Order of Omega W
National Greek Academic Honor Society
Kappa Xi Chapter
The National Order of Omega is an honor society for fraternity and sorority members. Members are selected based on character, scholarship, participation in the Greek community and service to the university and New Brunswick community. Students who have completed 60 credits or more, with a cumulative GPA of 3.16 or higher are eligible to apply for membership. Membership in The Order is based on an application process and is limited to 3% of the entire Greek community. A one-time membership fee of $60 is assessed for your membership certificate, badge, honor cords, and local dues. Your completed application is due to OFSA by 4PM on Friday, October 2nd. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by Monday, October 5th. If accepted, the $60 membership fee (made out to Rutgers University) is due to FSA by 4pm on Friday, October 9th.
Initiation is scheduled for Wednesday October 14nd at 8:00PM in the Red Lion Café in the Rutgers Student Center.
Yes! I want to be a member of Order of Omega National Greek Honor Society.
Please return this completed application in a sealed envelope with your complete first and last name and your chapter affiliation to FSA (17 Bartlett Street) by Friday, October 9th 2015.
Name: ______
(Print your name as you wish it to appear on your membership certificate)
RU ID: ______NET ID: ______
Are you a Junior or a Senior? ______Anticipated Graduation Date: ______
Greek Affiliation: ______Cell Phone: ______
Preferred Email Address: ______
Permanent Home Address: ______
Would you be able to attend Initiation on Wednesday October 14nd at 8:00PM? ______
Please respond to the following questions on a separate page, typed and double spaced. Limit responses to 300 words or less.
Describe in detail your contributions to your chapter and/or the Greek community at large. In what capacity have you been a leader in your chapter or the Greek community and how will your leadership qualities benefit Order of Omega?
Please list your community service involvement and the years in which you participated.
Please include your resume which should include the list any honors/awards/special achievements received and designate what type of award (i.e. academic, service, athletic, etc.)