

………………………………………………………………… Postcode: ………………………………..

Your phone number ……………………………………………………………………………………….

To get help from the Council you must

  • Own the property that you want help with repairs for; and
  • Live in the property; and
  • Be on a low income or getting certain benefits.

We will ignore any savings that you have under £6,000 when we assess whether you can get any help. Savings include investments and properties that you do not live in.

To find out if we may be able to help you with repairs, please answer these questions and send the form to the address at the end

1.Do you own the property you would like help with?YesNo

2.Do you live in the property?YesNo

3.Do you get any of these benefits– please tick which onesYesNo

Council Tax Reduction /  / Income Related Jobseekers Allowance / 
Working Tax Credit /  / Pension Credit Guaranteed / 
Universal Credit /  / Employment and Support Allowance Income-related / 
Income Support / 

4.Is your household’s gross income less than £25,000 a year? YesNo

Gross income is the money you get before paying tax and National

Insurance. It also includes any benefits you get.

5.Do you have more than £6,000 in savings?YesNo

6.Has the Council given any help with repairs to your property YesNo

in the last10 years – even if you did not own it at the time? This

does not include any help with disabledadaptations.

7.Is your house less than 10 years old?YesNo

8.Do you owe Council Tax any money other than this year’s bill?YesNo

9.Would you describe yourself as:

 English
 Scottish
 Welsh
 Irish
 Any Other White /  Black or Black British /  Caribbean
 African
 Any other Black
 White and Black Caribbean
 White and Black African
 White and Asian
 Any other mixed /  Other ethnic groups /  Chinese
 Any other ethnic group
 Indian
 Pakistani
 Bangladeshi
 Kashmiri
 Any other Asian /  Not stated /  Not stated

I consent that, as part of the Council’s condition in accepting my enquiry, my name, address and contact details will be passed to the Council’s appointed Financial Assessor and that they may release details of any financial assessment made to the Council.

Signature: ……………………………………..………. Date: …………………

Please return the completed form to:

Housing Support Team

Housing Service

Economy & Development

8th Floor, Margaret McMillan Tower

Princes Way



Version 3.2