Kutztown Rotary Bulletin
Kutztown Rotary Club, District 7430, Club 5433 - Organized April 1, 1926
Address: P.O. Box 127, Kutztown, PA 19530; Meetings: Wed. @ 6:30 PM at
Seasons Grille – 15305 Kutztown Rd, Kutztown; east end near 222 Bypass
Our newsletter is distributed by email. Please give your e-mail address to Steve Henning or send your e-mail address to .
You can also read new and past newsletters at http://kutztownrotary.org.
July 2, 2008 – Keith Snyder presided over a short assembly. August 4 is the golf tournament. Golfers and hole sponsors are needed. Jean has extra flyers. The Steak Fry is August 13. The Dog Show is September 14. Marie is getting in touch with the fire police and the Rotaract Club. The letters have been sent to the artists for the Flatworks Exhibit in October. Jim is arranging for the club to get a tour of the new B&B and of Premise Made. Keith reminded us that his goal is to get the club to fully support the foundation, and to add new members.
July 9 – Jean Boyer introduced her guest, Gwendolyn Didden, vice-president of social services for Berks Encore, formerly called Berks County Sr. Citizens Council.
The non-profit’s mission is to provide services, programs and referrals that engage, inform, educate and advocate for older Berks Countians. Membership is $10/year for discounted activities and classes, free health insurance and consumer counseling, free tax preparation and notary services, free concerts and shows, the use of the activity centers, and a subscription to Second Wind, their monthly newspaper.
The organization is funded in part by the Office of Aging and in part by United Way, but depends on volunteers. Ms. Didden gave the Rotarians a volunteer job description for Aprise, a counseling service that helps seniors navigate Medicare, Supplemental Insurance, Managed Care Plans, Medicaid, prescription coverage, medical savings programs, etc. Training is provided in exchange for at least 40 volunteer hours per year.
July 16– This evening we recognized the recipients of our Kutztown Rotary 4-year Scholarships. Rebecca Von Funk (2005 recipient) is a senior at Elizabethtown College majoring in actuarial science. This summer she is working for Medicare in Baltimore. Brent Koller (2006) is a chemical engineering major attending Penn State. Sarah Kenney (2007) is a sophomore at Lebanon Valley College studying elementary education and special education. She continues her involvement with the American Cancer Society through College Against Cancer. The 2008 recipient of the Kutztown Rotary 4-year scholarship is Cassandra Coleman. She will be attending West Chester University, majoring in biochemistry or premed with a minor in Spanish. In introducing Cassy, Amy Howard said she is not only an excellent and involved student, but that she is reliable and enthusiastic—a great asset to any endeavor.
July 23 – Barry Martin’s guest was Lois Stoltzfus of Perkiomen Tours. Ms. Stoltzfus gave us an overview of the motorcoach industry. According to economic impact studies, the industry generates more than $44 billion annually in economic transactions, including $4.9 billion in direct spending by travelers and tourists on motorcoach services. Motorcoach travel is changing to attract the “boomer” generation. Coaches are becoming hi-tech with wifi, 22-inch monitors and satellite dishes. Perkiomen Tours’ coaches have decreased their seating capacity from 57 to 52 seats for more legroom. Now there are coaches with tables, galleys, leather seating, and multiple movie choices. Because people don’t like going en masse to a single event, the tours provide options, dropping off passengers of one charter to different attractions. Many tours are offering “experiences” rather than spectator events.
As the current demographic ages, Ms Stoltzfus says they are expecting a short slump as the industry re-tools and re-markets themselves for the next generation. That shouldn’t last long if fuel costs remain high. She says it is still more economical to go by coach than by air or auto.
* To contribute to the RI Foundation’s Annual Program Fund (“Every Rotarian Every Year”) online, go to https://riweb.rotaryintl.org/. The page asks for your user name and password, which you receive after registering. Click the “Register Now” link to register. Enter your District #7430, your Club #5433, and your member id #, which is at the bottom left of your membership card, or you can email Steve Henning and ask for the number. Once you have entered these 3 numbers, the site will confirm your user id--which is your email address--and will send your password to that email address within 24 hours (it may take only a minute). Once you receive your user id and password, you can log on at the same site and make a contribution.
* Steak Fry August 13.
· 8/3 – D. Wetzel
· 8/15 – D. Lutz
· 8/21 – G. Barrell
· 8/3 – D. Wetzel
· 8/24 – R. Wagner
Programs –
· July 30 – B. Winkler – Guest: New Superintendent of Schools
· Aug. 6 - J. Cevallos
· Aug. 13 - Steak Fry – N. Hildenbrand
· Aug. 20 - B. Hobaugh
· Aug. 27 - District Governor
Board Meetings are the First Wednesday of the Month
Kutztown Rotary Club Officers
President / Keith Snyder / 610-944-6891President Elect / Marie J. De Filipps / 610-682-0936
Peter Keegan / 610-682-6140 / B: 610-683-3525
Directors at Large: / William H. Bender / 610-987-3552
Jim Springer / 610-682-7764 / B: 610-683-7011
Corresponding Secretary / Jean Boyer / 610-683-3256
Club Secretary / Steve Henning / 610-987-6184
Treasurer / Dennis Lutz / 610-683-6026 / B: 610-926-8900
Bulletin Editor / Patricia J. McCloskey / 610-683-6546
Sergeant at Arms / Larry Biehl / 610-562-3374
Past President / Amy Kohler Howard / 484-332-9239
Program Coordinator / Jean Boyer / 610-683-3256
Keith Snyder / Tom Turner / Marie J. De Filipps / Barry Martin
Program Coordinator
* Jean Boyer
* William Bender
Classification, Membership
and Orientation
William H. Bender
Larry Biehl
Nancy Hildenbrand
Club Bulletin
* Patt McCloskey
Stephen M. Henning
Jean Boyer
* George S. Barrell / RuralUrban
* Patt McCloskey
* Jim Springer
Larry Biehl
William H. Bender
Jean Boyer
Camp Neidig
* Patt McCloskey
Dean G. Wetzel
Youth / Student of the Month
* Larry Biehl
Scholarship / Awards
* Amy Kohler Howard
Karissa Barrell
Dr. Brenda Winkler / Golf Classic
Thomas Turner
Jim Springer
Dennis R. Lutz
Peter M Keegan
George S. Barrell
Larry Biehl
Dog Show
* Marie J. De Filipps
Nancy Hildenbrand
Dennis R. Lutz
Larry C. Biehl
Peter M. Keegan
Barry Martin
Public Relations
* Stephen M. Henning
Larry Biehl
Tom Turner
Peter Keegan
Ways & Means
George S. Barrell
Jim Springer
William H. Bender
Dan Breidegam
Tom Turner / International Service
* Robert Hobaugh
Peter M. Keegan
Stephen M. Henning
Rotary Foundation
* Larry Biehl
Youth Exchange
* Robert Hobaugh
Patt McCloskey
George Barrell
Dennis Lutz
International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians
* Stephen M. Henning
Rotary Programs
Board Meetings
First Wed. of Month