Ides of March Certamen

Round 1

1. What kind of number is quintus?Cardinal

Bonus 1: What is the other kind of number?Ordinal

Bonus 2: How many days is it to November 13th in this phrase? VI a.d. Idibus Novembribus 5

2. What kind of event is a connubium?Wedding

Bonus 1: What kind of tunic did the bride wear at one?Tunica Recta

Bonus 2: Who was the goddess of marriage?Juno

3. Translate this sentence: Tullia dixit paucis nautarum veniret. Tullia said she has seen enough sailors.

Bonus 1: What kind of construction is paucis nautarum?Partitive Genitive

Bonus 2: Whose beloved daughter was named Tullia?Cicero

4. According to Caesar, Gaul as a whole is divided into _____ parts.Three

Bonus 1: Give the Latin and English of the name of the book this starts De Bello Gallico

Bonus 2: Name Caesar’s book about the civil war. De Bello Civile

5. How many muses were there?Nine

Bonus 1: Who was their father?Jupiter

Bonus 2: What was Clio the muse of?History

6. Follow this command: Sta et dic tuum nominum.Player should stand and say their name.

Bonus 1: What kind of verb is sta? Pres. Act. Imperative

Bonus 2: Give the plural of dic.Dicite

7. Who guarded the entrance of Tartarus?Cerberus

Bonus 1: How many heads did Cerberus have?Three

Bonus 2: Who reigned over the underworld?Pluto and Persephone

8. Who was part of the First Triumvirate? Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus

Bonus 1: Who was the richest member of the group?Crassus

Bonus 2: Who was decapitated?Pompey

9. Give the first part of a Roman name.Praenomen

Bonus 1: Now the third part.Cognomen

Bonus 2: Give the full name of Cicero.Marcus Tullius Cicero

10. From what Latin word do we get the English word binoculars?Oculus – eye

Bonus 1: What fruit gets its name for the Latin for gold?Orange

Bonus 2: What metal’s name does plumber come from?Lead

Round 2

1. What current city would the Romans call Lugdonum?London

Bonus 1: What city did they call Aquae Sulis?Bath, England

Bonus 2: What country did they call Helvetia?Switzerland

2. What is the meter of The Aeneid? Dactylic Hexameter

Bonus 1: Give the cognomen of the man who wrote that work.Maro

Bonus 2: Who wrote the Metamorphoses?Ovid

3. Who would wear a bulla and a toga praetexta?Noble Roman boys

Bonus 1: Who else wore that toga?Senators

Bonus 2: What was the Romans’ basic garment?Tunica

4. Deianeira gave her husband a robe doused with the blood of whom?Nessus

Bonus 1: What did she think the blood was?Love potion

Bonus 2: Who was her husband?Hercules

5. Whose grandsons were Romulus and Remus?Numitor

Bonus 1: Who was their mother?Rhea Silvia

Bonus 2: Where did she live?Alba Longa

6. What movie would the Romans call: “O frater, ubi es?” O Brother, Where Art Thou

Bonus 1: What case is frater?Vocative

Bonus 2: What epic was this movie based on?The Odyssey

7. Who ruled the sea before Neptune?Nereus

Bonus 1: What was Neptune’s favorite animal?Horse

Bonus 2: Who was Neptune’s wife?Amphrite

8. Where was Apollo’s oracle?Delphi

Bonus 1: Where were the sacred trees of Jupiter?Dodona

Bonus 2: What blind seer was turned into a woman?Tiresias

9. Conjugate the verb Iubeo, Iubere… in the 2nd person plural future perfect active. Iussi Eritis

Bonus 1: Now make it singular.Iussus Eris

Bonus 2: Now make that pluperfectIussus Eras

10. How many conjugations are there?Four

Bonus 1: How many declensions are there?Five

Bonus 2: What is the ablative singular ending of a fourth declension noun? -u

Round 3

1. Who argued against Verres in the case Ad Verrem?Cicero

Bonus 1: How many orations against Catiline did Cicero deliver?Four

Bonus 2: How many speeches were delivered against Antony?14

2. Who were the members of the Second Triumvirate? Antony, Octavian and Lepidus

Bonus 1: Whose mistress was Cleopatra?Antony

Bonus 2: Who was Cleopatra’s brother?Ptolemy

3. What is the use of the dative in this sentence? Venit praesidio urbi Double Dative

Bonus 1: Translate that sentence.He came as a protection for the city

Bonus 2: What is the dative of reference in that sentence?Urbi

4. Who was Rome’s second king?Numa

Bonus 1: What was the name of the nymph he was said to have consulted? Egeria

Bonus 2: Who was Rome’s last king?Tarquinius Superbus

5. Who was the cupbearer of the gods?Ganymede

Bonus 1: From what city was he?Troy

Bonus 2: Who was Troy’s greatest fighter?Hector

6. Who was Agamemnon’s wife who killed him?Clymnestra

Bonus 1: Who was his son who killed her?Orestes

Bonus 2: Who was Antigone’s father/brother?Oedipus

7. What kind of participle is a verb’s 4th principal part?Perfect Passive

Bonus 1: What stem is the 3rd principal part?Perfect

Bonus 2: What infinitive is the 2nd principal part?Present Active

8. Who was born of the sea foam?Venus

Bonus 1: Who sprung from Jupiter’s head?Minerva

Bonus 2: Name one thing Diana was the goddess of.Hunt or moon

9. Give Cicero’s full name.Marcus Tullius Cicero

Bonus 1: Now Vergil’s Publius Vergilius Maro

Bonus 2: And finally Ovid’s. Publius Ovidius Naso

10. When was Rome said to be founded?753 BC

Bonus 1: How many kings did Rome have?7

Bonus 2: Who was Rome’s first consul who fought Aruns?Brutus