Grading Procedures
- In all courses with an End-of-Course test, the EOC shall count as 25% of the student’s grade per WCPSS board policy.
- In all other courses the final exam shall count as 20% of the student’s final grade.
- Teachers MUST adhere to the following formulas to calculate students’ grade:
Courses with an EOC
Final Grade:1st Quarter Average37.5%
2nd Quarter Average37.5%
Final Exam25.0%
Final Grade= .375(1st Quarter Average) + .375(2nd Quarter Average) + .25 (Final Exam)
Note: You should use the 3rd and 4th quarter averages to calculate the second semester final grade for each course based on the same formula above.
Courses without an EOC, including CTE Post Assessments and Teacher-Made Exams/Assessments
Final Grade:1st Quarter Average40.0%
2nd Quarter Average40.0%
Final Exam20.0%
Final Grade= .40(1st Quarter Average) + .40(2nd Quarter Average)+ .20(Final Exam)
Note: You should use the 3rd and 4th quarter averages to calculate the second semester final grade for each course based on the same formula above.
These averages should include a mid-term assessment that should count as a test grade, not to exceed more than 10% of the 1st and 3rd quarter averages. A MIDTERM MUST BE ADMINISTERED AT THE END OF THE 1ST AND 3RD QUARTERS IN EVERY COURSE.
Additional Facets of the HSHS Grading Policy:
- The grading scale for HSHS will be the same as it reads in WCPSS Board Policy as far as what constitutes an A, B, C, D and F.
- In all classes, homework grades should consist of multiple opportunities for a student to demonstrate success and reinforce learning. Per WCPSS Board Policy, homework can account for no more than 15% of the overall grade. Each department will determine a percentage for homework based on the structure and needs of the department. Keeping in mind that homework will be a part of the grading structure; students should have the opportunity to complete a minimum of five to ten homework assignments each grading period.
- When determining your grading percentage scale as far as how much each item will
count (i.e. tests are 30%), all teachers of the same subject area should have the same
grading percentage scale. These can be adjusted for honors or AP level classes.
Example: All standard level English I teachers have the same grading percentage scale. All honor’s level English I teachers have the same grading percentage scale. All AP Language teachers have the same grading percentage scale. These grading scale breakdowns by percentage should be reflected in each teacher’s syllabus.
- All department chairs will review the subject area grading percentage scales before they are sent home with students on the first day of school. If a department chair has a concern, he/she will bring this concern to Ms. Mountford. Ms. Mountford must have a copy of all syllabi with the grading percentage scales by 8:00 AM on Friday, August 23, 2013. DEPARTMENT CHAIRS MUST REVIEW BEFORE IT IS TURNED INTO MS. MOUNTFORD. DEPARTMENT CHAIRS WILL TURN IN ALL SYLLABI FOR THEIR DEPARTMENT AT ONE TIME! NO SYLLABI CAN BE HANDED OUT TO STUDENTS OR PARENTS UNTIL THEY ARE APPROVED BY A DEPT. CHAIR. PLEASE DO NOT HAND OUT SYLLABI AT THE STUDENT/PARENT VISITATION ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2013.
- No grade can be attached to any task, including extra credit work, unless itsupplies evidence of achievement of a learning target. (i.e. Bringing in an extra copy of a novel for extra points; donations; community service; bringing back interims or report cards signed…all of these are items cannot have a grade attached to them in any fashion.)
- If a student is failing at ANY POINT in the semester the teacher must make contact with the parent or guardian by PHONE CALL or CONFERENCE. Each teacher should keep a record of all communications in regards to a student’s academic progress.
- For the 1st and 3rd quarter average, if a student receives lower than a 70 average, he/she can earn the right to have this grade changed to a 70 if he/she passes the second quarter of the respective semester with at least a 70. Please see page 4 for additional information on the Grade Recovery Contract Process.
- For all assignments turned in, except tests and quizzes, the lowest grade that a student can receive is a 60, unless it is turned in outside the timeline defined in the Late Work Policy. A student may then receive a zero on an assignment. (Refer to the Late Work Policy) Students will receive the grade they earn on all assessments in the form of tests or quizzes. Grades can range from 0 to 100. (Students may earn a grade above 100 if extra credit points are allowed on a test or quiz.)
- Cheating and academic misconduct WILL NOT be tolerated at HSHS. Any student caught cheating on any assignment will be able to re-do an alternate assignment, with the highest possible grade being a 69. He/she will also be referred to the appropriate administrator for consequences as outlined in the discipline policy. All students will be held accountable to follow the guidelines/expectations as stated in the HSHS Honor Code.
*If there is an extenuating circumstance in any of these situations, please utilize your professional judgment when dealing with individual students in any of these situations.
Grade Recovery Contract
The Grade Recovery Contract (GRC) is an intervention offered in the circumstance that a student’s first 9-weeks average, of the semester, is below a 70%. Beginning in the 2013-14 school year, the Grade Recovery Contract will be offered to allstudents whose first 9-weeks average is below a 70%. In addition, it will serve as an interim PEP (Personalized Education Plan) for students who are in danger of failing a course. Teachers will no longer initiate PEP’s at the 9 week mark for students who failed the first quarter. At the conclusion of the semester, students who fail multiple classes or any class needed for promotion will be placed on a PEP for the subsequent semester. Additional information regarding PEP’s will be forthcoming in the Fall 2013 semester.
The Grade Recovery Contract will:
- Serve as an intervention for any student whose first 9-week average is below a 70%.
- Outline a plan of action for the student to promote successful completion of classroom objectives in the second 9-weeks.
- Allow a student’s first 9-weeks average to be changed to a 70% provided the student has fulfilled all expectations outlined in the plan andthe student’s second 9-weeks average is at least a 70%. Teachers will fill out a grade change form for the first 9-weeks grade for students who have fulfilled the expectations outlined in the contract.
The contract will continue reinforce the following expectations for students:
- Regular class attendance
- On-time behavior
- Preparedness for class
- Active, positive participation in class
- Active participation in a minimum number of HOT lunch tutorial sessions
- Encourage participation in before/after school tutorial sessions when available.
For the 2013-2014 school year, Grade Recovery Contracts will be filled out by teachers through the use of Google docs.
Late Work Policy
Late work definition- Late work is defined as an assignment that a student has submitted late, not an assignment that has been done to make-up work accrued during absences. Late work does not pertain to tests, quizzes, or labs done in class, but assignments done outside of class: homework, take-home tests, projects, etc.
Students may turn in work late, with a penalty of 8 points off for each day they turn in an assignment late. The floor for grading completed work is a 60.
1 day late- highest grade possible is a 92
2 days late- highest grade possible is an 84
3 days late- highest grade possible is a 76
4 days late- highest grade possible is a 68
5 or more days late- grade is a 60 (This is the lowest a student’s grade can be up to the interim or end of quarter.)
Late work can be turned in up until the next interim is issued or until the end of the quarter. For example, if Johnny misses an assignment, he has until the next interim date or the end of the quarter to turn it in. His grade will reflect the penalties stated above. If a student does not turn in his/her late work by the designated day the assignment will receive a grade of zero at this time.
Note: Even though quizzes, tests and class work can be made up for full credit; each of these assignments will also receive a grade of zero if they are not made up by the next interim date or the end of the quarter. Please note that individual student circumstances may warrant an exception to this policy. Please touch base with your departmental administrator if you have questions.
Directed Tutorials:
Teachers MUST assign students to attend HOT Lunch Directed Tutorial if a student has late work to turn in, including quizzes, tests and/or projects.