair, Social Science Division, College of Arts and Sciences, Univ. Hawaii at Hilo
Provided academic leadership for the Social Sciences Division, including mentoring junior faculty, administering the budget, making personnel recommendations, and overseeing the move of most departments in the Division into a new building on campus. Served on the Dean's Council and assisted the Dean with college-wide administration.
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2004-2009 “Enhancement of Research Infrastructure at UH Hilo,” National Institutes of Health, Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities, Research Infrastructure in Minority Institutions (RIMI). $4,084,977 total costs. Co-author, Interim Program Director.
2004-2009 “Obesity as a Health Risk in Hawaii School Children,” National Institutes of Health, Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities, Research Infrastructure in Minority Institutions (RIMI). Subproject in above grant. $888,087 direct costs. Principal Inv.
2004-2008 “Biomedical Research at the University of Hawaii at Hilo," National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program, Support of Continuous Research Excellence (SCORE). $2,168,506 Direct Costs. Program Director.
2004-2008 “Menopause, Symptoms, Blood Pressure and Health Risk in a Multiethnic Population,” National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program (SCORE). $677,219 Direct Costs. Subproject in above grant. Principal Investigator.
2003-2004 “Nitric Oxide as a Measure of Sympathetic Nervous System Activity Upon Exposure to Mild Environmental Stress,” EPSCoR Research Enhancement Activities Program (REAP), $11,443. Principal Investigator
2003 “Enhancement of Research Capacity at UH Hilo By Acquiring a Nitric Oxide Analyzer,” BRIN Program. $27,828.
2003 “Equipment Enhancement for the UH-Hilo SCORE Program,” National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program. $271,348 Direct Costs. Principal Investigator.
2001-2005 “MBRS RISE Program at the University of Hawaii at Hilo,” National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program, Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE). $1,095,142 Direct Costs. ($261,999 for first year). Program Director.
2001-2004 “Supplement to Biomedical Research at the University of Hawaii at Hilo," National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program, Support of Continuous Research Excellence (SCORE). $690,998 Direct Costs ($232,575 for first year). Program Director.
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2000-2004 “Biomedical Research at the University of Hawaii at Hilo," National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program, Support of Continuous Research Excellence (SCORE). $2,278,487 Direct Costs. Program Director.
2000-2003 “Physiological Stress and Blood Pressure Among Filipino Immigrants,” National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program (SCORE). $912,006 Direct Costs. Subproject in above grant. Principal Investigator.
2001-2002 “Nitric oxide exhalation at high altitude and risk for altitude sickness,” Leahi Fund to Treat and Prevent Pulmonary Disease. $22,200. Principal Investigator.
1996-2000 "Biomedical Research at the University of Hawaii at Hilo," National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program. $1,174,663 Direct Costs. Includes Supplemental grant for 1998-2000. Program Director.
1996-2000 "Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Stress and Ethnicity in Hawaii School Teachers," National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program. $461,100 Direct Costs. Subproject in above grant. Principal Investigator. Coinvestigator: Gary D. James.
1997-1999 "Menopause, Ethnicity and Health Risk Factors in Hawaii School Teachers," American Heart Association - Hawaii Affiliate. $77,698 Direct Costs. Principal Investigator. Coinvestigators: Gary D. James and Lynnette E. Leidy.
1994-1997 "The Relation Between Adiposity and Health Risk Factors in Native Hawaiians," National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program. Principal Investigator. $219,967 Direct Costs.
1993-1995 "Blood Pressure Response to Daily Stress in Working Women of Different Ethnicity," American Heart Association, Hawaii Affiliate. $55,683 Direct Costs. Principal Investigator. Coinvestigator: Gary D. James.
1993 Chancellor's Development Fund, University of Hawaii at Hilo. Travel grant for presentation of research results, American Association of Physical Anthropologists meeting, April, Toronto.
1988-1992 "The Development of Obesity in Native Hawaiian Infants," National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program. Subproject Investigator. $345,984 Direct Costs.
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1988-1989 Research and Training Revolving Fund Award, University of Hawaii. Grant funded for one year research project on dietary practices and development of Native Hawaiian infants. Funding approved for $5913; funding returned after NIH grant approved.
19841988 "The Development of Obesity in Native Hawaiian Children," National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program. Subproject Investigator. $334,000 Direct Costs.
19811984 "Health and Acclimatization in Commuters to Altitude," National Institutes of Health, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program. Subproject Investigator, $92,500 Direct Costs.
1981 Office of Research Administration Revolving Fund, University of Hawaii. Travel grant for presentation of research results and chairing symposium, American Association of Physical Anthropologists meeting, April, Detroit.
1979 Office of Research Administration Revolving Fund, University of Hawaii. Travel grant for presentation of research results, World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, September, Jerusalem.
1978 President's Educational Improvement Fund, University of Hawaii. Grant for initiating a physical anthropology laboratory program at the University of Hawaii at Hilo.
2008 Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2008 Awarded poster prize at the Annual Meeting of the North American Menopause Society.
