City Name: Vatten Losa
The Alternative School for Math and Science, Corning, NY
Vatten Losa, a city of 576,982 people, is located along the Rouge River, 25 miles west of Detroit, Michigan. It is 162 years old and has been thriving since the area began its revitalization in 2012. Once a heavily polluted industrial region, Vatten Losa is now a pristine haven for sustainable living. This city boasts many unique features, including parks connected by running tracks with fitness stations, a vertical mag-lev carousel, and a solar-heated fountain with water filtered by carbon nanotubes. Citizens also enjoy ice skating and many hover-water sports.
VattenLosa’s economy has been booming since the automobile industry was repurposed to manufacture hover-pods. These self-driving single or mass transit vehicles are sold throughout the United States, and exported worldwide. They travel over land and water, and are programmed to circumvent heavy traffic. In addition to charging the hover-pods as they travel, solar roads store their excess energy in super capacitors. Another innovative industry in Vatten Losa is ProGro Farms located in the center of our city. All fresh produce is grown indoors, using 90% less water than traditional farming and eliminating the need for pesticides. Since food is grown indoors, runoff pollution from fertilizers and pesticides is non-existent. Plants rely solely on red and blue LED lights for photosynthesis. When plants reach peak growth, the produce is harvested and brought to VattenCity Market, located on the first floor of ProGro Farms, where it is sold fresh, leaving no carbon footprint.
Vatten Losa has a strong culture of conservation and sustainability. Inside all buildings, waste is separated and sent via pneumatic tubes to a central collection center for recycling, and to produce methane from biomass. Local animal farms collect waste daily to convert methane into electricity. All plastics are corn-based and completely compostable. Porous pavement replaces traditional asphalt and concrete, to control runoff. Sedum roofs collect and filter rainwater to be used inside buildings. Energy is derived from the use of solar-chip embedded paint, and windows containing 3-D carbon nanotube photovoltaic systems, to ensure all buildings are completely self-sustaining.
Advanced public services cater to all residents of Vatten Losa. Programmable wristwatches with GPS capabilities are available for all citizens, enabling emergency services to respond quickly and accurately. Healthcare is innovative and proactive in Vatten Losa. Newborns are genetically tested to identify potentially challenging healthcare issues. Homes are equipped with inexpensive, handheld body scanners which transmit images to health professionals to aid in diagnoses and reduce guesswork. Medications are customized for each individual, to reduce negative side effects. Education is also innovative in Vatten Losa. Everyone is eligible for free online training at home, or at the University. Computers analyze students’ performance to detect gaps in understanding, and develop individualized plans accordingly. The University and many businesses offer holographic teleconferencing for worldwide participation in group projects.
Many people have been drawn to this vibrant city and now call Vatten Losa home. Come and visit our city for a week, a month, or a lifetime.
Word count: 494 words