Muscle Strength Testing
There is a very simple muscle strength test that is used by some people to determine whether items are harmful or beneficial to their systems. The test is based on the principle that beneficial influences make you strong and harmful influences sap your energy.
For purposes of this illustration we will focus on arm testing food items that might reduce your energy – which will tell you that the items being tested are, or are not, allergens, poisonous, or simply not good for you. If a person being tested (the subject) can hold a food item in his hand while maintaining good (strong) muscle strength, he will have demonstrated that the food item in hand does not have a negative effect on him. If holding the food item causes the subject to become weak, the food item’s negative effect will have been demonstrated.
1) Establish your basic strength. Stretch one arm out in front of you. Have another person (the tester) lay two fingers on the wrist of that arm and try to force it down. If there is nothing harmful in your immediate environment, you will be able to hold your arm up against the downward push. The neutrality of your immediate environment should be established before continuing.
2) Hold the object being questioned in the palm of one hand while stretching the opposite arm straight out in front of you.
3) Have the tester apply firm but not excessive downward pressure to the outstretched arm while you try to resist that pressure. If the object is harmful to you, you will not be able to hold up your arm against the tester’s pressure. If your arm falls, your lack of strength demonstrates the object’s negative effect.
Again, if you are able to hold your arm up against the tester’s downward push, you will have demonstrated you strength—your strong energy; and you can conclude that the object being tested is not harmful to you. If you are not able to hold your arm up against the tester’s downward push, you will have demonstrated your weakness—your weak energy; and you can conclude that the object being tested is harmful to you.
This sounds simple, and it is simple, but almost no one can work the system without practice. Try it. Find a friend to be your tester. Explain what has to be done. Take the first object you want tested in one hand, hold out your opposite arm, and ask your friend to push down on your extended arm while you hold up against the push. Repeat this for a variety of objects until it begins to work for you.
Rules for muscle strength testing for “safe” food
Hold the object to be tested in the palm of one hand, or place the object to be tested in a small glass jar and hold the jar. Since you might react negatively to plastic or paper, use only clean, well rinsed, glass to hold an object being tested.
Focus on what you are doing. We mentioned above that test results can be invalidated by contaminating the object being tested with potentially toxic extraneous material such as plastic. Similarly, test results can be invalidated by contaminating the procedure with thoughts of extraneous toxic material. If you are distracted by TV, people talking, or even your own thoughts on some relevant or irrelevant matter, muscle strength testing may not work for you. If you are anxious, depressed, or in poor health, muscle strength testing may not work for you.
Let me say this another way. Muscle strength testing provides information about the effects that energy fields in your environment have on your body. If the energy associated with MSG is harmful (to you) when you come into contact with MSG, your body (your energy) will respond by becoming weak. If MSG is not harmful (to you), your body’s energy will remain strong. Since negative thinking on your part will create negative energy in the environment, your negative thinking, or your negative feeling, may cause your body energy to become weak and, therefore, invalidate your test results.
For reliable results, you need to focus on one of two options: "This is good for my body” or “This is not good for my body." If you stray from your focus the method becomes unreliable.
Clearly, the intent of the muscle strength testing is to determine whether or not an object is harmful to the person being tested. Whether the intent is verbalized or not does not matter.
It has been suggested that people are strongest when wearing natural fabrics like cotton, wool, and linen, and are weakest when wearing synthetic materials. Various fragrances also influence the strength in one direction or the other, with synthetic fragrances and those derived from poisonous plants always being suspect. It has also been suggested that digital watches sap strength whereas analog watches do not affect it.
Some people say that it is necessary to remove metal objects such as necklaces and eyeglass frames from the body midline of the subject being tested; and remove watches (especially quartz watches), bracelet(s), and other jewelry from the testing arm. Rings and earrings are generally OK. Do not hold eyeglasses, watches, etc. Remove hats and scarves, because synthetic materials on top of the head make everybody go weak. Failure to remove these items distorts the body's energy field, causing erroneous results.
Learn more about muscle strength testing
A great deal has been written about muscle strength testing. It is used widely by chiropractors for a great deal more than testing for the safety of food and other objects. You will find interesting discussion at where the following references are given:
- Diamond, John, M.D., Your Body Doesn’t Lie (Illustrated book on techniques of muscle testing)
- Hawkins, David, M.D., Power vs. Force (Discussion of philosophical issues arising from muscle testing and this technique’s transformative potential for society)
- Levy, Susan, D.C., Your Body Can Talk (Illustrated book on techniques of muscle testing)
-Thie, John, D.C., Touch for Health (Illustrated book on techniques of muscle testing)