Wednesday 11th May 2016

Student Parliament


Student Representives / Staff
Life Skills
  • Ben Holloway
  • Josh Eggington
  • FilipMalecki
  • Gita Voitechoviciute
  • Bethany Cherry (Construction)
  • Janet Law (Engineering)
  • Georgia Bower (Floristry)
  • Kerry Cherowbrier (Animal Care)
  • Corey Fielding (Computing)
Creative and Services Industries
  • Chloe Paterson (Childcare)
  • Jade Barker (Public Services/H&SC)
  • Clare Long (Hair and Beauty)
  • Lucy Coulling (Catering/Hospitality/Business)
/ Higher Education
  • Daniel Guest (Performing Arts)
  • Diane Bailey- Chair of Meeting (Assistant Principal Inclusion, Student Experience and Commercial Developments)
  • Helen Lightburn (Director of Estates)
  • Kathryn Brentnall (Acting Assistant Principal Curriculum and Quality)
  • Colin Addy (Interim Director of Information Services)
Apologies Noted:
  • Rebecca Wade (FE Student Governor)
  • George Trow (Principal and Chief Executive)
  • Catherine Parkinson (Deputy Principal)
  • Mitchell Massarella (Visual)
  • Hollie Pons (Life Skills)
  • Chelsea Rhodes (Life Skills)
  • NicholaRodgerson(Access)

