Preschool Science/SS Assignment
Due March 16 by 2:25
Objective- Using classroom resource students will prepare an activity to support children’s science or social studies development. Students must meet at least one competency, correctly write an objective, plan an age appropriate lesson and prepare and example of the materials.
Step 1 Identify the competency ( or competencies)
Check all that apply
Social Studies
A. Develop self-respect and a healthy self-concept
B. Investigate other cultures
C. Expresses feelings
D. Explain the roles and importance of family and friends
E. Recognize and explain the role of community helpers
G. Make healthy choices/take care of our body
A. Identify similarities and differences in things
B. Demonstrate animal behaviors and identify habitats
C. Demonstrate the role of air, water, soil, seed, and sun for plants to grow
D. Show respect for plant life, animal life and other aspects
of the environment
E. Explain and categorize the many kinds of animals
F. Demonstrate that some things float and others sink in water
G. Use the senses to explore objects
H. Explore the weather. ( wind, snow, ice, sun)
Step 2- Write an objective
( Using…students will…)
Step 3- Briefly explain what you will do
Show them…
Do it with them…
Step 4- Briefly explain what the preschoolers will do
Step 5- Prepare and include all materials needed
( materials may be something that the kids will do OR props you will use)
Grade Sheet
Possible points / Your scoreProfessional / Typed
Correct grammar and spelling
-1 point for every mistake / 2
Competency / Correct competencies identified and met / 4
Objective / All 3 parts correctly identified / 6
Explanation / Show/Do together/do on own
Clear explanation of what will happen
( someone should be able to pick this up and do your lesson) / 9
DAP / •Age-appropriate
•Individually appropriate
•Hands on
•Uses all senses
•No winners or losers
•Children explore and predict through hands-on props and activities / 3 (if you cannot check off every item, you will receive a 0)
Materials / Age appropriate
( -1 for every modification,Do NOT use staples) / 4
- neat, colorful, practical, durable / 8
Enhance the lesson
- used as part of the lesson, demonstrates preschool learning, / 4
-a visual for all lesson items
-actual sample items included unless approved by Mrs. Anderson / 8
If there is room, this is an excellent lesson and would be used in Little Lions / 3