Connecting Parents, Teachers & Students

From Our Principal’s Desk…

Dear Parents,

We are off to a great start! There are so many things going on here at West Lake Middle, it is difficult to keep up with all of it! It is hard to believe that Track 1 has almost finished first quarter. We are looking forward to our first school dance on September 14 and our first football game on September 19. Can you believe fall is upon us? The year is already flying by!

I’d like to thank our PTSA for the outstanding job they have done with our fund raiser this year! In these difficult financial times, we certainly appreciate the support we get from our parents.

If you haven’t already registered to volunteer, please do so soon. Don’t get caught at the last minute wanting to volunteer as a chaperone without volunteer clearance. We love it when our parents come to school!

If you would like to schedule a conference with your child’s teachers, please contact our guidance department. Our door is always open to you.

We hope to see you soon!


Dell Edwards

School Dance – Friday, September 14, 6:30 – 9:00

The first WLMS dance of the year is scheduled for Friday, September 14th from 6:30-9:00. Cost is $5.00 per student and all students MUST have asigned permission slip to enter the dance. If you have your security clearance and are interested in volunteering at the dance, contact Lisa Wesson at . Thanks, in advance, for your interest!

Per school policy,some reminders (which are listed on the permission slip) include:

  1. Students will be expected to wear appropriate attire (shorts must have 4” inseam, skirts must be at least middle of thigh, shirt straps at least an inch, shirts should not reveal skin at the waist, no strapless tops or spaghetti straps.)
  1. Any student who has served ISS for 2 or more days, been suspended from the bus for 2 or more days or has a combination of ISS/bus suspensions that equal to 2 or more days, since July 7th , will not be permitted to attend the dance.If a student is checked out prior to11:00, ABSENT orhas ISS/OSS on the same day as the dance, the student is not eligible to attend the dance.
  1. Parents are not allowed to enter the dance unless they are volunteering and have been cleared (contact the school to find out if you have been cleared.) If parents are picking up students early, they must wait at the ticket tables and have the student meet them at the table. They are not allowed into the dance.

Talent Show: February 22, 2013

The “West Lake Middle’s Got Talent” show will be held on Friday, February 22, 2013. Auditions for the show will be held before Christmas. This will be our 3rd PTSA sponsored Talent Show at WLMS and is sure to be another sell-out. How do we plan to top past performances? Not only do we know we will have amazing talent but we can now boast a completely upgraded sound/theater system that is said to be “better than area High Schools” –WOW!

If you wish to be a part of the action, be sure to check out the PTSA WLMS Talent Show web site after September 1st - when the site will be completely updated and live. This will be your “go-to” site for audition dates, show dates, ticket sales, volunteer opportunities and all other Talent Show related information. If you would like to check out some past performances, be sure to go to the PTSA link and click on Talent Show archives.

If you haven’t been able to get into / attend past shows or if you would like to audition for the show, be sure to flag September 1st as “Talent Show Web Site Goes Live!” in your calendar … why are you still reading this? Do it now!

PTSA Student Recognitions - Welcome 2012/2013 Students!

As you may know, the end of the first academic quarter is not that far off and the staff, teachers and PTSA want to encourage all students to keep working hard in all they do. Success is not solely about grades; character and attitude are just as important. Every student at WLMS has talents and abilities and we want to encourage all of them to do their best in every class they are attending and to also support those around them to do their best. Giving up or giving less should never be an option.

Did you know …

students who get straight “A’s” through middle school get a special recognition at the end of 8th Grade; students who make Honor Roll also get a special mention in Newsletters and Quarterly Bulletin Board postings; that Honor Roll students get recognized with quarterly rewards and an invitation to attend the Academic Achievement Ceremony (AAC) at the end of the academic School year; that you can eat ALOT of doughnuts at the AAC’s?

Student Recognitions also tracks down the Diligent Double Dozen – this is a fantastic non-Honor Roll recognition whereby 24 students are specially selected by their track teachers for demonstrating exceptional effort and diligence in their academic pursuits. The Diligent Double Dozen as well as ALL competition winners will be invited to attend the year-end Academic Achievement Ceremony.

West Lake Middle has some great after school clubs (Mathcounts, Battle of the Books, Service club, Drama Club, National Junior Honor Society, Year-book, etc.) and some excellent competitions (Reflections, Geography Bee, Mathcounts, All-County Band, etc.) and of course, the annual West Lake’s Got Talent show. Getting involved will help students make new friends and make a huge difference in how they look back on their middle school years.

Students can speak with their respective counselors about which opportunities they may be interested in - we have wonderfully supportive and caring counselors who will be more than happy to help students find exactly what they are looking for or perhaps even help them discover a new activity that makes them even more excited to be at WLMS.