FE Student Governor
Nominations would be openafter the half term for the FE Student Governor to attend the Governing Body Board Meetings on behalf of the FE student body. This would be a good opportunity to understand how the College and how it works. Positive feedback had been received from previous Student Governors about the role.
Students can register interest to become a Governor or would be encouraged to vote for the students who are up for nomination, based on who they think would be most suitable.
If you would like to become a FE Student Governor please contact the Student Union Team. Voting will take place in the Common Room when available.
Behaviour in the Common Room
There had been a number of occurrences of students swearing and damaging equipment in the Common Room. When staff have addressed this the students have retaliated with verbal abuse. This has resulted in a small group of students being banned from the Common Room area.
ACTION: Students would be asked to feedback to other representatives to behave whilst in the Common Room and respect each other and the area.
The College had a Smoke Free Policy. Students and staff had been asked to move to the designated smoking area and away from the building. The policy also includes e-Cigarettes. The government had not determined the legislation of where these can be used yet.
However, the College had banned them being used within the building. Recently, there had been 3 instances of them setting off the fire alarm at the Hub and the building to be evacuated this academic year. The College had been charged for each false alarm for the fire service to attend.
ACTION: Students would be asked to feedback to student representatives to not use e-Cigarettes within the College buildings.
Safeguarding including Prevent (Standing Item)
Prevent Awareness Briefings- feedback from students
Some of the student representatives had attended the Prevent Awareness Puppetry Briefings in February. Positive feedback had been received from all representatives. The show had kept students engaged throughout. However, some Life Skills students had struggled to understand the message.
If students have any concerns including in relation to Prevent they can discuss this with tutors, any member of staff or email them to . A Safeguarding Designated Officer or Counsellor can be contacted through the Welfare Administrator on 01302 553741 or via the email address.
Issues Raised / Suggested actions planned/ SMART TARGET / By whom / Target Date / Action Taken
The speed of the computers is slow across the College. / All computers are being upgraded with new software to improve the speed. This also includes Wi-Fi access. / Information Services Department / Summer 2016 / All upgrades to the computers and Wi-Fi would be completed by Summer 2016.
Students are not being refunded for money left on the Cashless Card at the end of their course. / The Interim Manager of Information Services would look into this to refund money back to students or transfer for the following year. / Colin Addy, Interim Manager of Information Services / End of the academic year / The Cashless System had been looked into and students would be refunded at the end of the year. Students would need to contact the Cash Office accordingly.
The Information Services helpdesk email address is: . Information Services are located within the LRC on Level 3 at the Hub.
For information on how to access the Wi-Fi please visit:
Student email and the user guide can be found at:
Estates/Health and Safety
The College buses have been late and students have not been informed. / This would be raised with the Head of Health, Safety and Commercial Developments. / Emma Whittaker, Head of Health, Safety and Commercial Developments / Ongoing / Buses have been late due to traffic which the College can’t control. Due to the short notice College staff are unable to notify students as they aren’t informed. Buses had been cancelled due to a recent police incident on St George’s Bridge.
Students would like hand sanitizers in all toilets and air fresheners in corridors. / Unfortunately, due to costs the College would be unable to install more hand sanitizers and air fresheners. / N/A / N/A / No further action required.
Students would like discount for parking in the local carps. / Unfortunately the car parks aren’t owned by the College. Information on car parks is available on the College website. / Students / N/A / Students to access the College website accordingly.
Some doors are locked and some aren’t so students are unable to access them. / The doors are on anautomatic system which had been set up when the College was built. / N/A / N/A / All corridors and classrooms are locked to restrict access to only students and staff. Areas such as the Atrium, Waterfront Restaurant and LRC are unlocked to allow public access. All doors are unlocked for the first 2 weeks of the academic year. This is to safeguard students and staff to identify visitors and members of the public on site.
There is no hot water in the ladies changing rooms for the gym. / The Director for Estates would request for the external contractors to check and fix accordingly. / Helen Lightburn, Director of Estates / As a matter of urgency / The engineers have checked this and can find no issues with either the hot or cold water supply.
There are no cups in the water dispensers on Level 4 of the North, South and East Blocks. / It would be suggested to have regular stock checks throughout the day and refill accordingly. / Helen Lightburn, Director of Estates / Ongoing / Both the caretaking and cleaning staff replenish cups twice daily and will refresh as and when required.
There isn’t enough toilet paper in the girl’s toilets on Level 4. / It would be suggested to place signs with contact details for the Estates Department on. / Helen Lightburn, Director of Estates / End of the academic year / Signs have already been placed. However, the contact number for the Estates Team would be added. Toilet paper has now been installed in the toilets.
The food prices at High Melton are higher than at the Hub with fewer options. / This would be referred to the Catering Manager to look at alternative options. Students would be asked to forward any suggestions to the Catering Manager. / Nigel Fox, Catering Manager and Student reps / Ongoing / A comparison of the food prices has been completed and confirmed that they are the same at the Hub and High Melton.
Catering students had suggestions to improve the Food Hall. / Options included: seasonal fruit, chicken nuggets, more salad, additional Panini, consistent portion sizes and to separate the plastic cutlery. It would be suggested to hold a survey with students. / Catering Students and Nigel Fox, Catering Manager / Ongoing / The Catering Manager is happy to receive menu ideas and will speak to the catering students. A customer survey will be distributed on the 6th June.
Plastic cutlery has been arranged handle first so customers will not grab the part that goes in your mouth.
The vending machine on level 4 is taking money but not giving the items. They are also asking for more money than noted on the machine. / This would be referred to the Catering Manager to discuss with the suppliers. However, students would be advised to contact them directly should this happen. / Nigel Fox, Catering Manager / Ongoing / The Catering Manager has contacted Coca Cola to ensure the machines are serviced.
Any other business
Some of the English and Maths classes have been moved and students aren’t informed. / This would be discussed with the Head of English, Maths, ESOL and Inclusion to ensure signs are placed on the doors. / Sally Senior, Head of English, Maths, ESOL and Inclusion / Ongoing / The administrators always ensure signs are placed on doors. It could be that either the sign has fallen off or been removed.
If students are unsure where to go, inform your Pastoral Support Worker or Curriculum Head.
GCSE Exams would be held on the mornings of the 26th May, 7th June and 9th June. Rooms for lessons may be moved and the Food Hall would be out of use with alternative options available. / Students would be asked to feedback to representatives to ensure other students behaved while the exams were taking place. Staff would be redirecting students in the area and signs would be placed accordingly. / Student Reps / 26th May, 7th and 9th June / Completed- ongoing on the GCSE exam days.
Engineering students would like more Educational Visits. / Students would be advised to inform the Curriculum Head of any ideas for places to visit. / Student Reps and Barry Dolan, Interim Curriculum Head for Engineering / For the next academic year / In 2015/16 the trips were increased from 5 to 20 and in 2016/17 further plans are in place to increase trips.
Plumbing students had not been able to use the Soldering Equipment for a month. / This had been due ventilation problem. The College had arranged for an external contractor to fix this. / External Contractor and Estates Department / Ongoing / No further action required- external contractor completing.
A few of the tools in the Plumbing Department are damaged. / The technician in the area should be replacing equipment when required. The technician would inform the Curriculum Head to ensure costs would be included within the budgets. / Technicians/ Stuart Crabb, Curriculum Head for Construction / When required / The technician in the area has been informed to replace equipment as and when required – this is not an issue with budget.
Students were unsure why they had to undertake Diagnostic Tests. / This would be discussed with the Student Services and Administration Manager to promote more. / Maria Lowry, Student Services and Administration Manager / June 2016 and next academic year / Texts would be sent to students to remind them of the tests at the end of the year which would include explanations. Information would be included in the Induction Handbook 2016 for the next academic year.
Students would like information/ sessions on learning to drive. / It would be suggested to look into accessing online resources and to include as part of tutorials. Hard copies would be available if needed. / Kathryn Brentnall, Acting Assistant Principal Curriculum and Quality / Next academic year / Online packages would be looked into to implement within tutorials in the next academic year.
The Life Skills students would like a end of year talent show. / Student awards will be presented by Curriculum Areas / Curriculum Areas / End of academic year / No action required- student awards will be presented by Curriculum Areas at the end of the academic year.
Students undertaking the GCSE have been given free bottles of water. Students undertaking the Functional Skills exam would also like free water. / This would be considered by the Head of English, Maths, ESOL and Inclusion for next academic year. / Sally Senior, Head of English, Maths, ESOL and Inclusion / Next academic year / Discussions have been held with the Head of English, Maths, ESOL and Inclusion. This will be implemented for the exams in the next academic year.
The Life Skills students would like more choices for Xbox games and after College clubs. / Students would be advised to contact the Student Union Team with any suggestions that they would like. / Students / Ongoing / Students to contact the Student Union Team with any requests for Xbox games and after College clubs.
Positive feedback:
  • Students from Engineering and Catering/Travel and Tourism Curriculum Areas would like to note how happy they have been with their tutors and support they have received throughout the academic year
  • Students have noted that they feel safe in College and know who to speak to if they don’t feel safe
  • Students would also like to note that they like the coffee from the Campus Coffee Bar.

Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be scheduled for the next academic year.