Induction in Catholic aspects of school life

Use one of these forms each term as an on-going record to assess how far the NQT is progressing towards each aspect. Please add to the Professional Development Plan and refer to them in the termly assessment forms.The expectation is that, by the end of the NQT’s Induction year, they will have exceeded expectations in all aspects.

Progress key: No- no evidence / W- working towards the aspect / M- meeting the aspect / E- exceeding the aspect

NQT: ______Induction Tutor: ______

Aspect / Possible questions/activities / Evidence / Progress / Date and Signature
1. The Distinctive nature of the Catholic school A teacher should be able to:
·  talk about ways in which the Catholic nature of their school differs from other types of school, and explain the reasons for these differences. / Why did you choose to teach in a Catholic school?
Attend Diocesan Training day.
Write a short paragraph explaining what you think is distinctive about a Catholic school and give examples.
·  demonstrate how they contribute to the implementation of the school’s mission statement / What does mission mean? Explain the mission statement for their school and how this understood and demonstrated by children in their class.
·  explain the responsibilities of home, school and parish in the education of children, and be able to discuss ways in which the school is continuing to develop links between them / What links might you expect to find between the school, the home and the parish?
Which parishes are part of your school community?
Introduce yourself to the parish priest(s) and try to attend mass at churches in the school’s pastoral area.
Aspect / Possible Questions / Evidence / Progress / Date and Signature
2. Provision for spiritual and moral development across the curriculum
A teacher should be able to:
·  show how their teaching methods encourage their pupils to ask appropriate questions and take responsibility for their own learning as part of the search for the ultimate truth. / How do your values and attitudes influence and affect the children in your class?
How can the way you assess encourage or discourage children?
·  demonstrate an understanding of their responsibility to enable pupils to have confidence in themselves, others and God. / How do you help pupils to recognise God in one another?
Which Christian values help to create a positive learning environment?
How may PSHE in a Catholic school contribute to the development of the faith lives of pupils?
Aspect / Possible questions to discuss/ activities / Evidence / Progress / Date and Signature
3. Curriculum religious education in a Catholic school
A teacher should be able to:
·  explain the reasons for the status, time allocation and resourcing for RE / Why is RE a core subject in a Catholic school?
·  demonstrate a working knowledge of the God matters Scheme of Work / What do you know about the RE Curriculum Directory?
Study the God Matters Scheme of Work for your year group. Work with the RE leader to improve your understanding. How can you make RE lessons more creative?
Plan the Creation topic with him/ her.
RE leader to observe a lesson in the Autumn term.
Add development points to your Professional Development Plan.
Attend Diocesan training day.
·  begin to assess children’s understanding using Diocesan guidelines and levels / Look at the ‘Levels of Attainment in RE in Catholic Schools’ (Bishops’ Conference document) and the levels from the Diocese.
What are the ‘key driver’ words at each level?
With the RE leader level some children’s work from the Prayers, Saints and Feasts topic?
Aspect / Possible questions/ Activities / Evidence / Progress / Date and Signature
4. Worship in the Catholic school
A teacher should be able to:
·  deliver an appropriate act of worship suitable to the age range and needs of the class / What are the key elements of an act of worship?
How do you prepare for an act of worship?
How do you evaluate acts of worship?
Observe a more experienced teacher delivering an act of worship.
Attend the Diocesan Training day.
Once you are ready ask the RE leader/ Headteacher to observe you delivering an act of worship
·  explain the importance of the celebration of the Eucharist to Catholics / How does mass differ from a liturgy?
What are the key aspects?
Aspect / Possible questions/ activities / Evidence / Progress / Date and Signature
5. The teaching of the Catholic Church
A teacher should be able to:
·  demonstrate progress over the course of the induction, in their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Church and its teaching / Belief
What do Catholics believe?
Write a short paragraph about this. Look at the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Compendium.
What are the seven sacraments?
Write about each one- what is their significance? How would you teach them?
Liturgical Year
What is this? Whichcolours are important? What are the main celebrations of the year? How would you teach this?
Moral and Social teaching of the Church
What do you know about these?
Church structure
What is the role of the priest/ bishop/ laity / deacon/Pope?
Write about this.