At WLMS, we are proud to recognize hard work and accomplishments in all areas and strive to make our end of year Academic Achievement Ceremony standing room only – give us something to roar about and we will!

Please feel free to contact Student Recognitions () with questions, comments, ideas or volunteer interests relating to Academic incentives and Honor Roll.

First Quarter Interim Reports First Quarter Report Card
August 6, 2012: Tracks 1 & 2 September 11, 2012: Track 1
August 27, 2012: Track 3 & 4September 28, 2012: Tracks 2, 3, & 4

40 Book Reading Challenge

West Lake Middle School is hosting our first ever40 Books Reading Challenge for our 1,335 students, and we could use your support! At WLMS we are strong believers that supporting and encouraging reading is vital to the success of our students.

We hope that with your help we can promote reading andlocal businesses and companies that support our cause. Throughout the school year, we will be giving away prizes for students who meet the challenge, and we will be giving away and/or raffling off novels and/or box sets of books.

That’s where you come in - we are looking for gift cards in small dollar amounts and/or individual novels (middle school appropriate) to award to our students that meet the challenge of reading 40 books this school year! If you know acommunity member ora local business that would be willing to donate gift cards and/or novels, please contact Kelli Jones at or (919)662-2915.

We hope to have all donations in by October 1, 2012, to begin to organize our prizes and raffles and to send information out to our students.If you have any questions, please contact Kelli Jones at or (919)662-2915.


The National PTA Reflections Program is an arts recognition and achievement program for students. The Reflections Program provides opportunities for students to express themselves creatively and to receive positive recognition for original works of art inspired by a pre-selected theme.
The 2012-2013 Reflections theme is "The Magic of the Moment." In its more than 40 year history, the PTA Reflections program has encouraged millions of students to explore their artistic talents. The program offers students the opportunity to create work of art for fun and recognition in the areas of
1.Dance Choreography
2.Film Production
4.Musical Composition
6.Visual Arts
Applications can be picked up at the WLMS office. Deadline for entries will be November 2, 2012.

Expanded Hours for Cat's Corner School Store

Thanks to new PTSA volunteers the school store will be open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:15-7:45. Students may purchase agendas ($6), locks ($5), PE clothes ($10 - $12), Paws for Pride ($50) and much more! Return your PTSA membership forms here as well.

Volunteers & Chaperones

All school volunteers & chaperones for school trips or for school dances must complete a new security application each year. This can be done during school hours at any Wake County Public School. For those that have children at multiple schools, you only need to do this once & list all of your children & their schools on the application. To find out if you have been approved, simply contact the school.

Enrichment Programs

Students can sign up for transportation home on the activity bus in the main office unless a parent/guardian can pick them up at 3:30 in front of the school. More information will be posted about these and other clubs on the website, please be sure to sign up to receive updates.

NEW!!! Drama Club

All 6 – 8th grade students are welcome to join WLMS’s Drama Club! The first informational meeting will be on Wednesday, September 26from 2:30 – 3:30 in the school auditorium. Meetings will be held twice a month after that point. Membership fees will be $15, which will provide each student with a T-shirt and help pay for a subscription to Plays Magazine for the club. For more information & registration forms contact Mrs. Pittaluga (8/2 Science Teacher) at or Ms. LaBarr (8/2 Social Studies Teacher) at .

Wildcat Service Club

Wow! We had over 100 students turn out for the first meeting on Wednesday, August 22. This exciting club for 6th – 8th grade students participates in the community, city and even on national service projects. Meetings will continue to be held on Wednesdays from 2:40 – 3:40. Many exciting projects are being planned! Please contact Ms. Stiers at for additional information or check the WLMS website.

Math Counts

Math Counts will meet starting Wednesday September 12, from 2:30 – 3:30pm. Math Counts prepares students to compete in a district wide rigorous math competition held in the spring of 2013. For additional information visit

National Junior Honors Society

The National Junior Honors Society will be meeting on Wednesdays starting August 29th from2:30-3:30 in trailer 5. Please contact Ms. Price () for additional information.

The Battle of the Books Team

Battle of the Books is a program for middle school students, grades 6-8. Students at participating schools read books from a list established by the state Battle of the Books committee, and then students compete in quiz-bowl-style tournaments to test their knowledge of these books. Please note, the Battle of the Books program is different from the 40 Book Challenge.For more information go to:

PTSA Membership & Parent/Student Checklist

1)If you have not already joined the PTSA for 2012/2013 (you need to rejoin every year!) here is how to get reconnected. Please note you do not need to serve on the PTSA Board to be a member and show your support! Please email Terri Dahlgren at for membership information or click onto download the form, complete, attach payment and return to Cat’s Corner (School Store.) You will receive your membership card soon.

