November 13, 2017
9:00 AM
Clubhouse, 111 Slim Drive
Directors Present: President Phil Springfield, Vice President Frank Neth, Treasurer Don Van Alen, Director at Large Jim Regimbal (via phone), Secretary Barbara Ames (via phone)
Directors Absent:
Staff Present: Golf Course Superintendent & Facilities Manager Josh Voboril, Association Manager Jennifer Treff and On Site Office Manager Sonja Anderson
Staff Absent:
1.0Call to Order: A quorum being present, the President called the meeting to order at 9:00AM.
2.0Approval of the Regular and Executive Session Minutes from October 24, 2017: The minutes were approved as written. In Executive Session contracts were discussed and Greg Lopez Construction was awarded the paver bid at the rec area. The cost of the project will be $18,400. Personnel was discussed. There were interviews for the ProShop Manager and the Executive Chef positions. Ryan Trask will be the new ProShop manager and Nikole Machado will be the Executive Chef at Almanor West Grill next season. Nichole Upton declined the offer of Assistant Chef.
3.0Announcements: No Report
4.0Correspondence: No Correspondence
5.0Staff And Committee Reports
- Association Manager: The ProShop Manager and the Executive Chef positions were offered and accepted by Ryan Trask and Nikole Machado respectively. Nichole Upton declined the offer of employment for next season. The Fire Chief will not be doing re-inspections of Lot Clean-up violations until next spring. There is a member who has an additional building on their property and the Association Manager is working on verifying and rectifying the possible violation.
- Golf Course Superintendent/Facilities Manager:The irrigation system is blown out for the season. The crew is cutting down the dead trees in the green belt surrounding the golf course and will be burning the green waste. Almanor Tree Service is working on the removal of the 10 trees that are larger than 24”.
- Architectural Committee: Nothing to report
- LAWCC Auxiliary: No report
- Treasurer’s Report:The Board discussed the 3 CD’s that will be maturing in December and March. It was approved to move the money to Union Bank, to spread the money out for FDIC compliance purposes and to utilize Union Banks CD Plus program. Half the money will mature at 6 months and half will mature in 12 months. (M/S/P 5:0)
- Firewise 2017 Update: AFirewise volunteer coordinator is still needed. The Antelope crew, when available, will work on chipping the front entrance clean-up.
6.0Old Business:
- Policy 60, CC&R’s and Bylaws – Committee formation: The Board approved the formation of the Policy 60 Committee. The committee will consist of Vice President Frank Neth, Director at Large Jim Regimbal, and members Gary Kluge, Carol Bornhorst, Joyce Rauschupt, Mike Willhoit and Sharron Auge. The committee will discuss and bring recommendations to the Board concerning Policy 60 suggested changes. They will also discuss the need for complete CC&R revisions. These revisions would be done by a professional firm and would be paid for out of the Reserve. Frank Neth will organize the first meeting and at that time a committee chair will be decided upon. (M/S/P 5:0)
7.0New Business:
- 2018 Budget Approval: After discussion, the Board approved the 2018 Budget and to raise the annual assessment by $20. The suggested 5% increase to the Hignell Companies is not included until the Board receives necessary follow up information. Any unused dollars will be put in the trees and landscaping budget line. (M/S/P 5:0)
B. 2018 Reserve Study Approval: The Board approved the proposed 2018 Reserve Study. The reserve contribution will be $190,000 next year. (M/S/P 5:0)
C. LAWCC Auxiliary Amended Bylaws: The WACC Board approved the LAWCC Auxiliary amended bylaws with clarification by the Auxiliary Board concerning Article 6.
8.0Members Forum:
9.0Adjourn Meeting: The meeting was adjourned at 11:28AM. Next Regular Board Meeting if necessary – March 27, 2017 at 9AM at the Clubhouse.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Ames, Secretary
As Prepared by Sonja Anderson