1. Call to order

Mr. Curd,President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

  1. Roll Call

MEMBERS PRESENT:Chad Curd, President; Jay Tate, Vice-President;

Derek Sledge;Jeff Steffy

MEMBERS ABSENT:Sonia Hyde; Anthony Fisher; Clint Turner

ALSO PRESENT:Mark Zahm, Superintendent

Carolyn Clark, Secretary

VISITOR’S PRESENT:Monica Maxey; Terry Fisher;Murisa Anderson; Jamie Wheeler;

Jason Kuberski

  1. Opening Prayer

Derek Sledge opened the meeting with prayer.

  1. Consent Agenda-The following item(s) will be considered for action (consent approval):
  1. Minute October 18, 2016, Regular and Closed Session.
  2. November, 2016 Bills
  3. Monthly Financial Report


Motion was made by Mr. Tate and seconded by Mr. Sledge to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following items:

  1. Minutes October 18, 2016, Regular and Closed Session.
  2. November, 2016 Bills
  3. Monthly Financial Report

Steffy-yes; Sledge-yes; Tate-yes; Curd-yes.

  1. Recognition of Visitors

Mr. Curd, President, recognized visitors that were present.

  1. Old Business

There was no old business for discussion or action

  1. Closed Session
  1. For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint ledged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
  1. Emergency security procedures and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to actual danger to the safety of employees, student, staff, the public or public property
  1. Update from legal counsel
  2. Discussion about peewee coaches and adult volunteer
  3. Discussion about parent request to attend his student events.


Motion was made by Mr.Sledge and seconded by Mr. Tate to go into closed session at 7:07 PM.

  1. For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint ledged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
  1. Emergency security procedures and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to actual danger to the safety of employees, student, staff, the public or public property
  1. Update from legal counsel
  2. Discussion about peewee coaches and adult volunteer

Discussion about parent request to attend his student events

Tate-yes; Sledge-yes; Curd-yes; Steffy-yes.

Mr. Fisher arrived at 7:50 PM


Motion was made by Mr.Steffy and seconded by Mr.Tateto come out of closed session at 7:54 PM. Tate-yes; Fisher-yes;Sledge-yes; Curd-yes; Steffy-yes.

  1. New Business
  1. Closed Session Action
  1. Update from legal counsel

No action was taken at this time.

  1. Discussion about PeeWee Coaches and Adult Volunteer


Motion was made by Mr. Tate and seconded by Mr. Steffy toapprove Nate Mast as 3rd & 4th Grade Boys’ PeeWee Coach; Tim Hodge as 3rd & 4th Grade Girls’ PeeWee Basketball Coach and Rick Phillips as a volunteer assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach. Steffy-yes; Curd-yes; Fisher-yes; Tate-yes; Sledge-abstain.

  1. Tax Levy Discussion


Motion was made by Mr. Tate and seconded by Mr. Fisher to approve a 4.99% tax levy asfollows: Educational Fund $388,975.; Operations & Maintenance Fund $66,880; Transportation Fund $30,153; Working Cash Fund $12,452; IMRF Fund $56,498; Social Security Fund $42,442; Fire Prevention & Safety Fund $13,094; Tort Immunity $103,450; Special Education Fund $5,148; Total Levy $719,092

Sledge-yes; Curd-yes; Fisher-yes; Tate-yes; Steffy-yes.

Mr. Curd left at 8:10 PM

  1. Interfund loan $10,000 (Ed fund to B & I)


Motion was made by Mr.Fisher and seconded by Mr.Sledge to approve an interfund loan in the amount of $10,000 from the Education Fund to the Bond and Interest Fund. Steffy-yes; Fisher-yes; Tate-yes;Sledge-yes.

  1. Discussion on a new convection oven.


Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mr. Steffy to purchase a new convection oven from Yukon in the amount of $4,714.52. Steffy-yes; Sledge-yes; Fisher-yes; Tate-yes

  1. School Board Policy

The Board held the first reading of the following School Board Policies:

  1. Administrative Procedure
  2. Board Member Expense Reimbursement Forms
  3. Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursements
  4. Administrative Procedure – Types of School Board Meetings
  5. Board Treatment of Closed Meeting Verbatim Recordings and Minutes
  6. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Meeting
  7. Open Meeting Minutes
  8. Semi-Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes
  9. Log of Closed Meeting Minutes
  10. Access to Closed Meeting Minutes and Verbatim Recordings
  11. School Board Records Maintenance Requirements and FAQs
  12. Administrative Procedure Access to and copying of District Public Records
  13. Protocols for Record Preservation and Development of Retention Schedules
  14. Immediately Available District Records and Web-Posted Reports ad Records
  15. Purchases
  16. Criminal History Records Check of Contractor Employees
  17. Operational Services: Checklist of Internal Controls
  18. Unsafe School Choice Option
  19. Criminal Offender Notification Laws: Screening
  20. Administrative Procedure – Investigations
  21. Administrative Procedure Expense (Deleted)
  22. Plan to ensure that all teachers who teach core academic subjects are highly qualified. (Deleted)
  23. Notice to parents of their right to request their child’s classroom teachers’ qualifications
  24. Letter to teacher who does not meet applicable state certification/licensure requirements for the grade level and subject area of assignment.
  25. School Visitation leave
  26. Education of homeless children
  27. District-level parental and family engagement
  28. Notice to parents required by Elementary and Secondary Act, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, ad Protection of Pupil Rights Act.
  29. District Annual Report Card Required by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
  30. Challenging a Student’s Residence Status
  31. Establishing Student Residency
  32. Letter of Residence from Landlord in Lieu of Lease
  33. Letter of Residence to be used when the person seeking to enroll a student is living with a district resident
  34. Evidence of Non-parent’s custody, control, and responsibility of a student
  35. Dispensing Medication
  36. Program for managing student athlete concussion an head injuries
  37. Guidelines for student distribution of non-school sponsored publications
  38. School Student Records
  39. Notice to parents/guardians and students of their rights concerning a student’s school records
  40. Parental involvement

Mr. Curd returned at 8:15 PM

  1. Superintendent’s Report
  1. Enrollment
  2. Discipline
  3. Chicago Trip Information
  4. Transportation agreement for special education student
  1. Adjournment


Motion was made by Mr.Sledge and seconded by Mr. Tate at 8:19 PM to adjourn.

Curd-yes; Steffy-yes; Tate-yes;Sledge-yes;Fisher-yes.


Chad Curd, PresidentSonia Hyde, Secretary