2)Please note, hard copies of the newsletter will only be provided in the front office and in order to save printing costs, the quantity will be very small and will run out quickly. To guarantee you receive a newsletter, an electronic version will be made available. Please link up to receive newsletters at & receive important alerts at - click on "Subscribe to posts" (near the top of the home page) if you would like to be notified of new postings.

3)Purchase “Spirit Wear” & Car Magnets to show support for your school! These and other items can be purchased at Cat’s Corner, year round.

4)The PTSA is currently looking for a “Volunteer Coordinator” to help coordinate the many activities where volunteers are needed. Please contactNancy Austin at or Sarinah Woodward at or more information.

PTSA Fundraisers

Last Chance for Entertainment Books!

This year the PTSA has sold over 400 ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS with the help of our amazing West Lake students. Books are still available until August 31. The cost per book is $30 and is filled with hundreds of dollars in savings for products & services.

  • Top Selling class per TRACK will win an Ice Cream Party!!!
  • Students that sell two books get a pull ticket to win a prize at lunch!
  • Top Selling student per GRADE will win a $100 gift card
  • Top Selling Student for the ENTIRE school will WIN a trip for 4 to the GREAT WOLF LODGE (this student is removed from the $100 gift card)

The profit from the sale will benefit the school through Programs, Technology Improvements, Cultural Arts, Student Recognition, Enrichment Clubs, Hospitality and much, much more.

The final day to turn in your books/orders is on August 31.

Booster Club – Athletics

Have you joined the WLMS Booster Club yet? $20.00 student memberships get you FREE admission to all home games and a cool t-shirt (family memberships are also available.) Hurry, fall sports games are starting in September. Check out our WLMS website under “Athletics” to print booster club forms Help us support our athletes at WLMS.Go Wildcats!

“Give With Target!”

The give with TargetFacebook promotion is now closed as they have reached their goal of 2.5 million dollars! Our school earned $75! Thanks to everyone who voted!!!!

Box Tops/Labels for Education

WLMS needs your Box Tops/Labels for Education UPC’s and Tyson Food Panels. Our team of counters has been kind of bored with not many box tops to count. Let’s get them busy and send in all your box tops this week! Make sure your name & “A” day first core class is written on the bag so your class will get credit. The top two classes in our contest are Earls & Ames class. Check out below to see how your class is doing.Who doesn’t want a class treat? Let’s turn in some box tops & labels. Contest ends 10/30.

Wild Cat News Page #1

Ames 200

Belles 199

Canfield 77

Cox, M 54

Earls 547

Panagi 17

Pearson 16

Rosa 90

Somma, Mrs. 31

Williams, S 45

Williams, T 9

Wild Cat News Page #1

Support Our Schools

Please check out the“Support Our Schools” page for EASY ways to donate $ to our school. It just takes a few minutes but can earn us some quick free money.

EARN CASH FOR YOUR SCHOOL – Re-link Your Shopping Cards - EASY AS 1-2-3!

Wild Cat News Page #1

Harris Teeter (#1146)

Kroger Plus (#80157)

Office Depot (#70060263)

Food Lion - call 1-800-210-9569

Target (#81037)

Wild Cat News Page #1

VIC Card Challenge

Announcing WLMS VIC Card Challenge…students, collect as many VIC card #’s as you can (from neighbors, family members, teachers, friends), turn them in to school (drop them in the Box Tops collection bin in the lobby). The class who turns in the MOST card #’s will win ice cream for the class.Make sure you include your name and 1st core “A” day written on your paper so your class gets credit. If you have already linked, it is okay, just send in your name & VIC card number or phone number so we can verify the link! We currently have 76 people linked to our school. We would like to have 500! See form below for information to include. Contest will end Sept. 30th!

Last Name / VIC card # / Phone #
Student Name / 1st core “A” day teacher

Newsletter Contact

Send me your news stories! Please advise myself and Student Recognitions f any special recognition for any of our students, student’s families, teachers or admin staff regardless of whether it is related to a WLMS activity or not! If you have information you would like included in the next newsletter, please contact Christiane Gram no later than the 20th of the month for inclusion in the following month’s newsletter. All submissions must be approved by PTSA Board.

Athletics Schedule

Bryth Painter-Misunas, Athletic Director -

Leah Williams, Sports Safety Tech –

HOME GAMES ARE IN MAROONTICKETS are $4.00 for every event (home & away)

ALL games begin at 4:00pm

FALL Season Tryouts begin August 27th


(5th Quarter 4:00pm/Regular Game 4:15pm)(5th quarter 4:00pm/Regular Game 4:15pm)