2001 Awarded Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Activities, University of Hawaii at Hilo.
2001 Elected President, Human Biology Association, an international scientific society that fosters research and training in human biology and sponsors the American Journal of Human Biology.
1991 Awarded Chancellor's Citation for Excellence in Teaching, University of Hawaii at Hilo.
1982 Recipient of Meritorious Service Award, University of Hawaii at Hilo.
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Brown, Daniel E., Lynnette L. Sievert, Lynn A. Morrison, Angela M. Reza and Phoebe S. Mills in press
Do Japanese American Women Really Have Fewer Hot Flashes than European Americans? The Hilo Women’s Health Study. Menopause.
Brown, Daniel E., Sarah E. Hampson, Joan P. Dubanoski, Amy Stone-Murai and Teresa Hillier in press Effects of Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status on Body Composition in an Admixed, Multiethnic Population in Hawaii. American Journal of Human Biology.
Sievert, Lynnette L., Lynn A. Morrison, Angela M. Reza, Daniel E. Brown, Erin Kalua and Harold A.T. Tefft 2007 Age-related differences in health complaints: The Hilo Women’s Health Study. Women and Health 45:31-51.
Sievert, Lynnette L., Lynn A. Morrison, Daniel E. Brown and Angela M. Reza 2007 Hot flash experience among Japanese-American and Caucasian women living in Hilo, Hawaii. Menopause 14:261-269.
Brown, Daniel E. 2007 Measuring hormonal variation in the sympathetic nervous system: catecholamines. In: Measuring Stress in Humans: A Practical Guide to the Field. Ed. Gillian H. Ice and Gary D. James, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 94-121.
Brown, Daniel E., Gary D. James and Phoebe S. Mills 2006 Occupational differences in job
strain and physiological stress: female nurses and school teachers in Hawaii.
Psychosomatic Medicine, 68: 524-530
Brown, Daniel E., Cynthia M. Beall, Kingman P. Strohl and Phoebe S. Mills 2006 Exhaled nitric oxide decreases upon acute exposure to high altitude hypoxia where lower levels are associated with
fewer symptoms of acute mountain sickness. American Journal of Human Biology, 18:196-202.
Brown, Daniel E., Gary D. James, Lea Nordloh and Amy A. Jones 2003 Job strain and physiological stress responses in nurses and nurse’s aides: Predictors of daily blood pressure variability. Blood Pressure Monitoring, 8:237-242.
Brown, Daniel E., Gary D. James, Sue L. Aki, Phoebe Mills and Michaelyn B. Etrata 2003 A comparison of day-night blood pressure variation between normotensive Japanese-American and Caucasian school teachers in Hawaii. Journal of Hypertension, 21:2045-2051.
Brown, Daniel E., Lynnette E. Leidy, Sue L. Aki, Phoebe S. Mills, Michaelyn B. Etrata, Rena N.K. Paopao and Gary D. James 2001 “The effects of age, ethnicity and menopause on ambulatory blood pressure: Japanese-American and Caucasian school teachers in Hawaii. American Journal of Human Biology, 13:486-493.
Brown, Daniel E. and Gary D. James 2000 Physiological stress responses in Filipino-American immigrant nurses: The effects of residence time, lifestyle and job strain. Psychosomatic Medicine, 62:394-400.
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Garruto, Ralph M., Michael A. Little, Gary D. James and Daniel E. Brown 1999 Natural experimental models: The global search for biomedical paradigms among traditional, modernizing, and modern populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 96:10536-10543.
Brown, Daniel E., Gary D. James and Lea Nordloh 1998 Comparison of factors affecting daily variation of blood pressure in Filipino-American and Caucasian nurses in Hawaii. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 106:373-383.
Kormondy, Edward J. and Daniel E. Brown 1998 Fundamentals of Human Ecology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. xix + 503 pp.
James, Gary D. and Daniel E. Brown 1997 The biological stress response and lifestyle: catecholamines and blood pressure. Annual Review of Anthropology, 26:313-335.
Brown, Daniel E., Tupou V. Koenig, Alexis M. Demorales, Ka'ohulani McGuire and Charlene T. Mersai 1996 Menarche age, fatness, and fat distribution in Hawaiian adolescents. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 99:239-247.
Brown, Daniel E. 1996 The use of isolates and migrant populations in human biology research designs. Reviews in Anthropology, 24:229-237.
Brown, Daniel E. 1994 The effect of high altitude hypoxia and noise on peripheral responses to cold. Collegium Anthropologicum, 18:35-43.
Brown, Daniel E., Tupou V. Koenig, Alexis M. Demorales, Konrad K. Mossman, Charlene M. Akina and Ehukai K. Sako 1993 Relation of subcutaneous fat distribution to degree of admixture in native Hawaiian children. American Journal of Human Biology, 5:9-15.
Pearson, Jay D., Gary D. James and Daniel E. Brown 1993 Stress and changing lifestyles in the Pacific: Physiological stress responses of Samoans in rural and urban settings. American Journal of Human Biology, 5:49-60.