Initial Implementation Meeting
GPG Consulting Proposal For Abacoa Town Center
11:30 AM – Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Abacoa POA Offices, 1200 University Blvd., Jupiter, FL 33458
In Attendance:
- Peter Lippman, President, Abacoa Property Owners Assembly
- Richard Rendina, Director, Abacoa Property Owners Assembly
- Karen Marcus, Director, Abacoa Property Owners Assembly
- Beth Kelso,Executive Director, Abacoa Property Owners Assembly
- Karen Golonka, Mayor, Town of Jupiter
- Andy Lukasik, Town Manager, Town of Jupiter
- John Sickler, Director of Planning & Zoning, Town of Jupiter
- Josh Edwards, Asset Manager, Wells Fargo/Abacoa Town Center
- Wendy Hernandez, Abacoa Town Center Manager, Stiles Management
- Welcome & Introductions – Peter Lippman
- After all present had introduced themselves, Mr. Lippman thanked them for their interest and participation in the process ofdetermining an initial action plan to revitalize Abacoa’s Town Center bydrawing from the Robert Gibbs report and the group’s collective knowledge.
- Mr. Edwards opened the discussion by clarifying that Wells Fargo had taken ownership of the commercial units in Town Center Phase One – known as Abacoa Town Center – in April 2011. Mr. Edwards had assumed personal responsibility for this particular asset in December 2012. He indicated that Wells Fargo’s goal is to provide sufficient funds to make meaningful, yet cost effective improvements in order to elevate the value of the property to what it judges to be a suitable level in 18-24 months. Wells Fargo has recently hired a marketing and community relations specialist, Jackie Awve, to put together a complete program to change the image of Abacoa Town Center and accordinglyattractmore appropriate tenants and create a better draw to the center. It is alsoworking on revamping the leasing package and making a concerted effort to reduce overall costs.
- Mr. Lippman proposed signage as a critical goal:
- Mr. Edwards wanted to get a clear understanding of what is currently allowed and what steps need to be taken to get changes made. The Abacoa POA’s CAC as well as the Town of Jupiter would have to approve any proposed changes.
- Mayor Golonka suggested submitting a detailed sign plan of what is desired, regardless of the sign codes, and then we can work from there.
- Ms. Hernandez said she was aware of what the current approved sign plan is and would be submitting two separate corresponding proposals. One would relate to signs within the Town Center, which can be approved quickly and start to have an immediate effect. This initial plan would also contain additional changes to awnings, the color scheme, etc. The second sign plan would require coordination with the APOA and other entities within Abacoa to develop a master sign plan for the community.
- Ms. Kelso suggested putting a large monument sign for Town Center within the Main Street/ Central roundabout. This would allow for a listing of anchor tenants and announce the entrance to Town Center, clearly visible to all coming into our main entrance off Donald Ross. Landscaping could be trimmed as required.
- Mr. Sickler offered an innovative idea to the problem of people having difficulty finding Town Center after entering the roundabout. Have the right lane of northbound Central Blvd continue as now but have the left lane go straight through the roundabout with a stop sign at its far side. This way signage and road markings could show “straight” for Abacoa Town Center and “right” to continue on Central Blvd. The idea still has yet to be vetted through engineering.
- Ms. Hernandezassertedthat way-finding signs to help locate and identify parking garages are critical. She agrees with the idea of allowing each business to have unique-looking signs above their storefronts.
- Mr. Lippman introduced the topic of parking:
- Mr. Edwards said there wasn’t really anything practical that could be done to alleviate the parking issue, other than signage already discussed. Wells Fargo is not willing to fund the large expense of parking meters at this time. He agrees that because of the designated parking, parcel 27 would be a good location for an anchor. However, he indicated the likelihoodthat companies such as Trader Joe's, CVS, grocery stores, etc.would not be interested, as they require sites to be on major roadways. Mr. Edwards announced that Mike Carpenter, Stiles Leasing, was currently handling all inquiries and leasing for the Town Center.
- Wendy Hernandez stated that maintenance of the Town Center has improved now that communications between Stiles and Versa Management have improved.
- Mr. Lippman questioned the group as to possible funding sources:
- Karen Marcus said nothing was available through the county that she was aware of. In response to a question concerning impact fees, Director Marcus responded that thesecould only be used when a project increases capacity or safety, which doesn’t seem to apply here.
- Andy Lukasik was questioned about the prospect of the town floating bonds. He responded that usually the answer is "no" to private business but since this situation is a little different, if a good package is developed and the town is certain that the private partner will be there in the long run, it is open for discussion.
- Mr. Lippman introduced parking enforcement:
- Mr. Lippman said that while FAU police have the authority to enforce parking in Town Center, they are not incentivized to act. Also, Chief Kitzerow has stated he hesitates to have non-officers issue tickets – citing safety concerns. Mr. Lippman asserted that many other municipalities use “meter readers” or other such personnel for this purpose. Also, that there is no town code precluding this type of effort. Mr. Lukasik said he’d follow up with the Chief on his reasoning.
- Ms. Hernandez said she had found that 20 parking meters would cost about $160,000.
- Mayor Golonka said the key in either case was better parking enforcement.
- Mr. Lippman questioned what changes to the storefronts were desirable:
- Mr. Sickler said the town would be open to the idea of allowing the signage above each storefront to be unique and better represent the business within. However, this would have to be done across the board and not just by one or two businesses.
- Ms. Hernandez suggested that in live-work sectors, painting the businesses on the bottom floor a different color than the upper residential floors might make the businesses more apparent.
- Mr. Edward stated Wells Fargo primary goals:
- Initiate a new sign plan both within Town Center as well as on the perimeter roads of Abacoa to direct traffic to the Town Center.
- Initiate a targeted marketing strategy and a robust programming schedule via their new marketing specialist, Jackie Awve.
- Renovate and put professional window coverings on the vacant bays. Mr. Edwards asked whether these window coverings could be backlit to make the bays look active and Mr. Sickler indicated that would be acceptable.
- Provide more tenant improvement funds.
- They are open to the idea of an interactive fountain. Wells Fargo could not pay for the full cost, but would be open to sharing it with others.
- Wants to increase the daytime traffic and overall perception of the Town Center. Attractive tenants such as an ice cream store, gym or other children’s activities are being sought. Raymond James stockbrokers and a Cuban restaurant are already confirmed new tenants.
- Other ideas brought up as desirable:
- Closer relationship with FAU/Scripps and Max Planck Florida to develop such programs as a science fair in the Amphitheatre and a discount program for their employees.
- Flatten out the theatre green and add an interactive fountain.
- Remove the grass and put in a hard surface to allow for a larger range of events.
- Add a coffee/ice cream shop in the space behind the Amphitheatre.
- Mr. Edwards asked who the two point people would be for the Abacoa POA and the Town of Jupiter. It was decidedthat Beth Kelso would act for the Abacoa POA and both John Sickler and Scott Thatcher for the Town of Jupiter.
- Mr. Sickler ended the session repeatinga significant question posed within the Gibbs report: What do we want the Town Center to be? Downsize to 30,000 square feet with no anchor or remain at 92,000 square feet and focus on attaining an anchor? It was the general consensus to work towards the latter.
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