Minutes of the
April 30, 2015 SPECIAL Meeting
Chairman Douglas Glazier called the special meeting of April 30, 2015, to order at 6:50 P.M.
Board Members Present: Douglas Glazier, Chairman
Cornelius O’Leary
Sandra Ferrari
Michael Ciarcia
Paul Harrington
Stephan Brown, Jr.
Norman Boucher
Board Members Absent: None
Also in Attendance: Catherine Cabral, Finance Director
Steven Wawruck, First Selectman
Elizabeth Duffy, Assessor
There was none.
Elizabeth Duffy, Assessor, was present for discussion with the Board.
Chairman Glazier began by asking Ms. Duffy for an explanation of why the large decrease in the Grand List.
Ms. Duffy stated that in the town she previously served, she would present the Grand List in late January or February. She stated she can assist in projecting adjustments to the M13, which is the basis for most towns to create their mil rate.
Ms. Duffy then stated in March she presented to the Board the Grand List and her recommendations for adjustments based on the town’s history.
Michael Ciarcia stated the document which was given to us this evening is a very good comparison of the last few years. He then stated to Ms. Duffy that she has shown that historically there is a $30 to $40 million decrease each year for the past five years. He then asked why this is the first year the Board of Finance must make adjustments to the budget after the Public Hearing.
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First Selectman Wawruck stated that last year was the first year the Board used the M13 figures, and again this year. He then stated usually the Board used the January Grand List figures. He stated the Chairman revised the budget last year before the Town Meeting.
Catherine Cabral stated last year the figure the Board received was not the Grand List filed in the Town Clerk’s Office. The figure the Board used each year was $30 million less than the Grand List. She stated Donna Murphy would adjust the Grand List figures accordingly in anticipation of the adjustments for the Board of Finance. She stated there were no adjustments built into this year’s figures, which the Board was unaware of.
The Board then discussed the decrease in rental cars and the various rental car companies. Paul Harrington inquired about doing an audit. Ms. Duffy stated that is very difficult, since the vehicles move to various locations. The Board then discussed the number of rental vehicles in the years 2011, 2012 and 2013.
First Selectman Wawruck stated the total number of vehicles in town in 2012 was 21,966, in 2013 there were 23,131, and in 2014 there were 19,610.
After brief further discussion, Chairman Glazier asked the Board for any further questions. There were none.
Chairman Glazier began by stating we have a new budget in front of us, which reflects a proposed mil rate of 26.80, a 0.57 increase over the current fiscal year, and a 0.24 increase over our previous proposed budget. He stated we have reduced the budget by $410,000, which is considerable. He then stated the proposed budget is now lower than the current fiscal year budget by $859,000. He stated we have a total of $45,387,538, and then adding in the Unassigned Fund Balance, a total of $46,426,108, with a mil rate of 26.80.
Michael Ciarcia stated he feels there is still room to make further cuts without impacting any personnel or services. Chairman Glazier asked for suggestions. Mr. Ciarcia stated the 2% raises for non-union personnel. Cornelius O’Leary stated next year will be a tougher year and we will most likely not be able to give raises next year. He stated that would be two years without an increase. He stated there is also a cost when losing employees.
The Board continued discussion regarding the raises for non-union personnel. First Selectman Wawruck stated you are penalizing the non-union people. He stated union employees will receive their raises. He then stated if the Board continues to cut expenses
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it will affect the quality of life in town, since we will not be able to keep the level of service we have now.
Chairman Glazier briefly reviewed the mil rate and the increase on an average home. Norman Boucher stated it is the Board’s job to assure we are spending money as wisely as possible.
Town Resident Sebastian Garofalo asked the Board for permission to speak. He stated he questions the reduction in rental vehicles, since there are parking lots full of rental vehicles, with every license plate but Connecticut. He then stated we have a large international airport, and rental vehicles are being reduced, this doesn’t sit well. He asked if an audit could be done.
Town Resident William Rousseau stated he understands that there was a problem with accounting and the calculation of the tax revenue. He then stated he feels there is room in the budget for additional cuts. He also stated that we are losing jobs and companies are not hiring.
Chairman Glazier stated the Assessor can only report the facts. He also stated she is a certified assessor. Cornelius O’Leary stated Ms. Duffy did alert the Board of the likely decrease. He then stated the previous Assessor made the adjustments and presented the figure to the Board. Ms. Duffy was not aware that this was the procedure and did not adjust the figure.
The Board briefly discussed the equipment change-over for new police cruisers in the police budget. The Board agreed since the police department will not be purchasing any new cruisers, to reduce the police budget by $3,500.00 for the equipment change-over.
Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to reduce the Police budget by $3,500.00 for the equipment change-over. Sandra Ferrari seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.
Chairman Glazier asked if there are any further suggestions regarding cuts.
After brief further discussion Michael Ciarcia made a motion to cut approximately $32,000, which represents the salary increases for the non-union personnel. Paul Harrington seconded the motion. The vote was two in favor, and three opposed. The motion failed. Sandra Ferrari abstained from voting on this matter.
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Chairman Glazier stated he feels the Budget cannot be reduced any further and he stated the Board did a great job. He then stated we need to vote on this adjusted budget.
Chairman Glazier stated the total budget is now at $45,384,038. The mil rate is now at 26.79.
Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to approve the budget at $45,384,038, with a mil rate of 26.79. Sandra Ferrari seconded the motion. The vote was four in favor, and two opposed. The motion passed.
Chairman Glazier stated this is the budget which will go to the Public Hearing on May 5, 2015.
Sandra Ferrari suggested the Board meet immediately following the Public Hearing to finalize the budget. The posted agenda will reflect a meeting immediately following the Public Hearing.
There was none.
A Town Resident questioned why there were no reductions to the Board of Education Budget. First Selectman Wawruck stated it is State Law that the BOE budget not be reduced any lower than the previous budget. The Board of Education presented a zero increase budget.
A motion was made by Stephan Brown, seconded by Paul Harrington, to adjourn. The vote was unanimous and the meeting stood adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda A. Kuchta
Recording Secretary